Hospital dismisses man with broken neck home as ‘just another Friday night drunk’

Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 8:10 PM on 27th December 2011

'Dismissed': Bob Davies was sent home in a taxi after being treated 'like a Friday night drunk', according to his wife

‘Dismissed’: Bob Davies was sent home in a taxi after being treated ‘like a Friday night drunk’, according to his wife

A plasterer who suffered a broken neck in a fall was forced to drag himself home after being dismissed as ‘just another Friday night drunk’, it has been claimed.

Bob Davies, 60, suffered the injury on December 16 and was rushed to the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford, Shrops, but was sent home in a taxi despite insisting he couldn’t move his arms and legs.

The next day his concerned wife called a local medical helpline and admitted him to hospital for the same hospital for a second time because the doctor was worried he had suffered a stroke.

An expert told Hazel Davies to admit her husband into hospital again so he could be examined by medics for a second time.

it was only after the second visit, an x-ray and CT scan that doctors
then found self-employed Mr Davies had broken his neck.

Mr Davies, from Boulton Grange, Shropshire, must now spend at least six weeks in Oswestry’s Orthopaedic Hospital for treatment of his injury.

His wife Hazel said: ‘I just think it’s disgusting.

obviously didn’t examine him properly or they would never have sent him
home in that position – he couldn’t move, and his legs and hands
weren’t working. His right hand is still like a claw.

‘They just classed him as another Friday night drunk.

‘He couldn’t understand why things weren’t working, he just knew he was in trouble.’

A spokesman for the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust said: ‘While we cannot comment on individual cases, patients who come to our AE departments are assessed for the clinical symptoms they present with and the history of their injury.

‘If any patient or their family has concerns about this assessment process we would encourage them to contact us so we can investigate their concerns.’

Staff at the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford, Shrops, eventually saw Mr Davies for a second time, where they finally identified his broken neck

Staff at the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford, Shrops, eventually saw Mr Davies for a second time, where they finally identified his broken neck

Mrs Davies added: ‘They told me to phone 999 immediately for an ambulance to get him into hospital to be examined properly.

‘Bob was X-rayed and had a CT scan and they discovered he had broken his neck.

‘On the Monday he was moved to the Oswestry Orthopaedic. He had another scan and they discovered he has damaged his spinal cord, so he might not get better at all.’

Mrs Davies said her husband had been out for a Christmas drink with work friends. As he was making his way home he ‘felt funny’ and the next thing he knew he had fallen on his face and was being put into an ambulance.

She said Mr Davies had had a few pints but told her he wasn’t drunk.

She said her husband has now been told that he did not suffer a stroke, and that his broken neck was a result of the fall.

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So sad for him and the family. Sure hope he gets better. I don’t think I could have made it through the night, pain must to have been higher than 10.

Mr Nobby Bexhill
With a name and a comment like that,you obviously are a chav of the first rank.

Okay, but should we blame the hospital or the Friday night drunks that infest AE’s and have led to this broad brush stereotyping of even genuine cases?

After a cursory examination I was dismissed by a triage nurse as a minor sof tissue injury to the knee which would heal in a few weeks. I was told to take ibuorofen which i told her did not touch the agonizing pain. Several weeks later when I could walk again albeit painfully i saw my doctor who referred me for physio. They sent me for a ct scan and I had torn ligaments, torn the cartilage and my kneecap was scraping the bone below it. After nearly a year of physio it still took a further year before I was able to walk downstairs one foot in front of the other. I complained to the hospital but they couldnt see anything wrong with their initial assesment.

Confusing. He didn’t fall through no reason, he either tripped and fell awkwardly, or he fell because of imbalance through drink. Thing is, how was admitted? Was he examined at the scene or in hospital? Was he moving at the scene or at hospital? Regardless if he was drunk or not, if he isn’t moving his limbs, then he should have been examined immediately, he could have been paralysed. I have a feeling he fell through drink, he was incoherent so they sent him home. Did he move on his own from the taxi to his house? Was it a delayed reaction that occurred in the morning after? It is very confusing, and the hospital look to be susceptible through potentially not examining him thoroughly. An investigation has to ensue to establish what exactly happened, to determine who was at fault.

I was involved in a head-on collision on my motorcycle, with a Vespa scooter after he turned into my path. An Indian doctor at Clacton hospital sent me home after listening to my heart and taking my blood pressure. Blood was dripping out of the bottom of my jeans. After two weeks I was in agony and went back for X rays which ought to have been done the first time. The same doctor sent me home and said I’ll mend. Another two weeks and I was even worse, with all my ribs down the right side, caved in. Back I went for more X rays and the doctor told me I was being a big baby. Two more weeks and a specialist wanted more X rays. This time they found I had several broken ribs, broken collar bone, broken shoulder, broken arm and cracked shin bones. The doctor didn’t show his face this time. It seems they still haven’t gotten their act together. We don’t expect perfection, but we do expect reasonable care.

His wife Hazel said: ‘I just think it’s disgusting. …………… I couldn’t agree with you more Hazel! …. My husband nearly died last June because some b…y triage nurse supposed she knew it all, wouldn’t listen and didn’t get an X-Ray or CT scan! We got sent home in a taxi being dismissed with some trivial complaint ….. when in fact he had a ruptured gall bladder and finished up in ICU on a life support machine. I DON’T WANT COMPENSATION ….. I WANT PEOPLE TO DO THEIR B……Y JOBS PROPERLY AS I DID MINE …. for a pittance of what they get paid, I would add. ……….. If I could get hold of that nurse I’d bring the ceiling down round her ears!!!!!!!!

Similar to the time I collapsed in the street from a migraine ( yes they CAN get that bad !)
The so called “doctor” who examined me said categorically that “there was no such thing as a migraine” . Then I asked him if he was sure, because although I was no expert I had “only ” suffered from them for 53 years, and suggested that maybe he should compare notes with the consultant Neurologist I was under at the National migraine clinic!
Enter a different doctor .

Well – A plastered plasterer. I was married to one of them many years ago – Thankfully I saw the light

If you believe something serious is wrong go to another hospital A E

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