I asked my fiance to take a lie detector test to show he didn’t murder his wife… but it proved he was the killer

  • Debbie Garlick wanted to save her baby’s father from a miscarriage of justice… instead she discovered the horrifying truth

Angella Johnson

Last updated at 12:52 AM on 8th January 2012

Engaged to a murderer: Debbie Garlick was horrified to discover Adrian Prout was a killer

Engaged to a murderer: Debbie Garlick was horrified to discover Adrian Prout was a killer

It was the nauseating moment Debbie Garlick realised the man she planned to marry, the father of her baby daughter, was a cold and calculating murderer.

Sitting in the overheated visitors’ room at Rye Hill Prison in Warwickshire, Debbie tentatively posed the one question she hadn’t dare ask in the four years since meeting him.

She looked across the table at her fiance Adrian Prout and, heart palpitating, said: ‘If you have done something to her we need to know, so that her family can give her a proper burial.’

Despite his constant denials and no body ever being found, Prout was serving a life sentence for the murder of his wife Kate. Debbie dreaded the answer because, until that moment, she’d had total faith in the man she had grown to love and had campaigned ferociously to have released.

Prout, a 49-year-old businessman, stared at her coolly and answered quietly: ‘She’s had one.’

In that short, callous statement, just two months ago, Debbie’s hopes and dreams for the future came crashing down around her.

‘My stomach turned over,’ she says. ‘I felt hot and started shaking uncontrollably. I realised then that  everything we had been building together was a lie, along with every word he had ever told me.’

Debbie, 41, went straight to the police and within eight days they had discovered Kate’s body in a shallow grave where the calculating Prout had buried the attractive retired school teacher under the cover of darkness.

For four years, Prout had never changed his sob story. He claimed that Kate had stormed out of the marital home on Bonfire Night in 2007 to ‘wind him up’ after a series of rows and just disappeared. A jury, however, found him guilty of murder in 2010, after the prosecution read out damning passages from her diary.

Debbie, who met Prout a month after Kate’s disappearance, stubbornly refused to believe he was responsible for such a heinous crime, insisting he was the victim of a miscarriage of justice. But suddenly, the horrific truth was there and she had to face it.

‘At first, I could not believe this person I had fallen in love with had killed and buried someone. He looked – was – so normal; so believable. Yet it was as if, in the blink of an eye, he became a different person. I looked at him and thought, “You disgust me.” ’

Prout began his chilling confession there and then. He told Debbie there had been an argument and in a fit of rage he had strangled his wife. He then went to the local pub, had several drinks and went back to their 276-acre farm in Redmarley, a village outside Gloucester, and buried her.

Today, Debbie still finds it hard to express the feelings that swamped her when Prout confessed – her emotions were ‘all over the place’.

We meet in a hotel not far from the home in Gloucestershire where she lives with Evie, the two-year-old daughter she had with Prout, and her two older children from a previous relationship.

Despite an air of vulnerability and unworldliness, Debbie is an articulate woman with firm moral convictions who would never balk at doing the right thing – even at the expense of her own happiness. So when Prout confessed, she told him in no uncertain terms she would be passing the information to the police.

‘There was no way I would ever cover up something like that,’ she says. ‘Sometimes I feel like such a fool for taking him on blind faith, but I’m not the only one. My entire family, his family, friends and everyone in the village where he lived, believed him. He was such a nice guy.

Fleeting happiness: Debbie pictured with Prout and their newborn daughter Evie just a week before his trial

Fleeting happiness: Debbie pictured with Prout and their newborn daughter Evie just a week before his trial

‘Even after he failed a lie detector test I arranged for him to have in prison three months before he admitted his guilt, I still held on to the slim chance that it might have been faulty – because he kept insisting he was innocent.

‘But I see now he’s a cold and calculating man. What he did was pure evil and I can never forgive him, even as I find it hard to turn off my feelings for him. But I keep reminding myself that he is not the man he made me believe he was. He’s put a lot of people – especially Kate’s family – through hell.’

Prout has never expressed any real signs of remorse or regret. In a recent letter to Debbie, who has told him their relationship is over, he described his crime as ‘the only mistake I’ve made in 49 years’.

Kate Prout was 55 when she was last seen on November 5, 2007. Prout did not contact police until five days later, after prompting from his brother-in-law. Officers mounted a massive search of the couple’s home and surrounding area. They drew a blank and no significant forensic evidence was ever found.

‘I just looked at him and thought: You disgust me’ 


And yet Kate had vanished in suspicious circumstances without taking clothes, valuables, money or a car.

Prout, a balding, rugged, not
unattractive man, was initially arrested on suspicion of murder but
released without charge within the month. Debbie met him that December
at her local pub in Staunton, Gloucestershire.

whose previous long-term partner died of cancer in 2005, was surely
taking a big risk when she started a romance with a man who was the main
police suspect in the mysterious disappearance of his estranged wife.
Yet Debbie does not remember it that way.

says: ‘He came in with a couple of people I know and we all got to
talking. I knew he was from the next village where a woman had gone
missing, but I didn’t know he was connected until he told me at the end
of the evening. We got on well and I found him very attractive. He was
with  people I knew and liked. We all saw no reason to doubt his version
of events.

‘We met again when I was helping out
at the pub. He invited me to his daughter Julie’s 18th birthday party at
the farm and a couple of weeks later put  a note through my door asking
if  I wanted to go for a chat some time.’

had their first proper date the following day, in Burford Wildlife
Park. It was, she recalls, very romantic – he brought a picnic and
afterwards they walked hand in hand.

Tainted vows: Prout with Kate, the wife he was to murder, on their wedding day in 2000

Tainted vows: Prout with Kate, the wife he was to murder, on their wedding day in 2000

‘He was charming, quiet, polite and very kind,’ says Debbie. ‘I introduced him to my family and they loved him. I never saw any signs of temper; we didn’t even row.’

There was, however, one incident at a party where he became belligerent with a man who he thought was showing Debbie too much attention. She put it down to alcohol and ‘because he loved me’. Now, she wonders if he had fought hard to hide his dark side from her.

‘I suppose he had to be calm around me and other people or we might be suspicious,’ she speculates.

When police announced in January 2009 that Prout was no longer a  suspect, he asked Debbie to live with him. ‘I moved in, in February,’ she says. ‘But I was nervous because I kept expecting Kate to turn up.  I honestly thought she had just run off and was trying to punish him.’

Three weeks later, officers stormed into the house at 7.30am and arrested Prout. New evidence had been unearthed in the form of Kate’s diary, which police found in her car.

In the diary Kate had detailed her unhappy and increasingly violent relationship with Prout.

Debbie was convinced he was being persecuted by police and stood by him. ‘I was outraged. They were basing the murder charge on comments made in her diaries, but for all I knew it could have been a set-up,’ she says.

Debbie won bail for Prout after four weeks and they became engaged; a month later, she discovered she was pregnant. ‘We were both delighted. Now I wonder if he was just using me to create this picture of a happy family man,’ Debbie says. ‘I never questioned his innocence – he even fooled one of Kate’s brothers for a time. I just saw this lovely man who was being treated badly by his wife and the police.

‘Many of his friends felt the same and testified on his behalf in court. But the jury obviously saw through his lies and fair play to them.’

Of course, Debbie – who had her baby induced a week early before the trial in Bristol – was devastated by the jury’s ten-to-one majority verdict.

But in truth, Kate’s diary, which detailed a violent marriage in meltdown, was compelling. The retired teacher had wanted a divorce and upped her demand for her share of the farm’s then-valuation of £1.2 million from £600,000 to £800,000 the day before she disappeared.

‘He wanted to tell me where her body was’ 


The jury at Bristol Crown Court heard about the couple’s disintegrating marriage. By 2006, Kate would often stay with friends after arguing with her husband. Prout, who organised commercial shoots and ran a pipe-laying firm, used this as his excuse for her absence.

In jail, Prout became emboldened by his lies, especially as he appeared to have convinced a large number  of people of his innocence. Debbie launched a nationwide campaign to try to find the missing wife.

‘I put up a £10,000 reward and there were a few sightings – including one in Ireland. So we sent people over there to investigate – but it was, of course, a false lead.’

She set up an internet petition, attracting more than 1,000 names, and had plans to lobby MPs, the Prime Minister and the Queen.

‘I was determined to do everything to get him out and was convinced  I would succeed,’ says Debbie, shuddering with the realisation that her trust and perseverance might eventually have freed a murderer.

It was this very determination – combined with Prout’s arrogance – that led to the polygraph test. It took Debbie a year to get permission from the prison authorities, after she had persuaded him it would help the campaign.

‘I told him I would stand by him if he told the truth, but I saw it as a formality,’ she says. ‘In fact, I planned to marry him in jail afterwards.’

United front: Debbie leaving Bristol Crown Court with Prout, where he stood trial for murder

United front: Debbie leaving Bristol Crown Court with Prout, where he stood trial for murder

But Don Cargill, chairman of the British and European Polygraphy Association, who conducted the test, reported Prout had failed four of the ten questions while his heart rate, blood pressure, sweat and breathing patterns were monitored.

They were: Did you kill Kate Prout  or arrange for another to murder her? Were you directly responsible for the disappearance of Kate Prout? Did you arrange for anyone to abduct or harm Kate Prout? Are you aware of the whereabouts of Kate Prout’s body?

Prout’s emphatic no registered against him on the machine.

Mr Cargill later said: ‘I told him that according to my tests, he was clearly a murderer. But he only smiled in what was one of the most surreal and chilling experiences of my life.’

Yet Debbie was still uncertain: ‘Even after Mr Cargill called and told me Adrian was a liar and a killer, I could not entirely believe it. I saw him in jail the same week and he swore on our baby’s life that he was telling the truth.’

Her parents, who had often visited Prout and wrote him letters, now refused to have any more contact with him. But Debbie continued her weekly visits.

‘My feelings were all over the place and after the first conversation with him about the test, we never mentioned it again,’ she says.

Looking back, she realises that, after the test, he never again proclaimed his innocence to her and yet he still did not formally confess to anyone. Debbie closed down her campaign and told anyone who asked that he had failed the test.

As she concentrated on packing up the farm, which was put up for sale, she put her doubts to one side.

The truth came out unexpectedly during that visit three months after the test when Prout asked why her parents had not responded to his  letters. It was the opening for  Debbie to pose the question weighing so heavily on her mind.

‘I wanted to know for my own peace of mind and also for Kate’s family,’ she says. ‘I kept thinking if someone had murdered my sister,  I would want to know. His answer shattered me. I wanted to hit him.

‘He wanted to tell me where the body was buried. But I told him to save it for the police. I cried all the way home, then called the police.’

When Debbie’s 18-year-old daughter Jade later asked Prout why he took the test, he simply shrugged and said: ‘I thought I could beat it.’

The gamble failed and led to him revealing the location on the farm where Kate’s body was buried and last Wednesday, in a private funeral, her family were finally able to say their farewells.

Debbie says: ‘It only really, fully hit me after her body was found. If he had passed the test, the next thing would have been for us to get married while he was in prison. As it is, I feel that I’ve had a lucky escape.

‘I’ve told Adrian that it’s over between us. How could it be anything else? But he won’t accept it. He’s left a trail of devastation that had impacted on so many lives – Kate’s family, mine, all the people who believed in him and, of course, he’s ruined his own life.

‘He says it was not about the money, but that he just lost control and strangled her. That’s his story. The only good that’s come out of this is that we were able to retrieve Kate’s body and put her to rest.

‘I’m glad I played a part in that.’

Additional reporting: Tom Hendry

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