Relief groups say that long-standing predictions of impending castrophe are
being borne out. The current mortality rates in makeshift camps in the
swamplands south of the border is running at 3 per 10,000 per day for
adults, triple the threshold for an emergency. The rate for children is 4
per 10,000, or double the emergency level.
The United Nations refugee agency, UNHCR – which is in charge of the reflief
operation – is widely accused of failing to act fast enough to provide the
refugees with safe sanctuary.
The refugee camps sit on a flood plain between two rivers fed by rainfall in
the highlands of Ethiopia. It was known that the area floods every year and
the UN has been fiercely criticised for failing to address the abject
conditions facing the swelling numbers of displaced.
UN offcials saythe refugee agency was ‘ambushed’ by the sheer number of new
arrivals, crossing the frontier. But relief agencies and their experts have
warned this would happen for months. Documents have been seen advising the
UN of the impending problem of a large influx dating from as far back as
“This is a full-blown emergency, says Voitek Asztabski of Medecins Sans
Frontieres. “And a full-blown emergency demands a full-blown response.
The UN did not have enough capacity, enough contingency or enough resources.”
The refugees – weakened by months on the run, hiding in forests and caves and
forced to eat leaves – now languish in shocking conditions, branded “unacceptable”
and “terrible” by every relief worker there – without exception.
“We are running from crisis to crisis, fighting overwhelming odds,”
says Peter Struijf, who heads the Oxfam team at Jamam camp, where conditions
are worst. “I haven’t prayed for a very long time but recently, I’ve
been spending a lot of time on my knees.”
An experienced and informed source close to the UN – but who wishes to remain
anonymous — says: “Everything and everyone is stretched to capacity.
Decisions have been too slow. I find it astonishing that these people are
still in Jamam. These scenes should not be happening. I have never seen
anything like it.”
Oxfam and MSF say Maban County of Upper Nile State is the worst imaginable
location for refugee camps. They warn of an impending health disaster.
Already mortality rates are double the emergency threshold and diarrhoreal
disease and malaria are rife. The death rate for children is even higher.
And the spectre of a cholera outbreak – sometimes raised as a much-feared
possibility by medical emergency workers in refugee crises – is now
considered a very real danger, as pit latrines flood into camps.
For months the reflief agencies have been demanding the urgent and total
evacuation of Jamam. The UNHCR acknowledges the scale of the problem and is
now scrambling to move thousdands of people from flooded sections. But the
refugee agency has been heavily criticised for what other relief groups say
has been poor and late decision making and, in some cases, incompetence.
“I think it is absolutely top priority that large numbers of people are
evacuated,” says Oxfam’s Peter Struijf. “This is not a safe place
for them to be. We need someone at a higher level to make a strategic
decision to solve this problem. We are asking for leadership.”
Safe drinking water is in woefully short supply. Bore holes sunk by
hydrologists have yielded little and already heavy rains have already begun
to engulf the sprawling refugee camps with toxic, stagnant water.
Four years ago, Sudan’s president, Omar al-Bashir was indicted by the
International Criminal Court on counts of war crimes and crimes against
humanity. Two years later, charges of genocide were added to his indictment.
However the government of South Sudan also faces accusations of inflicting
harm on the displaced. It has reportedly blocked plans to relocate the
camps, citing political and security reasons.
It has also refused repeated requests from aid groups to allow one of its oil
companies in the region to provide them with a hydrological survey
idenitifying water sources.
Tara Newell, Emergency Coordinator for MSF in Jamam, said: “There are
overwhelming problems, but there’s been a completely underwhelming response.
This was all predictable. It was, in fact, all predicted.”
However the refugees blame Khartoum for their plight. The tribal chief of the
Ingessena tribe, Nassir Efendi Badi el-Tom, now a refugee himself, said: “We
are mountain people. The Ingessena people just want to go home and find
peace and finish this terrible war. Our hearts are broken.”
He said that the President of Sudan, Omar al-Bashir “does not want the
dark skinned people of Blue Nile State. He called us ‘insects,'” the
Nassir said. While fearing the imminent inundation of Jamam camp he added: “I
don’t blame the UNHCR. I blame Omar al-Bashir because if he hadn’t shot and
bombed us, we would have avoided all this. If he is not arrested, there will
be no solution.”
Jonathan Miller’s report on the refugee crisis on the South Sudan border
will be broadcast on Thursday on Channel 4 News at 7pm
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