The error here, is assuming that the Biblical Flood was global. It was NOT. The Flood actually happened. But the assumption here is that Adam and Eve were the first parents of ALL hominids, everywhere. They were not! I’m going to quote a wide variety of people who think themselves Christians, to prove one point- The Bible NEVER preaches Universalism, but the EXACT OPPOSITE. It is the Record of ONE Race, ONE People, ONE Special Creation, ONE Body (of Christ)- alone!
Not only is it genetically impossible to think that we are all ‘of one blood’, (that verse is subject to so many critiques) it is little less than a blasphemy, to presume that Adamkind includes the Negro. Even black authors such as [African] author Solomon Jegede Enaboakpe, wrote a book entitled: “Black Man: Not Descendant of Adam.” You can buy it on Amazon.
This entire methodology is flawed, because it presumes that ‘all men’ means all HOMINIDS, in order to include everyone in the Flood! Adam is a divinely different, ontologically unique special creation, as the Genesis Account notes; all ‘holy seed’ [Ez 9:2] follows from that, as St. Peter corroborated! – and as the Hypostatic Union of the Godhead with Adamic Man- via the Incarnation, proves! The Flood is merely just one judgment against this ‘holy people’ when they transgressed the Law of God, as St. Paul says in all his Epistles.
As just one author pointed out, decades ago, the apostasy of American Evangelicalism is deep: “The Christian thinker,” Rushdoony writes, “has too often embraced as his own a non-Christian principle which he believed would be fruitful in terms of Christian thought… [embracing] alien brides hoping thereby that in the dark they held Rachel. But ‘in the morning, behold it was Leah.’ The issue of such a union has consistently been semi-alien seed which is in rebellion against its parentage and defiles it more thoroughly than its enemies can.”
“The tragedy that ensued,” he continues, “was that early Christian thought wedded itself to the Leah of Greek philosophy in the hopes of producing a Christian world-view… Christian thought has consistently gone astray, throughout most of its history, by seeking to answer the world in terms of the world’s own categories. It has assumed that it must marry Leah to speak either to Leah or Laban and has ended only in sad bondage to both.”- “By What Standard?”
What do I mean? When it all comes down to basics: politics, nation, race, holy Writings- it is always, ALL about family, and nothing else. Kinism, in other words. Even in your Church; especially in your Church.
Start with what you know- Jews are not US. “Jews are Asiatics, they are a menace to this country if permitted entrance and should be excluded by this Constitution.”- Benjamin Franklin
If they are (as so many have noted) a foreign ethnos, then ‘how much more’ ANY non-White, non-Caucasoid individual? As the Orthodox fathers clearly noted: “I for my part maintain that to hate the enemies of god is lawful, and that such a hatred pleases the Master. By enemies I mean those who in every way deny the glory of the Master, whether the Jews or those who are manifestly idolaters or those who thought Arius’ teaching make an idol of the creature, and so take up again the Jewish Error. “ – Gregory of Nyssa, Letters, #3.8
Once you realize the Elhaik Postulate (that Jews are NOTHING they say they are- not Jews, not Semites, not the Chosen People, not Elect, but merely Turkic Khazars) then reading Talmuddied rationales such as their lies (about the ‘sic’ “Judeo-Christian tradition”- no such thing!!!) makes perfect sense- Jews are IMPOSTERS!
“Ben-Dahan referred to Palestinians as animals in 2013, according to the Times of Israel: “To me, they are like animals, they aren’t human.” Or this quote: ” ‘A Jew always has a much higher soul than a gentile, even if he is a homosexual,’ he said.”
That is why the Christian Identity thesis is so foreign, even to Christians!!!! It is not ‘heresy’ … unless you wish to call the exclusionary, covenantal nature of the Bible, ‘heresy.’ Because the Bible preaches racial uniqueness, to the exclusion of all non-Adamites- up to and including the judgments of God as recorded in Scripture.
One other quote: ““This reflects a dilemma with which we always struggle, and that is, where do we start? Every time we write an essay or article, it is difficult to determine what prerequisite information we must include so that readers may understand our premise. So to explain the fact that the New Covenant is for one race, for our modern White or Israelite or Adamic race, we have to provide sufficient information proving first that Adamic people are exclusively White, then that Israel was chosen out of that wider White race, then that the covenants, Old and New, were established exclusively for the people of Israel, then that the apostles had taught that same thing, and then that the White nations of modern times did indeed descend to a great extent from the ancient Israelites.
That is a great challenge indeed, and if a reader does not first understand those things, he is going to reject papers such as this one. But to come to understand it, many other papers must be read and understood where all these things are proven, yet few readers are going to make the effort to accomplish that.”
Or this reference to Noahic times! “We’re headed again for the days of Noah where “blood toucheth blood”, as also in Hosea 4:2. And looking at reality, it’s already after the fact. All kinds of loose living, killing, street violence, robbery, but the killing of the unborn goes beyond all comprehension. There’s a blood-debt somewhere that is going to have to be paid! How does all this [which] we see going on today relate to the final stage of things? Here we see the Bible defining adultery as meaning, blood touching blood. The word “touch” in the Hebrew is “to lay the hand upon, euphemistically to lie with a woman.” It’s not the “swearing” that is blood touching blood. It’s not the “lying” that causes blood to touch blood, and while “killing” is bloody, it is not blood touching blood in the context here. Again, it’s not the “stealing” that causes blood to touch blood, but the committing of adultery that causes blood to touch blood. Actually the Hebrew does not say blood touching blood, but bloods touching bloods.”
Lastly, this long quote, from somewhere else: “Another fallacy of the argument that racial differences are a tragic byproduct of the Fall of Adam and Eve, and that without the Fall mankind would have remained one large undifferentiated mass of people without racial, ethnic, or tribal distinctions is this: the same people who make this argument generally support the world-wide flood theory. In other words, despite what happened in Eden, if God scratched out the original design and started fresh circa 2,345 to 2,344 B.C. with just eight humans, wouldn’t this have then started us out as one harmonious race a second time?
But, setting aside the geological impossibilities of a global flood, a careful study of Scripture will show that the Flood was not world-wide, but simply destroyed much of the Adamic race in Eden. History shows there were at least five major civilizations that had a continuous, uninterrupted written history before, during and after the flood (Egypt, Minoan, Mesopotamian, Indus Valley, and China). With the exception of China, none of these histories make any mention of the Flood. Chinese history does record vast floods coming from the east for some time in 2,344 B.C., which agrees with Bible chronology concerning the Flood. Furthermore, if one looks at a map of the Tarim Basin today, one will see that this vast area about 300 miles in width and 600 miles in length is surrounded by high mountains, with the exception of the eastern side where the ramparts broke in a bygone time. (Note: ‘Ararat’ simply means ‘highest mountains’. The Mount Ararat of southern Turkey which many claim is the resting place of the Ark, was not named Mount Ararat until recent times; in Bible times it was called Mount Massis).
Still, as Scripture says, all men are of one blood (i.e. – can interbreed). But, as shown by DNA studies, we could also interbreed with the Neanderthals; many of European extraction have a very small amount of Neanderthal DNA. Does this mean interbreeding is good? Certainly not! What is good and precious in each race is lost through miscegenation. We are no different from, say, horses in this respect. If you cross a Thoroughbred with a Clydesdale, you will end up with something that cannot run like a Thoroughbred nor pull like a Clydesdale. So, the lesson to be learned is this: if we want to celebrate diversity, we must be committed to protecting it.”
Pastor Bertrand Comparet recorded many sermons on why Adam was the first ‘white’ man and the flood was local. See the 73 video collection on YouTube hosted by David James.
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