How the Controllers Use Religion, Money, Politics, Education, and Technology to Enslave Our Souls

Freemasons Star of DavidIf you know someone who is skeptical of the Illuminati and the control they have over us, how they manipulated our history, and stole from us under our noses, the following may convince them it’s not a conspiracy theory. Below is Part 1 of 3. Good stuff.

This article is my most controversial article because it contains “forbidden knowledge” and evidence proving that the Controllers have infiltrated and distorted most systems in the world, including the religious, political, educational, and financial system. If you do not believe that there are people who want to control everything that you do and think, read this mind boggling article (contains visual proof) and then ask yourself why are they deceiving you.

If you do not know who the Controllers are, they are wealthy globalists who control society from behind the scene and pull the strings of politicians. A lot of the Controllers are high level bankers who are involved in secret societies. If you do not believe in secret societies, study organized crime and you should eventually come to the conclusion that they exist.

If we want to experience true freedom and world peace, we need to learn and understand how the Controllers think and study their systems of control so we can find ways to counter them. Otherwise, the Controllers will destroy our freedom and turn our planet into a prison. If this happens, our children and future generations will not have a future to look forward to.

The main goal of this article is to empower you by helping you understand the minds of the Controllers and their systems of control so that you can understand why they are so obsessed with the idea of controlling the world. After reading this article, you should understand why we cannot rely on our authorities to save us and why we need to be more responsible citizens. History has taught us that when we become irresponsible and take freedom for granted, we always get tyranny!

Why controlling religion and money are essential for enslaving our souls

Religion is the most effective tool to use to control the mass population at the mental and spiritual level. This is because most people have been conditioned to believe that religion is heavily influenced by the words of Creation (God). In order for the Controllers to control us, they need to weaken the spiritual power within us. This power is the loving energy that gives us thought, awareness and intelligence, which is also known as the soul/spirit.

The reason why they need to weaken our spiritual power is because when our spiritual power is strong it can help us see through their lies; therefore, it can free us from their controlling matrix. This is why people who are more spiritually awakened are usually the ones who are warning others about the Controllers’ dark agendas.

The end game of the Controllers is to create a worldwide catastrophic event so that they can manipulate the survivors into accepting their fascist one world government. To achieve this goal, they need to first control two things: money and religion. They have always been in control of money and religion to a large degree, but in the late 1700s their controlling empire was threatened by a generation of very brave men and women. Those brave men and women were the founders and builders of the country known today as the United States of America.

To make sure that the Controllers’ end game comes into fruition near 2012 and soon after, they need to destroy the US and what it stands for, which are freedom and liberty. They believe that once the US falls, controlling the rest of the world would become a lot easier. The Controllers knew that the US was too powerful to attack from the outside so they cleverly attacked it from the inside through stealth. In 1913, they achieved one of their greatest goals by creating a central bank in the US. This central bank, known as the Federal Reserve (Fed), is not a federal bank but a private bank owned by a small group of elite bankers. I like to refer to them as banksters because they are gangsters disguised in suits. You can read more about those banksters at this page.

The image of the dollar bill below is evidence that they have taken over the US financial system. If you study secret societies, you should have a general idea of what the Great Seal symbol stands for. The pyramid with the “all seeing eye” on top is one of their occult symbols of power. If you look closely at the pyramid, you should see 13 sections or stairs. The number 13 is a very important number in the religion of secret societies.

The Great Seal

Flickr Commons: Image provided by

Controlling the US monetary system is essential for them to achieve their dark agendas because they can use it to steal real wealth from Americans and buy off their politicians and companies. To steal real wealth from Americans, they assign each American a social security number and force them to pay income tax which is against the Constitution. They have done such a great job of stealing American’s money that they got away with $15 plus trillions. To make matters worse, they enslave Americans through debt with their fractional reserve banking system. This system is what gives them the financial power to control the economy of the world.

Each time the Controllers print money to the US government, the fiat money is given to the US government as a loan plus interest. This is no different than borrowing money from a foreign country. It is important to know that most of the money exchange is done electronically. Another popular method that the Controllers use to steal real wealth from the American people is inflation which is nothing more than a hidden tax. For a detailed explanation why inflation is a hidden tax, please read this shocking article. The Controllers are also using these controlling techniques to control other countries, which is why the economy of Europe is a mess.

Many of the people who are in charge of the plan to overthrow the US government are part of controlling factions of secret societies. It is important to know that not all people in secret societies are bad. The good people in secret societies cannot conveniently leave their secret groups because it can cost their lives. According to Dean Henderson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Ethan Allen, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, John Brown, and Roger Sherman were all part of a secret society known as the Freemasons. The Freemasons is like a subgroup of the most powerful secret society of all, the Illuminati. The Illuminati has been around since the Sumerians and beyond.

The malicious faction of the Illuminati is responsible for distorting many of the original teachings of Jesheua, also known as Jesus. Many of the “holy books” found in modern religion were written by certain people who were part of secret societies or associated with them. This is why many of the stories about Jesheua are based on astrology. One of the popular stories is the birth of Jesheua which certain branches of Christianity claim that it occur on December 25th. When they talk about this event, they are not really talking about the birth of the “son” of God, but the birth of the “sun” of God that rises in the East and sets in the West.

As the winter solstice approaches from the Northern Hemisphere, the days become shorter and shorter until it reaches the shortest day of the year. Depending where you live on the planet, the shortest day of the year occurs on December 21st or 22nd. On this day the sun stops moving south for three days. Some ancient civilizations saw this as the analogy of the sun being dead for three days. On December 25th, the sun moves one degree north; therefore, it is said that the sun is reborn on this date. This one degree movement of the sun is very subtle but can be measured with very sensitive equipment.

I know the idea of the birth of Jesheua being a hoax may anger a lot of Christians, but if Christians want to truly achieve salvation, they must learn why the Controllers distorted Jesheua’s teachings so that they can separate the truths from the lies. We, the people of the world, need to understand that the same groups of people who gave us our modern banking system are the same groups of people who gave us modern religion.

If the previous three paragraphs are hard for you to believe, then please watch the video below. Be warned! This video contains shocking evidence that can put you in an emotional roller coaster ride. Viewer discretion is highly advised.

Does the Pope agree with the video above?

Even though the video above shows great evidence that proves to a certain degree that religion contains distorted information or lies, a lot of us will still deny the fact that this video is telling us the truth. How about if a well-known religious leader tells us that there are some truths to the video. Would we believe it then?

One of the most well-known religious leaders is the Pope. Recently, Pope Benedict XVI has publicly announced that there was a miscalculation of Jesheua’s birthday, and that Christmas was based on a pagan solar festival.

As expressed at

The entire Christian calendar is based on a miscalculation, the Pope has declared, as he claims in a new book that Jesus was born several years earlier than commonly believed.

The ‘mistake’ was made by a sixth century monk known as Dionysius Exiguus or in English Dennis the Small, the 85-year-old pontiff claims in the book ‘Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives’, published on Wednesday.

“The calculation of the beginning of our calendar – based on the birth of Jesus – was made by Dionysius Exiguus, who made a mistake in his calculations by several years,” the Pope writes in the book, which went on sale around the world with an initial print run of a million copies.

Do you notice that when it comes to these types of hot topics, they usually never admit that they are wrong? Instead, they tend to blame their errors on someone else so that they do not damage their credibility. These are the kind of leaders that we have running the world. Our political and religious leaders have lied to us in the past and they will keep lying to us until we become more responsible citizens. Do you now understand why we can never achieve true freedom and world peace until we become more responsible citizens?

Do you want more information?

This article is the first part of three parts. Please visit part 2 and part 3 for more information on how the Controllers use politics, education, and technology to enslave our souls, and to find out who are pulling the strings of the Controllers.


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