“Hitler was Right” Stickers Posted Across UK Campus

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 30, 2015

As I have said many times, we are easily able to use the triggerability of the SJWs to our own favor. One person can do a small thing, and it can become a massive media spectacle as Jews and women and Jewish women whine.

We saw this recently with the #BoycottStarWarsVII “movement” where only a few Twitter trolls were able to make a fake boycott of Jew Star Wars into the top story across the planet.

I have labeled this “Judo Trolling” – using the enemy’s own force against him. His outrage is much louder than ours, drawing more attention to our cause than we could ever hope to.

And as our cause is normalizing our ideas, attention is what we are looking for.

Now, presumably just one guy, has printed up and posted “Hitler was Right” stickers across a UK campus and triggered the hordes.


A number of anti-Semitic posters have been plastered across the campus of Birmingham University, including one depicting Adolf Hitler emblazoned with the slogan “Hitler was Right”. The West Midlands Police are investigating

The posters were discovered by Students’ Guild Education Officer Izzy Lenga, who posted a photo to Twitter. She commented: “For those who don’t think antisemitism is a serious issue, these were plastered over campus on Tues”.

Oh it’s an issue alright. A major issue. There are literally tens of thousands of Jew-haters right there on your campus, as this one guy posting stickers clearly proves.

You’d better start a massive media campaign about it.

The poster, and others like it, have since been removed from campus by the police who are investigating the matter as a hate crime. They will be forensically investigating the posters, as well as examining CCTV footage and talking to students and staff in an attempt to track down the perpetrators.

The posters are part of a wider trend of increasing anti-Semitism which seems to be taking hold across the country. In Stamford Hill, London, police are investigating after graffiti saying “death to da jew” was found scrawled across a window ledge.

A spokesman from the Campaign Against Antisemitism said: “This is a worrying and disturbing thing to see at a British university at a time when the number of recorded antisemitic incidents is rising, and when Jewish people are actively being targeted and killed in Europe and beyond.

“We have heard from a Jewish student organisation that they’ve had students express their discomfort and alarm at seeing a poster of Hitler suggesting support for Nazism. The reaction of the police and university must be serious and tough in order to reassure Jews and non-Jews alike that this will not be tolerated. The perpetrators of his hate crime must be found and brought to justice with zero tolerance.

Wow, “justice with zero tolerance.”

Are you going to gas them?

Bro, don't gas me bro, at least give me a haircut first bro! Bro, don't gas me bro, at least give me a haircut first bro!
Bro, don’t gas me bro, at least give me a haircut first bro!

And it wasn’t just Breitbart that covered this. Several other major outlets did and more probably will.

I guess the Daily Stormer should start manufacturing and distributing these stickers, huh?

Or you know, you guys should. I’m always so busy.

Here’s some other ideas which may be good.

warned you Hitlerwarned you Hitler gas-the-kikes-race-war-now-14-88-boots-on-the-groundgas-the-kikes-race-war-now-14-88-boots-on-the-ground gas-the-kikes-race-war-now-1gas-the-kikes-race-war-now-1 taylor-swift-gas-the-kikestaylor-swift-gas-the-kikes PersecutePersecute shutterstock_6841060shutterstock_6841060 jewish-policejewish-police

I can also use this opportunity to promote the pro-Nazi art of a dear friend of mine (easy stickers as well).

Source Article from http://www.dailystormer.com/hitler-was-right-stickers-posted-across-uk-campus/

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