Human Rights Watch Agitated by arrest of Agitators

Perhaps much of what you need to know about Human Rights Watch’s (HRW) Sarah Leah Whitson can be found in her recent plea to have Muslim Brotherhood prisoners released last month. One of those prisoners is Essam el-Haddad, a close adviser to Mohammed Mursi and the father of Gehad el-Haddad, the chief of staff to Khairat al-Shater, a top Muslim Brotherhood deputy. The younger el-Haddad also worked for the Clinton Foundation.

Sarah Leah Watson: Fighting for release of Brotherhood prisoners.

Sarah Leah Watson: Fighting for release of Brotherhood prisoners.

HRW is portraying the crackdown as a signal that the current Egyptian government’s thirst for power has become so insatiable that it is now going after non-Muslim Brotherhood protesters. Whitson’s stance on the Brotherhood could say quite a bit about what these “secular” agitators are really up to.

Via Al-Jazeera:

Human Rights Watch has denounced the arrest of a prominent Egyptian activist during a raid by security forces on a domestic human rights organisation, which it described as a continuation of a crackdown on dissent.

Police broke into the offices of the Egyptian Centre for Economic and Social Rights late Thursday and arrested six of its members who were blindfolded and detained in an undisclosed place for nine hours. Five of them were later released.

Mohamed Adel, a founding member of the April 6 movement that contributed to the 2011 revolt against Hosni Mubarak, remains in custody.

Police have in the past three weeks also gone after three other prominent activists of the Egyptian protest movement; Alaa Abdelfattah, Ahmed Maher and Ahmad Douma.

Sarah Leah Whitson, the Middle East and North Africa director at HRW, said the pursuit of the activists is a deliberate effort to target “voices who demand justice and security agency reform”.

“It should come as no surprise that with the persecution of the Muslim Brotherhood well underway, the Ministry of Interior is now targeting leaders of the secular protest movement,” Whitson said in a statement released on Saturday.

The truth is that these “secular” apparatchiks lead the equivalent of the notorious Occupy Wall Street movement. Worse, they’re doing so at a time when Egypt desperately needs stability, not agitation. In fact, one of the men mentioned above – Ahmed Maher – actually came to the U.S. at the beginning of the Occupy protests to help train the degenerates who proudly – to this day – celebrate their number of arrests. Here he is in D.C. offering his extremely unhelpful advice after helping to facilitate the fall of Mubarak.

Via Think Progress:

Think Progress is an arm of the Center For American Progress (CAP), a George Soros entity that until recently, was headed by John Podesta, who was just hired by the Obama White House. Both Soros and CAP have a history that includes strong evidence of a partnership with the Muslim Brotherhood. When this alliance is coupled with attempts by the current Egyptian regime to arrest Brotherhood leaders and agitators like Maher, Whitson’s outrage is obviously manufactured and very much in line with her political bias.

Whitson should hardy be taken as a neutral or objective purveyor of human rights. She has a history that includes charges of anti-Semitism and political, not altruistic, actions.

Hillary and Podesta at a CAP event.

Hillary and Podesta at a CAP event.

In an article she wrote for the Huffington Post in 2011, Whitson advocated blatantly anti-Israeli sentiment. The NGO Monitor’s Gerald Steinberg said at the time:

“Clearly, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has morphed into a political advocacy organization characterized by double standards and bias – this is now widely understood,” says Professor Gerald Steinberg, president of NGO Monitor. “But the recent racially-charged Huffington Post article, which exploited the American Civil Rights movement to incite racial hatred in the Middle East, crosses new red lines even for HRW and falls far outside any definition of ‘legitimate criticism.’ Action must be taken because this type of language contributes to animosity and hate.”

In reading Whitson’s piece, one learns fairly quickly that she is indeed incredibly biased on this issue. As such, it’s understandable why she would support the Muslim Brotherhood and anyone who might help their cause. As a leader with HRW, that’s something she is not supposed to do. If, however, as Steinberg suggested, Whitson represents an entity that is political and not one that is focused on human rights, what are the politics it espouses and on behalf of whom is it espousing them?

It’s rather clear that HRW’s Whitson is supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt as well as the secular agitators who are helping the terrorist group.

As we wrote previously, HRW is a group that has a not-so-insignificant history with the Clintons. The group was represented at the 2013 Annual CGI meeting, as was Soros and Madeline Albright, Secretary of State under Bill Clinton.

Madeline Albright and George Soros at CGI 2013 Annual Meeting.

Madeline Albright and George Soros at CGI 2013 Annual Meeting.

According to multiple Arabic sources, Naglaa Mahmoud, the wife of Mohammed Mursi claims to be extremely close with the Clintons and implied that she has a lot of dirt on the former first family. These claims are also part of a formal complaint (No. 18337) filed against Mahmoud, with Egypt’s Attorney General. The complaint attributes to Mahmoud, an admission that the Muslim Sisterhood leader is doing all she can to facilitate a ‘coup’ against the current government there.

The complaint has since been escalated to Egypt’s Homeland Security sector, which demonstrates the seriousness with which the current government is taking the charges.

Here is how one Arabic source relays the claims of Assem Qandil, the attorney who filed the complaint:

…the defendant is the primary driving force in getting her Muslim Sisterhood organization to engage in these terrorist operations, which are being called false cover demonstrations that are intended to drain the forces of the state.

Though it’s not clear if the “secular” demonstrators are connected to this effort directly, it’s rather clear that they are draining the forces of the state. Couple that with the recent history of Maher, who helped to agitate the lawless Occupy movement and these arrests seem to be more than justified.

Unless you ask Sarah Leah Whiston, who seems to be pushing an agenda that is political, not based on human rights. If she was a champion of the latter, Brotherhood members would be among the first she would advocate locking up. It’s quite likely that the wife of Egypt’s ousted president appreciates here stance.

Naglaa Mahmood and Mohammed Mursi.

Naglaa Mahmood and Mohammed Mursi.

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