Happy 4th of July stupid goyim
Brainwashed and dumb downed Americans unknowingly celebrate their enslavement to Jews every 4th of July. Happy 4th goyim.
Isn’t it ironic on the day Americans celebrate their so called “freedom”, they have to go through endless draconian DUI checkpoints just to reach their destination?
Yeah, we’re not free, we are pathetic slaves to the Jews living in a Jewish police state.
America is no longer ‘land of the free’, it is the land owned by FREEDOM HATING KIKES !
Look at these braindead fools celebrating the Jewish destruction of America….
Americans are living inside a Jewish matrix of lies.
The Holocaust myth must be constantly maintained for the Jews to play victims when in fact they are pulling all the levers and making all the wars happen.
The American Freedom myth must be constantly maintained for the Jews to rule, Americans must believe they are free or they might revolt by not voting for the two Jewish controlled parties.
The Federal Reserve myth must be constantly maintained for the Jews to rule, Americans must believe they are using national money, not Jew bank money.
The World War 2 myths must be constantly maintained for the Jews to rule, Americans must believe they sacrificed for the good war and defeated those ‘evil Nazis’.
The Hitler is the most evil man myth must be constantly maintained for the Jews to rule, Americans are never to know that Hitler was one of the few people who had the Jews nailed and was removing them from political power.
The American Exceptionalism myths must be constantly maintained for the Jews to bomb everyone else, when America bombs you, well you must really deserve it.
Thus, in this Jewish simulacrum of lies, the American people have no idea about reality because their reality has been formed by Jews to maintain Jewish control over them. This control is not just in the mainstream media, it is also in the alternative media and the bullshit is being spewed by some of the most well-known personalities.
The best kind of slaves are those who don’t even know they’re slaves and that’s the American people. The American people are slaves to the Jews and don’t even know it because the Jews control the media. They’re such good little obedient slaves that they even go out of their way to defend their hooknosed masters and will call me ‘antisemitic’ for pointing out the ugly truth they do not want to hear. Happy 4th goyim! Now run along and go buy your boom booms and celebrate your 100 year enslavement to the Jews and their Federal Reserve.
We can only pray that someday before it’s too late that the American people will rise up and revolt against their Jewish occupied government and take their country back.
see also –
how the jews destroyed america
the truth about memorial day
surviving the matrix of jewish propaganda
american jewry is a global regime
what don’t jews own in america
do americans face a red terror?
what is Americanism ?
Source Article from http://smoloko.com/?p=17353
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