23rd May 2015
Guest Writer for Wake Up World
There is more to our reality than our five senses can perceive. We are not God’s ultimate creation, nor are we at the peak on the evolutionary ladder. Our reality is embedded in a complex system of unseen worlds and controlled by denizens of a higher reality. The forces at work are not all good, and we’re not on top of the food chain. “Food” doesn’t have to be physical, and certain beings feed off of our emotions and energy; predominantly, chaos, wars, distorted sexual energy, emotional turmoil and fear, which they initiate and create, by working through us.
Various ancient esoteric teachings talk about a “Hyperdimensional Matrix Control System” (HMCS), each in their own way, that has influenced and controlled humanity for millennia.
Don Juan, in Carlos Castaneda’s “The Active Side of Infinity”, called it “the topic of all topics“, speaking of a cosmic predator that uses man as food. Gurdjeff refers to the “predator” in the tale of “The Evil Magician” and the concept of “Food for the Moon”. The Gnostics maintained that the earth and material creation in general were the product of an evil demiurge, chief of the “archons of darkness“. The Shaitans of the Sufis and the Jinn in Arabian mythology are supernatural creatures who inhabit an unseen world in dimensions beyond the visible universe and interfere with humanity. Boris Mouravieff writes about the “General Law” in his trilogy “Gnosis” which influences humanity and keeps it in its place. It takes tremendous effort, awareness, and sincere self-work to “escape” the General Law and influences of the HMCS.
The UFO phenomenon relates to it in more ways than usually acknowledged by many contemporary UFO researchers who have a very “nuts and bolts” approach to the idea of UFOs, aliens, and extraterrestrials. There is a paranormal characteristic that accompanies UFO sightings, alien abductions, and other high strangeness occurrences, that should encourage us to look at this phenomena in a different way instead of the popular assumptions that UFOs are physical alien space ships coming from other planets.
When researching the topic of hyperdimensional realities, it also puts into question the various Disclosure and Exopolitics proposals promoted by some UFO researchers. There is a lot of disinformation surrounding that topic and it is interesting to note that attempts to reveal the hyperdimensional aspect of our reality are often ignored, attacked, and ridiculed, even more so than the “nuts and bolts” scenario.
UFOs, Aliens, and the Question of Contact: This video explores the secrecy surrounding UFO phenomenon, aliens, abductions, disclosure, and hyperdimensional realities.
Video produced by Time of Transition (Bernhard Guenther & Humberto Braga)
However, in light of the ancient esoteric teachings, it all makes sense, since the HMCS is trying to conceal exactly that: the existence of Hyperdimensional realities and the beings inhabiting them, who have influenced and controlled humanity for eons.
The HMCS affects us in more ways than we are aware of, especially people who are actively engaged in consciousness raising activities, seeking truth, and speaking out about it. There are many traps, distractions, and temptations in the process of awakening for the truth seeker, be it through our own minds, like psychic attacks or entity attachments, or forces working through others who are being used as “portals” to vector us off our path. Think of Agent Smith being able to inject himself into any character in the film “The Matrix” trying to stop Neo from awakening. Hence, blind people, people who are asleep, plugged into the Matrix – the grand illusion – can become unconscious “tools” and puppets of the Matrix to make sure no one jumps out of line.
It’s easy to fall into paranoia, especially in light of comprehending the scale of hyperdimensional manipulation. These archonic critters hook into our blind spots, triggers, traumas and wounds, thereby feeding off our ‘lower’ emotions (and creating them through us).
Lower vibrational or negative emotions are not bad, nor is there judgment involved in identifying them. We all experience at least some of them to varying degrees, and fall into them at times in our own unconscious ways. It’s part of the human experience. In fact, given the times we’re in right now, all of these emotions are coming up to the surface of the psyche for many of us. It’s part of the necessary purging phase, like a spiritual detox. When we detox our physical bodies through a healthy diet and associated protocols, we also tend to feel lousy and sick at first as the body is releasing those long-held toxins. It’s part of the process, and nothing to be ashamed of.
However, what is important to understand is that, through the act of becoming lost in these lower vibrational states, hyperdimensional entities can attack, influence and manipulate us, making things worse than they actually are, as they feed off of these energies by “directing” thoughts and emotions. That doesn’t mean we should fall into paranoia or blame the “aliens”, but rather, we should take responsibility for our own actions and behaviors. It is through mistakes and attacks that we learn and grow – at the end of the day, even these forces are our “teachers”, making us aware of where our work is required within our innerverse. As Tom Montalk wrote in a recent article:
“While we may not always be the source of injustices against us, we are the cause of its entrance into our lives. The Matrix, even with all its imbalances and corruption by those freewill entities who have overstepped their place in nature, is nevertheless still a learning program entirely responsive to our own ignorance and weaknesses. It may be a predator’s choice to attack, but it is our choice to accept the attack and succumb to it.
“The Matrix Control System can only trip us via the elements within us that correspond to its low vibratory nature. If we ignore our intuition, have blind spots in our awareness, or engage in ignoble feelings and behaviors, then these are the avenues through which we are had. Attacks serve to identify our own weaknesses, thus providing focus for where to take the next step on one’s path of spiritual awakening.”
Instead of succumbing to the paralysis of paranoia, we can also look at all of this from the view point of ‘pronoia’: the idea that the universe “conspires” for our own good and spiritual evolution, even if “bad” things happen to us. In the end, these are just lessons to help us become more aware and conscious. The trap lies in the possibility that we might get stuck within a lower vibration or 3D “thinking” prison, and get bogged down in negative emotional “loops”, projecting them onto others and the world-at-large.
Obviously, it’s not about denying these lower emotions; attempting to do so oftentimes results in an “isolated-head” situation, with us repressing these feelings in response, thereby disconnecting/disassociating from our emotions and bodies, and eventually (and inevitably) shadow-projecting these repressed feelings onto others – or even worse, beating ourselves up and judging ourselves for having negative emotions, resulting in shame, which is like a buffet table for the critters.
On the other hand, some people may not experience “negative” emotions in their experience at all, but this is not due to them having worked through their “process”, but rather, they have become so disconnected from their bodies and desensitized (having built layers of armor that keeps them in their heads) that they have become aloof to their own bodily sensations and ‘early warning systems’, existing instead on a superficial and illusory level of “positive” emotions.
Many intellectually-strong people are cut of from their emotional Selves, and have a hard time tuning into their bodies. They are not embodied in any real sense of the term, and tend to rationalize away anything that may come up within their psyche and/or shadow-project it outwardly onto others and the world at large. Alternatively, they may understand (on an intellectual level) what the issue is, but they can’t allow themselves to feel through it and let arise what needs to come up on a deeper emotional level, due to their being so out of touch with their vulnerability.
This situation happens unconsciously for the most part. If they are engaged in self-work, they also tend to overly psycho-analyze and fall into a state of ‘reflection inertia’, unable to move forward with their healing and forgiveness processes.
It’s more about letting whatever wants to arise from within to consciously surface, without resistance – thereby enabling you to feel your way through it without judgment. Oftentimes, the simple act of just experiencing these emotions helps to fully release them. That, of course, is easier said than done on occasion, and it is a process that is different for each of us.
For example, one day I felt very vulnerable due to an emotional wound being triggered. Instead of resisting or escaping it by distracting myself, I sat with it in meditation, focusing on this unpleasant feeling. After only a couple of minutes, I felt intense sadness coming up. My face contracted instantly, and I felt the need to cry, but I couldn’t get the tears to flow. Then I suddenly felt this block in my throat, like an energetic barrier, and I started to cough out of nowhere. As I was coughing, I started to gag, and the coughing intensified. It felt like I was throwing up.
It reminded me of some of the ayahuasca ceremonies I had done in the past: the purging of trauma. It felt familiar, and I peacefully let it happen. Just like with my ayahuasca experiences, the purging was only energetic in expression. As I was gagging and coughing, the block in my throat dissolved, and I was able to cry. I moaned and sighed a lot. After that purge, which lasted for about five minutes, I felt relieved, and went back into a meditative state.
Then I got up, thinking that was the end of it, and I did feel better. However, shortly after I finished with the meditation, I started to feel uneasy again, as if something else had opened up. I felt the need to move my body, so I put on some music. Instinctively, I chose some heavy Rock music, turned it up very loud, and started to dance in my living room. The song I chose resonated strongly with my whole body. I got goose bumps and just cut loose – dancing hard, stomping my feet and moving my limbs in rhythm to the music. The heavy guitar riffs triggered deep-rooted anger in my heart. I expressed and released it by dancing with fierce, fiery energy. It really felt as if primal rage was coming out of me. I even started to punch the couch while dancing, getting fully into my anger, completely letting go of its hold on me.
After dancing to three songs, I collapsed in my sweat, breathing heavily but also feeling a deep release, a sensation of being centered and calm. All of sudden, I realized that this was not just a trauma or childhood wound I was processing, nor was it related to anything “psychological” at all. In this moment, I knew that I was under some sort of psychic attack, or an entity had attempted to attach itself (or an implant) to my energy field.
Without thinking about it, I started to speak loud and clearly: “Back off! You are not allowed to enter my space! This is my space and my boundary! You have no permission to enter! Get off of me and stay away! This is my body and you are not welcomed!….” This kept going for several minutes. I had no fear whatsoever. I also wasn’t screaming but stating these words loudly and clearly, with focused will. I felt very grounded and embodied. After I spoke these words, claiming my space, I literally felt a presence leaving my energy field. I felt lighter, and any residual anger and sadness had dissipated. That night I slept like a baby!
Some clearing/protection techniques may work better for some people than other modalities. For example, Holographic Kinetics is a powerful healing practice that can help with these kind of interferences. But there are basic things we can do for ourselves as well so as to keep our aura and energy clean on a daily basis. The key is to get into the body.
It also depends on the degree of the attack. In the extreme case, this can take the form of total possession. On the other side of the scale, it could be just a feeling that something is off, and that some ‘thing’ is intruding.
Attacks can also happen through dreams when we sleep. For example, when friends/partners/relatives appear in the dreamscape reality, it could be an entity cloaking itself in order to generate a response from you because the fear/grief/regret/sexual longing you feel in the dream is generating the same endocrine system response in your body, and those bio-chemical stimuli are then releasing/emitting the same low-density frequencies that the critters feast upon.
If these hyperdimensional interference-runners cannot generate the reactionary emotional/sexual/physical response they seek from their target in the 3D world, then they will try the back door route. These kinds of dreams are common, especially after we make clear boundaries and have removed ourselves from people that are not good for us. Since the attack cannot happen anymore “through” these people in a physical presence scenario, we can be tempted via dreams to re-connect. I have experienced these kind of dreams myself.
There are many different techniques and modalities that help with these kind of attacks. Most of the time we can do the work on our own, but there may be other times where we need the help of a skilled healer who is experienced in this kind of work.
Source Article from http://wakeup-world.com/2015/05/23/hyperdimensional-manipulation-and-anchoring-a-higher-frequency/
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