‘Hashemi case, an internal Iraqi issue’

Petraeus discussed the issue with Turkish Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan in a meeting on Tuesday.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Sa’ad Al-Muttalibi, an Iraqi MP, to share his views on the issue.

The video also offers the opinions of Former Iraqi National Security Advisor, Mowaffak al-Rubaie.

What follows is an approximate transcript of the interview.

Press TV: The current CIA chief David Petraeus, who used to be the commander of the US forces in Iraq, has expressed concern over the trial of the Iraqi Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi during a recent meeting with Turkish officials.

Does he have good reasons for his concerns?

al-Muttalibi: I think, well first off all, I’d like to present my regards to you and Dr. Mowaffak, a good friend of mine.

I think Mr. Petraeus is talking about efforts of the reconciliation of Iraq. There are steps that the Americans took charge of while they were here, in getting together a common goal of fighting al-Qaeda and bringing the Sons of Iraq into a coalition to fight al-Qaeda.

I think Mr. Petraeus was referring, this is whit best intentions of course, and he was referring to the issues of reconciliation, that putting Tareq al-Hashemi in trial in Baghdad may harm the efforts of reconciliation.

But I could assure you, I must assure you that he is mistaking in this regard, because Mr. Hashemi does not represent neither Sunni nor Shia.

He represent a political line that were tied to, according to the evidence and according to rules, he’s tied to a death squad, and he must face charges.

The whole issue, we see it as non-political, we see it as a criminal act that needs to face justice like any other criminal act, and there is no politics in this.

I think Mr. Petraeus was right to give it some form of politicizing this issue, maybe in the effort that this could be dropped in one way or another or maybe the Americans to exert some political pressure on Iraq.

Press TV: Sa’ad al-Muttalibi do you agree with that, in terms of concerns that this point, the two countries mentioned here, Saudi Arabia and the United States?

al-Muttalibi: Well in regard to matter in Saudi Arabia, these were just media reports; we don’t know how valid they are.

In general speaking, these are some quarters maybe are trying to give some political paint on this issue. We always insist this is a judicial system, problem, this is a criminal court, and this has nothing to do with politics.

For other countries to be actively involved in this, we don’t really have a proof of that, and it’s just a matter of media report.

And also I think it’s quit unlikely, as Dr. Mowaffak said, I think this is an internal Iraqi matter, and nobody should really be allowed to interfere in this.

Of course the Americans have a view on issues here, but again, this is a matter of the Iraqi people, and there is a very, very strong political will, to keep all Iraqi affairs dealt with inside Iraq, without any regional or international intervention.

Press TV: When we look at when this news broke out and then what pursued which based on the violence and the killings and deaths that occurred, the two events were tied together.

Is there a possibility that, that will happen again in terms of violence if this situation is not resolved in the near future? Where do you see this progressing? How much window of time do you give it?

al-Muttalibi: Well it’s not a matter of timing, there is an issue here, and there are forces that believe that they are connected within a framework of regional-backed terrorism.

And they do believe that exerting terrorist pressure on the government may, on the people actually, may resolve in political gains.

This is a serious problem; this is a serious political and security problem that the governments of Iraq need to look at very carefully.

The whole thing, I mean, the more drags on, the issue of Mr. Tareq al-Hashemi, the more incriminating evidence is coming against him, and the process of the court to try him in absentia that will take place and there will be very heavy, probably result on his trial.

I think that the message that was sent by Mr. Massoud Barzani was very clear, and a diplomatic message to Tareq al-Hashemi that you need to go back to Baghdad.

This was, he was talking about being in a corner basically, and the Kurdish regime now, feels that the pressure from Baghdad, I feel that they cannot force him to go back, that means he need to go back himself!

The message was very clear!

I do hope that Mr. Tare al-Hashemi will get the message that the Kurds are more generous than to force him and arrest him and send him to Baghdad.

He needs to have enough dignity and receive the message, pack his thing and go to Baghdad and face trial.

Because consequently the effect of him being away from Baghdad may take more violent action and maybe more casualties and maybe more blood on his hands.


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