Hillary’s Weird Family Values
Elections 2016, America In Decline Articles
Hillary’s Weird Family Values
By Brother Nathanael Kapner August 18, 2015 ©
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CAMPAIGN ADS TELL A STORY that either uplifts or depresses the spirit.
Hillary’s Family Strong campaign weaves a story that sinks one’s spirit into a sour state.
A strange dissonance sounds forth from her ads where Hillary ‘champions’ homosexual marriages, lesbian courtships, and broken inter-racial marriages.
Hillary’s own family life strikes a discordant tone due to her husband’s adulterous affairs and her peculiar vague responses.
With images of estrangement, separation, and disharmony awash in Hillary’s ads, an echo of her own broken life dins in our ears.
And there’s no need to rehash the old Clinton scandals, like Whitewater, the Arkansas Prison Blood Scandal, and Mena, because you can look at the new ones.
In or out of the White House, fun with the Clinton family never stops — Benghazi, the Emails, Sidney Blumenthal, and the Clinton Foundation Scandals.
Hillary Clinton is a metaphor for America, for in her own person she embodies cracks in a country gone amok.
America as a united nation no longer exists, and Hillary is not the one to put it back together again, she’ll only make it worse.
It’s not for nothing that her loyal supporters, New York Jews, are future-casting Hillary as the “first woman president.”
The Jews trashed us with their “first black president” and they’ll pile the trash even higher with Hillary Clinton.
Ironically, under Jewry’s “black president,” unemployment and civil strife in black inner cities have worsened—(blacks have little affection for Obama)—and under Jewry’s scheduled “first woman president,” strife between conservative and liberal women will detonate.
AND DON’T YOU KNOW that young blacks instinctively despise Hillary?
Bad things are coming to America’s “family”…if the Jews get their “first woman prez.”
For More See: Bad Start With Hillary Click Here
And: America’s Coming Nightmare Click Here
And: How The Jews Took The White House Click Here
And: Elections For Jews Only Click Here
And: How To Fix America Click Here
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Brother Nathanael @ August 17, 2015
Source Article from http://www.realjewnews.com/?p=1053
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