How Osborne must boost the ratings

Daily Mail Comment

Last updated at 12:09 AM on 15th February 2012

George Osborne needn’t lose too much sleep over the decision by Moody’s credit ratings agency to put Britain’s cherished AAA status on ‘negative outlook’. For when it comes to reading the future, the agency’s record is unimpressive, to say the least.

These are the people who failed to predict the credit crunch, giving a clean bill of health to investment bank Lehman Brothers up until it became the biggest bankruptcy in American history.

Moody’s is even under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice for its readiness to recommend investments backed by sub-prime mortgages, which caused all the trouble in the first place.

Optimistic: George Osborne has remained defiant over his economic policy despite the prospect that the UK could be stripped of its gold-plated AAA credit rating

Optimistic: George Osborne should remain calm despite the prospect that the UK could be stripped of its gold-plated AAA credit rating

As for its latest report on the British economy, this is at best a statement of the blindingly obvious.

Yes, of course our economic prospects will cloud over if the eurozone goes belly-up. Or if we suffer another banking crisis. Or if poor growth derails the Chancellor’s plans to tackle the deficit.

But the only crystal ball-gazing that matters is that of investors who have to back their prophecies with hard cash. And their confidence in Britain remains unshaken by Moody’s report. Indeed, UK gilts edged up, not down, after the warning was published.

But this doesn’t mean Mr Osborne can be complacent about our prospects. For there is much more he could and should be doing to stimulate growth.

Take the deficit. Despite all the tough talk of cuts, the Coalition still squanders money on a flabbergasting scale.

One tiny example. Only last week, it emerged that David Cameron’s ‘families tsar’ pocketed £8.6million in a single year, mostly from government contracts. This was in spite of her company’s feeble record of placing the jobless in work.

Or take that promised ‘bonfire of the quangos’. If only Mr Osborne set it alight, he wouldn’t just save a tidy sum. He’d lift a huge burden of bureaucracy from firms, large and small, on which we depend for our recovery. Yet still he holds back.

True, the Coalition is making some progress towards cutting the rate at which its debts are piling up.

But ministers have yet to display anything like the private sector’s single-minded determination to eliminate unnecessary spending.

Only by slashing waste will Mr Osborne be able to offer the tax cuts that will do more than anything else to help families spend and businesses grow.

With the eurozone in dire peril, he must get on with it – and give our economy the strength to weather any coming storm.

Who’s in charge?

Who's in charge? Michael Gove has privately described Les Ebdon as a 'disaster'

Who’s in charge? Michael Gove has privately described Les Ebdon as a ‘disaster’

With good reason, the Prime Minister believes social engineering enthusiast Les Ebdon is the wrong man to become our next university access tsar.

Education Secretary Michael Gove agrees, privately describing the professor as a ‘disaster’. So, too, does the Commons committee in charge of reviewing the appointment, which has asked the Government to think again.

But blithely ignoring them all, Vince Cable insists on giving the job to Professor Ebdon, who says he will impose stiff financial penalties on universities that fail to meet targets for recruiting students from deprived backgrounds.

Won’t this seriously undermine Mr Gove’s efforts to restore meritocracy and absolute standards to education?

Even on this matter of crucial importance to the next generation, however, David Cameron refuses to intervene, saying it’s for the Business Secretary to decide. Why?

It’s the same with green taxes, overseas aid, the EU and human rights… How much longer can the Lib Dem tail, which is so damaging to Britain’s future, be allowed to wag the Tory dog?

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I’m sorry, but I totally disagree with your first sentence and instead agree with the writer of the following sentence: “The government’s problem is that it has got the balance of growth and austerity wrong and has now been rumbled.”
The Chancellor is a history graduate not an economist. I cannot say if he went into history because he didn’t have a thing for numbers, but, as I recall, usually if someone was good at history, they were pretty rubbish at numbers. Could this be the reason underlying the stubborn refusal to contemplate a Plan B?
Knocking Moody’s isn’t going to get our flat-lining economy going again. The Chancellor is just as much on the wrong track by sacrificing the growth we need to pay down the debt as the Prime Minister is wrong to pursue his NHS policy.
One final point: of course, waste should be tackled. Nobody would say otherwise. That was not exactly a stunning statement.

We need a proper Conservative government, and OUT of Europe.
Cameron works hard, buts he’s too soft.

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