How leaving toilet lid up during flushing can aid spread winter vomiting bug

Claire Bates

Last updated at 5:34 PM on 3rd January 2012

It may seem like a subject ripe for toilet humour – but whether you close the lavatory lid before you flush could have an impact on the spread of disease, according to an expert.

Professor Mark Wilcox, Clinical Director of Microbiology at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, said leaving the lid up can allow a cloud of bacteria to explode into the air, settling on nearby surfaces.

Sanitary: Leaving the toilet seat up allows the spread of germs

Sanitary: Leaving the toilet seat up allows the spread of germs

This increases the risk of viruses like the winter vomiting bug of transmitting to another person.

‘It is very clear from our work that the lid is there for a reason,’ Professor Wilcox told Mail Online.

Professor Wilcox and colleagues from Leeds University conducted a study to see how using a toilet lid could affect the spread of disease, specifically in hospitals.

They used a sterilised toilet cubicle and created a ‘diarrhoea effect’ in the bowl using stool samples that had been infected with the hospital superbug C. difficile.

They found C diff was transported up to 10 inches above the toilet seat when it was open and a reduced rate was still detected in the air up to 90 minutes later.

When the lid was closed no C. difficile was recovered on any surface, but when it was open it was found on the cistern, to the right and left of the toilet seat and on the floor.

Norovirus particles

Filter paper

The norovirus (left) is thought to be spread by odourised droplets, like those found on the filter paper during the tests (right)

Professor Wilcox said: ‘We then put vegetable colour dye in the water bowl, lifted the lid and put cling film over the toilet seat. After we flushed the toilet we found it sprayed a large amount. By placing the film onto filter paper we found that the toilet could spray up to 50 droplets per flush.’

They noted that many hospital toilets don’t have lids – ironically in an attempt to stop cross-contamination from handling a lid.

The professor said that although it was unlikely that keeping the lid up would be a ‘huge’ health hazard, their findings suggested patients with a  superbug should at least have a dedicated toilet.

He added that their research also had wider implications, telling the Mail Online: ‘It would be prudent if there is a lid to put it down after flushing.

‘This contains smells and droplets that can become aerolised. Some bugs spread more easily to surfaces this way and the norovirus is thought to be one of them.

‘Our advice – put down the lid if it’s there and wash your hands afterwards.’

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This is silly. The lid does not create a hermetic seal. There is still a 1/2″ gap between the toilet and the seat so any bacteria is going to be blasted out with even MORE velocity out the sides!

mythbusters trashed this ages ago

And this is where mothers usually have to breastfeed when they are out. Soooo wrong, especially since many public toilets don’t have lids. Time to get lids and provide a safe place for nursing mothers and baby changing stations away from the toilet bacteria spray!

This issue was covered some 20-odd years ago, when some serious research was done on toilet hygiene. Using some pretty sophisticated optics and dyes in the Loo, the researchers demonstrated that flushing causes an aerosol, which will more than fills a toilet area………… Shutting the lid before flushing also proved to be effective at suppressing the aerosol effect. These days I always shut the loo before flushing………and try to avoid busy public conveniences; an obvious Norovirus risk.

Rats can climb up and out the toilet, another good reason to keep the lid down.

I’m no germaphobe, I always put the lid down. I cringe every time I flush the loo, imagining rabid germs, gushing out the lav……Jaws and teeth, gnashing like sharks……like a video game or something……oh no…..time for my tablets.

There is still a gap between the toilet seat and the toilet for bacteria to escape. I suggest that this gap is covered with cling film to prevent leakage of bacteria when flushing. After flush squirt the entire toilet bowl in bleach to kill remaining bacteria and wash your hands of course. Clean the toilet seat and lid with antibacterial cleaner. Top yourself up with vitamin C and D3, zinc and selenium for enhanced immune system.

Have never put the lid down. . . have never been anything but healthy. Of course I actually CLEAN the entire toilet daily . . . doesn’t everyone?

That’s why toilets have lids. I was brought up to lower the lid before flushing – and assumed most did the same for obvious reasons. Hardly an ordeal to do so, and fairly obvious I’d have thought.

Try living with 3 boys – get them to put the seat down? I’m doomed!!

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