Hostile states step up proxy war in Syria

Press TV has conducted an interview with Elias Hanna, retired Lebanese army general, to further discuss the issue.

The following is a transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Well it seems that those who are against the Syrian government are not any longer hiding their intentions. What do you make of this latest statement we have now with the Turkish foreign minister saying, basically, that they should help and arm the opposition to the Syrian government? What do you make of this situation that the Syrian government is facing? Thanks so much for being with us.

Hanna: The foreign minister of Turkey says such a statement, it means that he is highly ranked, that he is a prime official as a foreign minister, so it’s highly ranked, it’s highly important that it comes from maybe the highest source in the Turkish government. Moreover, it means that it’s going to be a game changer in what’s going on in Syria.

Backing, arming the resistance – which Turkey has more than 800 kilometers of common border with Syria – it means that we are going to a new kind of dynamics in the region, we are going to a new military dynamic on the ground especially after Baba Amr ended as well as Homs. So I think we are going to something new.

Press TV: Well, in your perspective – you are a retired army general – from a military perspective and political, how is another country able to make such statements when concerning a sovereign country? Shouldn’t this be a statement, if made at all, that would be made by a representative of the international community as opposed to a neighboring country of Syria?

Hanna: Yes, if you go to the international community, to the United Nations Security Council, remember all of us that nobody was able to get a resolution because of the Russian and Chinese vetoes.

Now we also go back to the “Friends of Syria”, the gathering of the “Friends of Syria” and [Tunisia], I think that there is a grand policy to create something parallel to the international community, the United Nations Security Council, and then from that sign try to create an overwhelming majority like what happened in the General Assembly 127, if you remember.

I think we’re going into parallel thing and they are structuring what is political and then what is military. And we know that the national Syrian council created what we call administrative or a consultative military council, a small one.

So we are seeing this kind of institutionalizing, what we call political and military, and then we have an implementation. We are going from [rhetoric] to implementation.

I think that if you look at the surrounding countries of Syria, the most important player would be Turkey and here comes the importance of what Davutoglu said.

Press TV: Now of course you’re saying that it goes into implementation but, of course, we do know that the Syrian government has already said that a lot of these foreign forces are already involved. Of course, in Homs, in Baba Amr we have reports that the Syrian army have arrested several foreign nationals including Turkish, Qataris, Afghanis and other Arab nationals. What do you make of this? If this is not condemned by the international community, what does this mean in general not only for Syria but for other countries in the world? How is a country able to protect its own sovereignty?

Hanna: If you look at the international political situation or the strategic situation, we know that the whole world is divided about the Syrian question. Now when we see that there are like gunmen, foreigners, everything, it is like a declared policy.

If you remember what the king of Saudi Arabia and the Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal said, that it’s a good idea to arm the resistance in Syria, it’s like a policy now. It’s not like a military. We are going from something said to repetitive things something on the ground.

And we are having some kind of policy or strategy to fight Syria not in an official way that you can have a degree of deniability, something like that. So you are trying to make hollow the regime from within, and trying to [attract] a war of attrition for this regime.

After Baba Amr and Homs, we have to see what’s going to happen later.

What Davutoglu said, such things we have to go on some indicators. Is it going to be like a covert or overt interference in Syria? Is it going to be like under humanitarian passages? Is it going to be like the safe haven, command and control from a distance? I think that a lot of things has to come in the near future.


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