Hollow promises will not save small firms

Daily Mail Comment

Last updated at 12:14 AM on 20th February 2012

Small businesses like this bakers in London will suffer without help from the Government (file picture)

Support: Small businesses like this bakers in London will suffer without help from the Government (file picture)

If the unemployment rate is frightening now, imagine what it would be like with another 1.6million pushed on to the dole.

Yet this could happen as soon as 2014 if the Government doesn’t start giving real support rather than hollow promises to Britain’s suffering small businesses.

Unable to get affordable bank loans and having to wait months for tax refunds, owing to the incompetence of HMRC, many small firms are relying on personal savings, credit cards, and help from relatives to stay afloat, according to a survey by the Warwick Business School.

The situation is so precarious that more than a quarter of firms employing fewer than 10 people expect to go under within the next two years – not fear they might go under, but expect to.

Individually these endangered companies may be tiny, but collectively they employ no fewer than 1.6million workers. To put that figure into perspective, the UK’s biggest private employer, Tesco, employs 260,000 in this country, RBS 95,000, and BP just 10,000.

If this catastrophe is to be averted, the Government must act now to honour all its past pledges – to slash the red tape that is strangling many small firms, to reward enterprise and endeavour through the tax system, and, most importantly of all, to force the banks to lend.

Working for nothing

With more than a million 16-24-year-olds unemployed, the Government is duty bound to do all in its power to help them discover the work ethic.

So the principle of sending jobseekers’ benefit claimants  – especially those who have never worked, and perhaps whose parents have never worked – for unpaid placements with companies like Tesco, Boots or Poundland, is perfectly sensible.

Tesco has attracted vehement criticism for participating in the Government¿s grandly-named 'sector-based work academy programme'

Protest: Tesco has attracted vehement criticism for participating in the Government’s grandly-named ‘sector-based work academy programme’

Why then have companies participating in the Government’s grandly-named ‘sector-based work academy programme’ attracted such vehement criticism?

Tesco has come in for a particular battering, with accusations that it is using desperate unemployed people as a source of ‘slave labour’ to take the place of paid employees.

Of course, Tesco says these charges are baseless, but damage has been done and the supermarket giant, terrified of more bad publicity, is threatening to pull out.

If the programme is to survive at all, it must have clearly defined objectives. Unpaid work experience should be for a limited term, involve an element of training and, for those who work hard and show initiative, possibly a paid job.

Without these crucial safeguards, this initiative, well-intentioned though it may be, will always smack of exploitation.

Revolt over tsar

It is hard to think of anyone less suited to heading up the Office for Fair Access –  the body designed to help more poor students into higher education – than Business Secretary Vince Cable’s chosen candidate Professor Les Ebdon.

Currently vice-chancellor of the University of Bedfordshire – joint 102nd out of 119 in the Good University Guide – the ‘access tsar’ says applicants from poorer homes should be admitted even if they do not have the qualifications.

He believes undergraduates should be allowed to continue studying even if they fail first-year courses and he is on record defending ‘Mickey Mouse’ degrees.

Poor students don’t need positive discrimination. They need good schooling.

Shouldn’t David Cameron simply veto the appointment of this patronising social engineer without delay?

Mr Cable and the Lib Dems would squeal with indignation at the interference but so what? Which is more important, protecting academic standards for future generations, or petty Coalition politics?


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