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Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Broadcast: 22/04/2012
The IMF says the global economy has improved somewhat in recent months, but the Federal Government and Opposition have differed on what it means for Australia.
BARRIE CASSIDY PRESENTER: We’ll be talking too to the Treasurer, Wayne Swan, whose budget would be overwhelmed if the first sitting day is consumed by a parliamentary crisis.
And we’ll go to the economy now, and the IMF (International Monetary Fund) this week released a report on the global situation, and essentially judged that things are a little better than they once were but they get the feeling that at any moment the whole thing could go pear shaped again. Very helpful.
And where does Australia sit in all of that? Well that depends who you listen to. The Prime Minister says it confirmed Australia as the world beater; Tony Abbott says it showed Australia is underperforming.
At least he was on message, his Shadow Treasurer, on the other hand, was freelancing from the other side of the world.
MARK SIMKIN, ABC REPORTER: The IMF thinks the storm clouds are clearing.
OLIVIER BLANCHARD, IMF CHIEF ECONOMIST: Things have quietened down since, but an uneasy calm remains.
JULIA GILLARD, PRIME MINISTER (to press): The IMF has said the Australian economy is a world beater.
A World beater.
A World beater.
This is great news.
WAYNE SWAN, TREASURER (ABC Radio interview): The IMF forecasts show that the Australian economy will outperform every other major advanced economy this year and next.
TONY ABBOTT, OPPOSITION LEADER (to press): The IMF has actually downgraded its growth forecasts for the Australian economy.
JULIA GILLARD (to press): What does he want? The US? The eurozone? This is nonsense stuff.
TONY ABBOTT (to press): A year ago it forecast growth in the coming year at 3.5 per cent. It’s now downgraded that to 3 per cent.
JULIA GILLARD (to press): If I said to President Obama ‘Do you want Australia’s unemployment rate?’ he would start chewing his right arm off to have it.
WAYNE SWAN (ABC Radio interview): Given the global uncertainty a surplus is more important than ever.
TONY ABBOTT (to press): This is an underperforming economy.
JULIA GILLARD (press conference): It’s time to get back in the black.
TONY ABBOTT (to press): It’s underperforming because of the poor economic management of the current government.
JOE HOCKEY, SHADOW TREASURER (Lateline interview): We need to keep our pencils sharpened when it comes to entitlements.
Like a bad parent, over the years they have always said to voters, “You can have what you want.”
KARL STEFANOVIC, SUNRISE PRESENTER: You always seem to be explaining and defining what Joe Hockey or Andrew Robb said; this the drama for you at the moment.
TONY ABBOTT: Well I’m not sure there’s any great drama here.
JOE HOCKEY (Lateline interview): We need to compare ourselves with our Asian neighbours where the entitlements programs of the state are far less.
JULIA GILLARD (to press): The Liberal Party has said overnight through Mr Hockey that they are prepared to abandon Australian families.
JOE HOCKEY (Lateline interview): Hang on, hang on…
PENNY WONG, FINANCE MINISTER (ABC interview): What he’s saying in that speech is we should cut into pensions …
JOE HOCKEY (Lateline interview): Hang on, hang on…
CHRISTINE MILNE, GREENS LEADER (to press): Mr Hockey wants to emulate a dog eat dog world.
TONY ABBOTT (Sunrise interview): You see there’s no new policy that’s been announced here.
JOE HOCKEY (Lateline interview): Well Hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on…
PENNY WONG (ABC Interview): It just shows he really doesn’t make a lot of sense a lot of the time.
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