A heroic student attending the University of Connecticut has been charged with a “hate crime” after police say he allegedly painted a swastika on a campus building in protest against barbaric Jewish circumcision rituals:
Kristopher Pieper, 21, a junior from Enfield, Connecticut, was being held Thursday in lieu of a $5,000 bond on charges including intimidation based on bigotry or bias and criminal mischief. It was not immediately clear if he has hired an attorney.
He’s accused of painting the antisemitic symbol on the school’s chemistry building, which is located directly across from UConn Hillel, the Jewish student organization, on March 27.
He has not been charged in a second incident, in which similar antisemitic graffiti, including another swastika and a second Nazi symbol, were found two days later on another building down the road from Hillel House.
Police were able to link him to the graffiti on the chemistry building using video from the campus surveillance system, swipes from Pieper’s school identification card, and data from UConn’s wifi network identifying his phone in the area, according to an arrest warrant.
During questioning, police said Pieper gave them a 10-page statement which he called an apology, in which he said he was upset with certain Jewish religious practices, including circumcision.
“I do not hate Jews, I am critical of them,” he wrote.
Pieper, an anthropology major, also faces university sanctions, but the school declined to say what those are, citing federal privacy laws. University President Thomas Katsouleas sent a letter to the university community Thursday in response to the arrest.
“Every member of our community — students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests — deserves to feel safe and respected at UConn,” he wrote. “Anyone who violates that principle goes against the values this university exists to uphold.”
Edina Oestriecher, the executive director of UConn Hillel, said there have been seven reported antisemitic incidents on campus this school year, including acts of graffiti and at least one assault on a Jewish student, who was attacked by several men while walking home from a Passover seder, she said.
“It’s been certainly an upsetting time,” she said. “We’re relived to know that an arrest has been made, at least in connection with one of the incidents.”
If we take the Jews’ word for it, UConn is quickly becoming a “hotbed” of antisemitism and “white supremacy” — but coincidentally, every college campus where Jews find themselves seems to spontaneously foment antisemitism — for no reason whatsoever.
And hopefully Kristopher Pieper will learn that Jews consider all criticism to be antisemitic — you cannot criticize Jews without “hating” them — and ultimately they want to make it illegal to criticize them for any reason — even in the privacy of our own homes.
Everyone, they tell us, “deserves to feel safe and respected” — except for White Christians, who are the world’s “oppressors” and ultimately responsible for creating antisemitism at the foot of the cross.
Christianity — we have been told by Jewish “experts” — is more of a threat to Jews than “neo-nazis.”
And considering that so many of America’s most prominent “neo-nazis” have been Jews, this should come as no surprise.
If you feel unsafe by the idea that a non-medical doctor is allowed to mutilate newborn infants’ genitals and suck the blood off with their mouths — often infecting the infant with life-threatening herpetic encephalitis, then you are an “antisemite” who belongs in jail.
According to one sympathetic Jewish judge, Jews in America have a constitutional right to perform these amateur genital mutilation and penis sucking rituals.
Of course, a French court has correctly ruled that “swastikas” are not inherently “antisemitic” — but since the Jews have taken on the role of The World’s Hall Monitors™ and Language Police™, they will decided — unilaterally — what is and is not Antisemitic™.
But by allowing Jews to be the sole arbiters of “hate”, we are very quickly moving toward the moment when even slapping a Jew will be presumed to be a Federal “hate crime” — as Jewish former U.S. Attorney General, William Barr, made clear.
This fact alone gives Jews themselves an incentive to perpetrate “hate crimes” against themselves — a book-length study on the subject showed that 70% of all “hate crimes” were hoaxes.
Jews shouldn’t have to live in fear of ever catching a glimpse of a swastika — or anything that even looks like a swastika — anywhere in America — or the entire planet — but if they do, they will be eligible to receive free psychiatric counseling.
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