How a foreign entity removed Australian parliamentary records from the internet

MANY people believe that Australians live in a democratic nation, but the reality is far from this.

People may also believe that ‘free speech’ is available to them on this medium called the internet.

One way of describing the reality we live in is that of a totalitarian, fascist corporatocracy both in reality and on the ether.

Parliamentary speeches are a public record, and most importantly, hansards are legal documents.
Australian parliamentary member Craig Kelly, had his recorded parliamentary speeches expunged from ‘his’ YouTube channel, meaning his voice on the Google’s platform was removed.
See 2 hour interview with Craig Kelly within the following link:
Now that’s not very ‘democratic’ is it?
It’s more of a sinister agenda.

Good allegedly has or ‘had’ a motto: “Don’t be evil”. Is this because it has the capacity to easily be evil?
Well, Google is factually ‘evil’, where it lies, i.e. provides false information, deceives its users and is responsible for slowing down the internet and saturating user’s bandwidth with approximately 60% advertising material.
For privacy and security Google products are not recommended, such as spyware loaded smartphones using Google’s Android, such as the ones made by Samsung, Motorola, Nokia etc.


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