“Have They Gone Completely Mad?” They Know That They Are Killing The Economy, But They Are Doing It Anyway

Exert from a “financial” article.
“They know exactly what they are doing. The “experts” that run the Federal Reserve know that if they dramatically hike interest rates it will cause countless American workers to lose their jobs and it will absolutely crush the housing market. And even though those two things are already starting to happen, they just announced another massive rate hike. If there was a school for central bankers, one of the very first things that they would teach you is that you should never, ever raise rates as an economy is plunging into a recession. Every Fed official knows what has happened in the past when rates have been hiked at the beginning of an economic slowdown, but they are doing it anyway. To call this “economic malpractice” would be a major understatement, and the American people should be deeply alarmed about what they are doing to us.”


Most American sheeple are too ignorant to walk and chew gum at the same time.
Most sheeple people in the whole wide world are too ignorant to walk and chew gum at the same time.
But I am currently an American, so thats where my main interest is.

A central bank in American history has always been a source of political fighting and corruption.

The first one in American history was in 1781.
Contrary to what Americas were indoctrinated with the Revolutionary War effort was not universally embraced by the population.

Only about 3% had anything to do with the revolution.
The rest were made up of people who remained loyal to Britain and those who did not give a damn for either side and just wanted to be left alone while they farmed, hunted and fished.

After the war the whole country was in one hell of a shape, politically and financially.

The first Central Bank did not last all that long.
The second attempt at a central bank was killed by President Andrew Jackson.

The 3ed US central bank was formed to help the closet homosexual atheist war criminal Lincoln make illegal war on the Confederacy while he was building his Marxist, (communist in today’s English) Soviet Styled Mandatory military Dictatorship thinly disguised as a constitutional republic.

Another thing they do not teach you in American history.

From 1776 to March 4, 1789 the united States under the articles of Confederation was one Nation.

That nation ended in a Coup when the 2nd constitution was forced by rich folks on the bulk of the American people who had no say in the matter and did not want it.

The second united States Nation died at the closet Homosexual atheist communist Lincoln’s hand backed by the self-righteous evil of the yankee puritans.

From March 4, 1789 to Lincolns Marxist Coup which started in 1860, was in place in the yankee North by 1861 and was forced on the subjugated with terrorism against civilians by the illegally invading US Military when the last Texas troops surrendered in 1865.

The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the third central “government” in America.
It is not a Nation, it is not a country.
It is a Communist styled military dictatorship.

Think the City of Rome partying on all the stolen wealth of all the militarily conquered countries and territories.

George Washington is not the father of this communist military dictatorship thinly disguised as a constitutional republic.
Lincoln killed what was left of the Revolutionaries volunteer union.

The closet homosexual atheist war criminal Lincoln was the father of this puritan yankee military dictatorship.

1938 red Russian Commie USA presidential Convention, where Lincoln was recognized as the Father of American zionism/Communism.

The next is splitting hairs if a new dictatorship was founded in 1913 or who controlled the communist military dictatorship changed hands in 1913.
It is fact the “witch” burning little Southern Child and pregnant woman raping, often to death puritan yankees control of the dictatorship ended in 1913.

In 1913 the Rothschild clan and their minion families like the Rockefeller’s and the Carnegie’s pulled off a Coup which took control of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION from the yankee puritan with the birth of the Rothschild’s (Not) Federal, (No) Reserve (s), (and not a) Bank “Central bank” though bribes, blackmail and having paid to place the treasonous Woodrow Wilson in the White House.

Therefore the current “father of the Rothschild controlled communist military dictatorship is this evil minion of the dark side.

Lionel Walter Rothschild

Woodrow Wilson dutifully signed the Rothschilds Usury Scam into law.
He also worked to drag America into the Rothschild’s pre-planned World War One in 1917 to save England which had instigated World War One for the Rothschild clan who owned and operated Britain from the time of the Battle of Waterloo, from defeat at the hands of the Germans who did not start the war contrary to the propaganda taught as history..

Father of Lionel Walter Rothschild

The great Crash of 1929 or the starting of the Great Depression of the 1930s which lasted much longer than it should have because of Rothschild’s minion, president FDR’s communist policies, was not an accident or naturally accruing disaster.

The Rothschild’s Usury Banks pushed easy credit in the 1920s following the end of WW 1.
Easy credit ran the stock market up to dazzling heights.
On paper there were more American millionaires than in the history of America.
Everyone and their dog kept borrowing easy money, buying stocks on wall street which kept inflating the price of stocks.

Then to cause the crash the Rothschild’s minion bankers pulled 1/3 of the country’s money out of circulation.
Using this as an excuse, the time of anyone can get an easy loan ended.
People who were in debt to the banks up to their eyeballs could not get new loans to cover their debts.
Thus the stock market was artificially crashed.
All these paper millionaires who the day before had been partying and living high on the hog were dead broke, deeply in debt to Rothschild’s minions banks, with no hope of ever getting out of debt.

The ones who did not commit suicide jumping out of windows were on the street in thousand dollar suits trying to sell pencils for a nickel.

The Usury bankers seized bank accounts, farm land, factories, homes and other real wealth items the paper millionaires had put up for collateral for easy loans.

The crash of 1929 and the depression of the 1930s which thanks to FDR’s communist policies lasted until the start of WW2 was a planed, orchestrated giant steal of America’s real wealth by the Rothschild’s Usury bank cabal.

In 1933 the Communist FDR who was a minion of the Rothschild’s under cover of the depression the Rothschilds and forced on America, FDR stole Americans gold.
A “law” was passed which really said all corporations doing business in America under the “protection” of the USA Corporation, must sell their gold to the USA Corporation at $25.00 dollars an ounce.

Any head of a corporation not doing so would be fined or thrown into federal prison.
The rule did not legally apply to individuals and living souls but the crime cabal of USA misrepresented that it did, posted notices in all post offices so the American people, most who were woefully ignorant of law, turned their personal physical gold over to the USA crime cabal corporation at $25.00 dollars an ounce.

The Washington DC crime cabal then did two things.
First they revalued the price of gold up to $35.00 dollars an ounce which gave them more stolen wealth to spend on communistic policies, and inflated the US dollar so that the Feds in fact stole a huge amount of the purchasing power of the paper money they paid individuals when they frudintaly forced them to sell their gold to the Washington DC Crime Cabal.

Second, domestically the US dollar was taken off the Gold Standard and put on the silver standard.

Internationally the paper money was still backed by gold until 1972 when Tricky Dickie Nixon defaulted on the Gold standard for international use of the US dollars as an international currency.

This came about as USA was printing paper money they did not have the gold to back up to pay for the pre-planned and none of America’s business, Viet Nam war.

Domestically the dollar was backed from 1933 until 1964 when for domestic use, the US dollar became Fiat currency, not money, as it was then backed by absolutely NOTHING of intrinsic value.

When this was done domestically inflation of the purchasing power of the US Fiat Currency started skyward, at first in jerks and small peaks

In about 1961 my father bought me a huge grass fed meat hamburger and an orange soda in a cafe.
He paid .30 cents.
That quarter was silver.
Today that same meal would cost from $15.00 to $30.00 dollars depending where you bought it.

Not talking a fountain soda and a soybean fast food burger, which itself is around at least $5.00 fiat dollars now.

The current Rothschild causing a world wide depression with rising energy prices, world hunger/mass starvation shortly, after instigating a world wide “COVID” Scammdemic

Is this evil Usury Maass murdering Working towards a one world communist/Zionist dictatorship with him as King.

In order for his wet nightmare dream of a one world communist/zionist dictatorship with his family in the drivers seat.

Subjugating Germany to the Rothschilds and neutering the German people was what World War One and Two were mainly about.

Now it is America’s turn.
The Not Federal, No Reserves and Not a Bank Khazarian Mafia cartel is one of the main tools being used against Americans.

Another in massive illegal invaders from 3ed world countries who hate America/Americans.

The False Flag of 9-11 was about bringing America to her knees, stealing God given rights from Americans while grinding down the US military into the tranny run wreck with killer jabbed soldiers and obsolete weapons it is today

so there is no ready force to resist an UN troops takeover if and when the Rothschild’s blackmailed pedophile political whores in DC can cause a revolt against their evil, in the streets of America.

in ending, there is one more thing I must explain.

Rothschilds Vs Jews.

A Jew is a member of an End of Times Death Cult religion.
In Jesus the Christ time, who was not a Jew, but a Judian who was fighting the Judeans serving a false Jew demon god, Jews were Judians.

Today Jews are Khazarians.

Not all Khazarian are Jews.
Jew is a cult religion, not a race, not a sub race of the human race.

The Khazarians who are Jews break down unto two groups, both evil.

Zionist Jews

Zionism/communism are both cancers which eat the soul leaving just a Zionist Zombie Virus Host.

It is worth noting both red Russian Putinister

Communist KGB agent Putin

and Ukraine’s Zelenskiy

Gay Jew “comedian

Who can play piano with his dick and balls

And guitar necked.
Very presidential!

Are both red Russian Khazarian Jews and Rothschild’s minions.

Now that the Khazarians occupying Palestine for the Rothschilds are becoming a liability as their evil and true history is becoming know, the Rothschild’s have stepped on them like the cock roaches they consider them to be

Most Khazarian Jews truly believe they are the descendants of the Hebrews and Judeans, and they are superior to other “human animals” who are not from their cult.

They themselves are victims.
Indoctrinated with bull shit from birth to make them evil, vicious, mass murdering pedophilic thieving evil cancers on the ass of humanity for the benefit of the Rothschild’s political and financial rain deer games against God and humanity.

But one can show no mercy or pity to them.
Trying to treat them as fellow humans is like trying to get a blow job from a rattlesnake.

Just not going to end well for the human,



Pig fat Osrahell Firster Charlatan “minister” of the Zionist Zombie Virus “church” Cornerstone Ministries in San Antonio Occupied Republic of Texas

So whatcha going to do about it Americans?
Whatcha going to do about it Humans world wide?

The Ole Dog!


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