TUESDAY, April 17 (HealthDay News) — Adults with serious injuries are
more likely to survive if they’re transported to hospital by helicopter
instead of ambulance, researchers report.
For the study, Dr. Adil Haider, of Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine in Baltimore, and colleagues examined data on more than 220,000
patients aged 15 and older with serious injuries who were admitted to
level-one (top-ranked) or level-two trauma centers in the United
The overall death rate for the nearly 62,000 patients transported by
helicopter was 12.6 percent, compared to 11 percent for the nearly 162,000
patients transported by ground. The researchers also noted that a greater
percentage of patients transported by helicopter had more severe
Further analysis showed that for patients taken to level-one trauma
centers, helicopter transport was associated with a 16 percent improved
chance of survival compared to ground transport. For patients taken to
level-two trauma centers, helicopter transport was associated with a 15
percent better chance of survival compared to ground transport.
“Thus, for patients transported to level-one trauma centers by
helicopter, 65 patients would need to be transported to save one life; for
patients transported to level-two trauma centers, the number needed to
treat is 69,” Haider and colleagues reported.
“Trauma remains the leading cause of death and disability among young
people around the world. In the United States, more than 50 million people
are injured per year, resulting in approximately 169,000 annual deaths and
a lifetime cost of $406 billion,” the authors wrote in the report, which
is published in the April 18 issue of the Journal of the American
Medical Association, a special theme issue focusing on comparative
effectiveness research.
It’s not clear why helicopter transport improves patients’ chances of
survival, Haider’s team noted in a journal news release, and because the
use of helicopters to transport seriously injured patients is expensive,
further research into the issue is recommended.
One expert agreed that more research is needed.
Dr. Daniel Baker, associate medical director in the department of
emergency services at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, noted that the
study did not control for two key variables — time of transportation and
the level of medical training for helicopter vs. ground crews. So, the
findings “do not indicate whether it is actually the transportation by the
helicopter itself that lends the increased benefit to the patient,” he
Furthermore, “multiple areas throughout the country do not have access
to transport by helicopter,” Baker noted. “Hopefully in the future,
further prospective studies can be performed to help determine what the
underlying benefit is so that it may be applied to all trauma
More information
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has more about injury and violence
prevention and control.
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