How to Protect Your Food and Medical Freedoms

July 30 2024

By Tracy Thurman

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This article was originally written by Tracy Thurman and published by The Brownstone Institute. Except for the featured image, no other changes were made.

In my previous six articles series, we looked at the global war on farmers, the organizations pushing for the Great Food Reset, the tactics used to foist these changes on the public, the projects underway to remove your access to healthy, farm-fresh foods, the mRNA, RNA, and DNA gene therapies entering our food supply, and how the One Health agenda threatens to destroy both food freedom and medical freedom. 

So what can we do about it? 

The good news is that there are many things we can do. Some of these solutions may sound extreme or inconvenient. But I am guessing many of you chose wildly inconvenient and deeply courageous paths to protect yourselves, your families, and your patients during the Covid psyop, and to avoid being injected with mRNA shots. The substances you take in through your digestive tract can be just as harmful as those that come through a needle.

Do not give in. Do not comply. Do not take the convenient route. It leads to serfdom.

  1. Get involved. Start speaking up about this issue to the people around you.
  2. Stop eating processed foods. They are an addictive poison and only becoming more poisonous.
  3. Join the movement to defund and disband the USDA, the FDA, and your state’s Department of Agriculture. Support bills that limit their power.
  4. Abandon the grocery store. At a minimum, aim to spend at least 50% of your food budget on food direct from local farms.
  5. Find local farms whose husbandry practices meet your requirements. Tour the farm and ask questions – what pesticides do you use? Do you vaccinate your animals? Are your cows 100% grass-fed? Where do you source your feed grains? Do you put any additives in your raw milk, and do you process your own meat? What chemicals are used in your meat processing? When you find a compatible farm, aim to purchase as much of your food as possible from them. You can find local farms at or through a local chapter of the Weston A Price Foundation. If you can’t find compatible farms locally, you can find farms that will deliver to your area at
  6. Support raw milk farmers in your state, and defend their right to produce it, even if you don’t personally drink raw milk. The government bureaucrats view raw milk as the tip of the food freedom spear and believe that if they lose the battle against raw milk, they could lose the food freedom battle entirely. Let’s prove them right. If you want to find a local source of raw milk, visit
  7. Build a local parallel society of like-minded people committed to supporting local food producers and looking out for each other in the challenging times ahead. This is crucial! When the truly hard times hit, it is too late to begin building community. Develop and strengthen your social bonds now, particularly in your local area.
  8. Vote with your wallet while you still have that option. Use cash when you can to prevent your purchases from being tracked and used against you. If your local farmer will take payment in non-fiat currency, even better.
  9. When a retail central bank digital currency launches and cash is phased out, or when states begin to crack down on food purchases that violate the planetary health paradigm, we’re going to need to be ready to transact in alternate currencies. It’s time to start brainstorming and testing payments in cryptocurrencies, pre-1965 silver quarters and dimes (known as junk silver), or by barter. Be creative and get started now. 
  10. Plant your own garden. Study permaculture. It’s a lot easier to ramp up an existing garden with the knowledge you have gained from years of trial and error than it is to start from scratch when you really need it.
  11. Create your own seed vault of heirloom, non-GMO seeds. You can buy them or save seeds from your garden every year. Buy heirloom seeds from trustworthy sources like True Leaf Market.
  12. Get your own backyard chickens and find a local trustworthy feed source. Ask your local pastured chicken farmer where he gets his feed, or if he’s willing to sell some to you.
  13. Buy a large freezer if you can and stock up on frozen fruits and vegetables from farmers you can trust during the growing season.
  14. If you can’t afford a freezer, you can probably afford a couple of grow lights, seed-starting trays, organic potting soil, and seeds. Grow your own microgreens all winter for a small daily salad. They’re nutritious, taste good, and can be harvested in as little as a week. If you can’t afford that, get seeds and a sprout jar, and grow sprouts.
  15. Don’t blindly trust USDA-inspected meat and eggs. It’s a deep rabbit hole you’re welcome to go down, but eggs are washed with chemicals that leave them porous – absorbing those chemicals like chlorine, ammonia, and peracetic acid – and then the eggs are coated with soybean oil, canola oil, or other toxic seed oils which also absorb into the egg white. Don’t see it on the label? Anything that’s an “industry standard” doesn’t need to be listed on the packaging. For meat, that means your beef, pork, goat, chicken, and turkey are soaked with peracetic acid, GMO citric acid, chlorine, lauric acid, or other chemicals. Many of these substances are banned for food use in Europe yet required here. Amish farmer Amos Miller’s battle with the USDA has largely been about his refusal to spray so-called citric acid on his meat, which the USDA mandates for chicken processed in their slaughterhouses unless you want to use bleach or peracetic acid. You’d be excused for thinking commercial citric acid comes from citrus fruit. Instead, it is made from black mold and GMO corn. It is manufactured in China and then sprayed on almost all meat sold in grocery stores in the United States. Black mold is a known allergen and likely causes autoimmune disease. If feasible, only get your meat from dissident farmers committed to pasture-raised, GMO-free, vaccine-free meat and poultry who process meat without chemical additives.
  16. If you feel you can’t afford food like this, consider where your money is going, and if you can rearrange your priorities. It is possible you can barter labor for food with your local farmer. Be prepared to work hard. Also, recognize that the money you spend on truly nutritious food is money you won’t be spending later on medical bills. 
  17. Constitutional sheriffs have played a key role in protecting farmers in several states when bureaucrats attempted to shut them down for selling raw milk and processing their own meat. If you live in a state that still recognizes the constitutional role of sheriffs, get to know your county’s sheriff and find out if he is willing to support the rights of local farms against state and federal agencies. If he is not, find someone to run against him who will. 
  18. Call your congressman and senators to ask them to co-sponsor the PRIME Act. This bill would not fix everything, but it would remove many of the federal obstacles to pushing for agricultural reforms on a state and local level.
  19. Spread the word to everyone you know about what is happening to our food supply. If we all refuse to comply, the scheme is guaranteed to fail.

We are at a crossroads: if we fight now, we can build a future where local farm-to-table networks feed us, and where we choose for ourselves what we want to put in our bodies. If we ignore the plan set out by the global elites for control of our bodies through diet, injections, and injunctions, we do so at great peril. Your health and your family’s health are at stake. Please join the movement to protect both medical freedom and food freedom, as we fight to hold fast to these fundamental rights for future generations.


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The Time for Silence is Over

If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to stay silent on account of self-preservation is over. The weight of what you know vs. a license, a job, etc., is too great. “Just following orders” or fear of scrutiny won’t cut it anymore. Several have come before you to lay the groundwork so you, too, can be brave.

If you are the every-man, there are still people you haven’t spoken to. Call them today. Don’t wait. Prepare your information, and get it ready for an email or text. Sit with them and discuss it. Have them over. Watch an interview or seminar. Make them stay out of respect for you because you are respecting them; you are trying to save their life.

If you are the every-man with a bit more nerve, go stand outside of your nearest school with a packet of information to hand out to parents on the car line. Do it until they threaten to arrest you, and get arrested if you must. It is that serious. It must be done. Go to a mall and flier the windshields of every car in the parking lot. Create a landing page or send people to a reputable site with the needed information. Get your boots on the ground. Do it today. Do not wait. Your fellow human needs you right now.

We are in the midst of one of the greatest psychological operations in human history.

The third step is to unsubscribe from all mainstream media outlets. Delete the apps from your phone, laptop, and tablet and unfollow all of their social media and YouTube channels. Try to avoid mainstream media for at least one week, even if the headline is intriguing.

In the same time why not removing all the big tech tracking/spying/social credit system around you: (Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Whatsapp, Zoom, Linkedln, Snapchat, Tumblr, Pinterest, Reddit, Myspace, etc.)

The fourth step of the global walkout is to move as many accounts as you can to a union or local bank.

Spike Protein Protocol 

McCullough MD (aug 2023):

He recommended three supplements to mitigate harm and degrade spike proteins:

1. Nattokinase – 2000 units twice a day. Breaks down spike protein.
2. Bromelain – 500 milligrams once a day. Also breaks down spike protein.
3. Curcumin – 500 milligrams twice a day. Reduces inflammation and spike protein damage.

Glutathione (most important for body detoxification) or better
NAC = N-Acetyl-Cysteine 600-750mg (causes the body to produce glutathione itself)
Astaxantin 5mg (also improves vision)
vitamin D3
Milk thistle (also liver and stomach protection)
Melatonin 1mg to 10mg (against 5G)
Alternatively CDS/CDL and zeolite

Myocarditis: Nicotine

Dr. Zelenko’s Protocol contains Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Zinc, Vitamin D3, and Quercetin.

Fasting cures everything!

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