Hundreds of police officers facing misconduct allegations escape punishment by resigning

  • Two detective chief inspectors among 944 officers in England and Wales with a criminal record
  • One officer found guilty of gross misconduct after sending racist and sexist texts is still in his job
  • Hundreds of others facing misconduct allegations are allowed to escape punishment by quitting their forces

Chris Greenwood

Last updated at 12:15 AM on 3rd January 2012

More than 900 police officers  continue to serve despite being convicted of crimes including violence, robbery and fraud.

Forces employ policemen and women
with criminal records for assault, burglary, supplying drugs and
perverting the course of justice.

Among them are several senior
officers, including two detective chief inspectors and a chief inspector
working for the Metropolitan Police.

Pounding the beat: More than 900 serving police officers and community support officers have a criminal record

Pounding the beat: More than 900 serving police officers and community support officers have a criminal record


A police officer found guilty of gross misconduct after sending racist and sexist texts is still in his job, Northamptonshire Police has confirmed.

Person sends a text message

The behaviour of the constable was revealed in a Freedom of Information request submitted to the force by a member of the public, which said the officer had been disciplined earlier this year over text messages sent to another officer while off duty.

Although the force insisted it did not tolerate sexism or racism, follow-up questions by the Chron have revealed the officer is still working in the county.

A Northamptonshire police spokeswoman said: ‘We can confirm that this year an officer was found guilty of racially and sexually-related misconduct, which involved the sending of inappropriate texts.

‘It was found that these breached the high standards Northamptonshire Police demands of its officers. Sexist and racist behaviour will not be tolerated on or off duty.

‘The officer in question accepted that the texts were wrong. The panel determined that the matter had not affected the officer’s service to the community and as such the individual concerned has been allowed to continue to serve for the force.’

For such misconduct, an officer could potentially lose their job, but it is only one of a number of sanctions that can be brought, depending on the severity of the case. In each case, previous good conduct and character is taken into consideration.

Anjona Roy, chief executive of Northamptonshire Rights and Equality Council, said knowing a still-serving officer had sent racist and sexist texts could damage public confidence in the force.

She said: ‘Policing is dependent on people’s confidence in officers. They are in a position of power and people have to feel that it won’t be used for unfair purposes.

‘I’d like to see all police standards reports made available where the officer has been found guilty so the public can judge for themselves if they think the punishment is proportionate or not.’

In some cases continuing to employ
officers appears to directly contradict Government guidelines which
insist on ‘proven integrity’.

They highlight that people with
convictions for certain offences, including assault, dangerous driving
and burglary, should not be recruited.

At least 944 serving officers and police community support officers
(PCSOs) have a conviction. Most are for traffic offences such as
speeding and drink-driving, but there are also offences of dishonesty
and fraud.

Among the 944 are a Devon and Cornwall PC convicted of burglary as a
teenager and officers in Essex convicted of dangerous driving, supplying
cannabis and robbery.

A volunteer special constable continues to serve despite being convicted
of swiping a set of car number plates and using them to steal petrol
from service stations.

In Hertfordshire a sergeant was convicted of dangerous driving and a
Kent PC has a 1998 conviction for perverting the course of justice.
Five Merseyside officers have been convicted of assault and another has a
criminal record for causing death by careless driving.

A North Wales
officer was convicted of forgery and a Staffordshire Police inspector
has a record for keeping a dangerous dog.

A Surrey Police detective constable was convicted of obstructing police
while others have records for wounding, drink driving and animal

The total figure was revealed by 32 of the 43 forces in England and
Wales in response to requests under freedom of information laws.

Many could not provide details of criminal records dating from before
their staff joined, meaning the true figure is likely to be higher.

The Metropolitan Police, Britain’s
largest force, employed the most staff with convictions, 356 officers
and 41 PCSOs. It was followed by Kent (49), Devon and Cornwall (44),
Essex (42), South Yorkshire (35), Hampshire (31) and West Midlands (27).

There are around 140,000 police officers, 15,000 PCSOs and 70,000 civilian staff  in the 43 forces.

The figures emerged as a senior
police officer insisted officers who resign before facing misconduct
procedures are not being ‘let off the hook’.

Commander Peter Spindler, of the Met,
admitted more than 130 employees left Scotland Yard over the past year
instead of facing disciplinary measures.

But he said in many cases it is more
‘pragmatic’ to let them resign, and said complaints against police are
falling. Simon Reed, vice president of the Police Federation, said
misconduct panels decide whether an officer should be dismissed after
considering each case.


The guilty ones, force by force

Leading the way: The Metropolitan Police, Britain's largest force, came top with 356 officers and 41 PCSOs with convictions

Leading the way: The Metropolitan Police, Britain’s largest force, came top with 356 officers and 41 PCSOs with convictions

He said: ‘Most police officers are
dismissed if they commit a crime. It may be easy to condemn some cases
but there will be specific reasons these people have been kept on.’

A Metropolitan Police spokesman said the number of officers with criminal convictions is a small proportion of the workforce.

He added: ‘Any instance where the conduct of our staff is alleged to have fallen below the standards of behaviour expected is treated extremely seriously by the Met.’
A Home Office spokesman said forces should reject potential recruits with convictions for serious offences unless there are ‘exceptionally compelling circumstances’.


Commander Peter Spindler

Commander Peter Spindler

Hundreds of police officers facing misconduct allegations are being allowed to escape punishment by quitting their forces.

More than 130 employees were
permitted by chief officers to walk out of Scotland Yard over the past
year instead of facing a misconduct panel.

The force sacked 43 officers over that same period, figures show.

police conduct under ‘unprecedented’ scrutiny, Commander Peter
Spindler, the Metropolitan Police’s discipline chief, insisted he was
not letting corrupt officers off the hook.

But Mr Spindler, head of the force’s
directorate of professional standards, said in many cases ‘it’s actually
more pragmatic to let them resign’.

have been angered by a recent report by the Independent Police
Complaints Commission (IPCC) claiming forces were failing to respond to
‘far too many’ complaints about officers.

Chief Superintendent Richard Heselden said he had been told ‘we should
be making an example of them’ instead of letting them resign.

he said: ‘The process is slow, they are sitting there on taxpayers’
expense, secondly there’s no guarantee that a panel will come to that

‘It’s cheaper and quicker to get them out of the force. The objective is to get someone out (of) the organisation.’

working at the internal discipline unit said they would welcome clarity
offered by recommendations in the wake of the Leveson Inquiry, the
public investigation launched in the wake of the phone-hacking scandal.

Mr Heselden said there were ‘grey areas’ surrounding relations between police and journalists.

He said: ‘For me, if I leak to a criminal, I’m a criminal. No-one doubts it.

‘If I make an inappropriate leak to my family and tell them about sensitive police matters, that’s a crime.

if I do it to a journalist … is that a crime? Or is it public
interest? At what point does public interest disclosure meet

Discipline officers have beefed up
the internal investigation unit in recent months, moving into a
centralised base in Earls Court.

Officers say they now have ‘every power available’ to beat corruption, including setting up stings on its own employees.

In one recent case, the team set up a fake raid in a bid to snare an officer suspected of stealing from crime scenes.

‘You wouldn’t believe the work we go to,’ Mr Heselden said.

had been set up to look like an east European drug dealer, including
even the food in the fridge. People who are corrupt are incredibly

‘They know we exist and what lengths we go to – it means we have to go to the utmost lengths to outmanoeuvre them.’

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
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Where is our ‘zero tolerance commissioner’?
Or is it different rules for us and them?

Working for the police I’m not surprised by this. Most of the crimes are for offences committed before entering the police force (you have to admit to any criminatlity on the application form.) So this does not mean the police officers are not fit to do the job – it just means they made a stupid mistake once. The bit about quitting before your fired anyone would do in any job. If you quit the police you still get pensions and lump sums – if your fired from the police you will be lucky to get hired anywhere ever again. But everyone in any job would quit before your fired (unless your trying to sue for unfair dismissal,) What I find more distrubing is the police officers that commit gross misconduct and get away with a warning. They should be sacked immediately as they abused their privileges.

“Most are done for motoring offences ie, speeding and DRINK DRIVING”, since when has drink driving been a motoring offence???? It’s a criminal offence

why, when you call the police out for domestic violence they are unlikely to take you seriously. They don’t see anything wrong with the crime they have committed themselves.

I recently completed 31 years in the police. When I joined they vetted every candidate – right back to grandparents – and every family member for a criminal record. The slightest suspicion that you were not totally clear – and you were immediately rejected. That’s how it – SHOULD BE ! You can’t have police officers enforcing laws they have broken themselves – it’s as insane as it is ridiculous. No wonder the public have little time -or respect or time – for modern policing.

Get real, no-one is all good or all bad. If they they uphold the law without fear or favour when on duty that is good enough for me. A police force of saints turning the other cheek would not be a lot of good in a riot or even on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday night in most medium or large UK towns. In Henry the viii’s time the English were famous in Europe as un-Godly and un-governable. We did get our act together for a while with the comonwealth and then William/Mary house of Hanover. but now, 200 years on the wheel has turned full circle. Without doubt we will all survive as individuals, humans just do, but England as we know it? Not a hope.

With all the personal info on computers available at the touch of a button, such as an innocent person’s DNA, which they are supposed to destroy, LOL, it is a perfect opportunity for abuse. Its like having a head start or receiving a ‘tip off’ for committing crime and having someone else frammed. Now that is what you would call an ‘Inside Job’. Very worrying. If I had to visit my local ‘Cop shop’, not that its ever open, I would be wary about touching anything that could end up with my DNA on it, I’d make sure I was wearing surgical glothes and kindly decline the offer of a cup of tea whilst waiting.

No wonder the public no longer have confidence in the British police force. How can people with criminal convictions be trusted to enforce the law on others when they cannot care less about the law themselves. Another once respected institution gone to the dogs.

Nothing surprises me these days. The general lack of accountability is beyond astounding.
Regarding the well publicised murder of an Indian student.
Can anyone tell me why Greater Manchester Police decided to send two officers to India? How much did it cost and what was the point? And who decided that £50000 reward money should be paid out for information? What planet does the police service live on?

So out of nearly 140,000 police officers and PCSO’s there are 944 with criminal convictions. Do the maths thats less than 1 percent!!

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