The picture is a screen shot of the cover photograph from the Facebook page of Dan Shapiro, the US Ambassador to Israel, as it appeared on February 16, 2016. In this photograph, which Ambassador Shapiro took, the image of the Star of David is clearly outlined by the petals of the flower.
An Open Letter to Ambassador Shapiro
Dear Mr. Ambassador,
With all due respect, as an official of the US government, it seems to me to be highly inappropriate for you to so prominently display a Jewish religious symbol as your Facebook cover photograph.
We Americans are a nation with a long tradition of separation of religion and state. One would hope that you would respect this tradition. Secondly, the Star of David is the national symbol of the self-defined “Jewish State” of Israel. As a Jewish-American US government official posted to Tel Aviv, your Facebook cover photo may give the impression that your Jewishness and/or identification with Israel takes precedence over your obligation to represent US interests in a foreign country which often acts in opposition to the aims and wishes of the US. This is an impression I assume you do not want to communicate.
Maybe it would be better to employ your not inconsiderable photographic talents celebrating and referencing symbols of your own country, the United States.
Yours truly,
Ira “@abushalom” Glunts
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