‘Hadrian’s Wall’ customs if Scotland goes it alone to stop illegal migrants flooding into England

Brendan Carlin, Mail on Sunday Political Reporter

Last updated at 11:56 PM on 4th February 2012

A Hadrian’s Wall-style border might have to be built to stop illegal migrants flooding into England if Scotland gets independence.

Other dramatic possible consequences would be David Cameron having to give up part of his £3 billion EU rebate, and the UK’s voting strength in Brussels being slashed.

The potential side-effects of Scotland breaking away are outlined in  a Foreign Office memo leaked to The Mail on Sunday.

Alex Salmond is keen to hold a referendum on Scottish independence

Alex Salmond is keen to hold a referendum on Scottish independence

The document refers to the remnants of the UK, were Scotland to go it alone, as the Orwellian-sounding ‘remaining-UK’.

The phrase has echoes of ‘the former Yugoslavia’ name given to the elements of the ex-Balkan state, such as Serbia and Kosovo, which became independent after a bloody civil war.

The briefing contradicts Scottish National Party leader Alex Salmond’s claims that after independence the border could stay completely open.

The Foreign Office experts raise fears that a fully-fledged international border would be necessary because Scotland could be required to join the ‘Schengen’ open-borders system used by 25 European states which Britain has opted out of.

That would allow anyone to travel from continental Europe into  Scotland without any internal  border controls, meaning immigration and passport checks would  be needed along the English/ Scottish border.

It would also mean Scotland would be ejected from the current ‘Common Travel Area’ comprising the UK, Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.

The report says: ‘Article 8 of the Schengen Protocol requires all new EU member states to accept the Schengen “acquis” in full.

Hadrian's Wall on the English Scottish border at Northumberland was built when the two countries were divided

Hadrian’s Wall on the English Scottish border at Northumberland was built when the two countries were divided

‘A strict application of this provision in negotiations with Scotland .  .  . would make it practically impossible for Scotland to remain part of the Common Travel Area.

‘Scotland would not, by virtue of its participation in Schengen, be able to maintain its own border controls on people entering Scotland from the Schengen area.’ The memo also states:

l  Scotland would be forced to join the euro if it is regarded as a ‘new’ member by Brussels.

l  The UK would lose influence in Brussels as its voting strength would diminish.

l  Mr Cameron could be forced to surrender part of the UK’s £3 billion EU rebate to Scotland.

l  The ‘remaining-UK’ may itself be forced to re-apply to join the EU.

The memo flies in the face of repeated claims by the Coalition that Scotland’s economy will suffer a hammer-blow if it cuts links with the rest of the UK.

It states: ‘Whether the economic effects for Scotland of independent EU membership would be beneficial or adverse, compared with the present position, cannot be determined without knowing the terms  on which independent membership was agreed.’

The core arguments in the leaked document will be used by David Cameron's coalition government

The core arguments in the leaked document will be used by David Cameron’s coalition government

The Foreign Office document is believed to date from 2009, under the last Labour Government.

However, its core arguments will still be used by the Coalition in opposition to Scottish independence before the referendum, which is expected in 2014.

The memo warns that the process of Scotland ‘re-joining’ the EU could take up to three years – potentially depriving the country of vital Brussels’ aid for the whole period.

It says: ‘EU law would require negotiation of the terms of independent Scotland’s membership of the EU since the treaties do not provide for an increase in the number of member states other than by treaty amendment.’

London could raise objections if the split were not ‘amicable’, the document warns. ‘Remaining-UK would have a veto and could decide to make life difficult,’ it says.

Scotland’s fate would also hang on the goodwill of ‘other member states – some of whom, with regional problems of their own, such as Spain,  Belgium and Italy, might not be  anxious to demonstrate that independence yielded EU benefits’.

The report warns that once back inside the EU, Scotland could apply for a slice of the UK’s Brussels budget rebate if the newly-independent state finds it is a ‘net contributor’ to EU funds.

Last night, a spokesman for Mr Salmond dismissed the memo’s contents as ‘tired old scare stories’ which were untrue and insulting to Scotland.

He said: ‘As legal, constitutional and European experts have confirmed, the reality is that Scotland is part of the territory of the EU and the people of Scotland are citizens of the EU.

‘There is no provision for either  of these circumstances to change upon independence, and the rest of the UK will be exactly the same position. The border will be the same. There’ll be no barbed wire or checkpoints.’

Hadrian’s Wall was built along the border by the Romans from 122AD.


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INTERESTING…..the remaining part of the UK may have to re-apply to the EU for membership…..which means the Euro / Shengen blah blah…….. FINALLY we get out ….thanks to Alex :))))

Anyone who listens to Alec Salmond should be locked up.The unemployment rate will shoot up.All defence jobs will be gone.A lot of companies will move out.But it’s ok we can all work in the Scottish Oil industry that is nearly finished.Stop saying “the majority of Scottish people want independence”.WE DON’T.

Seems that some people have forgotten that the whole of Northumberland stands between Hadrian’s Wall and the Scottish Border, that’s over 100 miles north.

Tommy Gunn, Kingdom of Scotland 5/2/2012 7:31 “Yet more scare stories emanating from the anti-indendence press and parties. You rather gloss over the fact the there will be two sucessor states from the current UK when Scotland gains independence.”
In that case, Tommy Gunn, any referendum on the possible abolition of the UK to form Scotland and England/Wales/NI, should be UK-wide and not just in Scotland. You might then find that the UK votes NOT to be abolished, and bang goes your Scottish “independence”.

Cracking idea. Do you think we can have it built just on the southern edge of Northumberland , where I am, then my capital city will be Edinburgh. And I won’t need to worry about the crazy ideas of the Bullingdon boys

Let Scot and Northern Ireland go and they can form Celtic Land. Kill two burds with one stone.

“Hadrian’s Wall on the English Scottish border at Northumberland was built when the two countries were divided”. Gives us a clue as to the accuracy of the rest of this article. If the DM doesn’t know that Hadrian’s Wall, a World Heritage Site, runs across the North of England, through Cumbria and Northumberland, and was built before either country existed, then they really shouldn’t be running contentious articles like this. More history in our schools? More in the DM newsroom, perhaps.

Please please give Scotland their independence with immediate effect without a referendum. A successful sports team does not keep a disgruntled player. Let them have their so called freedom with no getout clauses. Then perhaps all these desperately sad Scots in England who are constantly telling us how wonderful the Land of Heather and Kilts is and who are so homesick will return to this Utopian place and not blight England anymore.

Shetlands part of Denmark? No actually, it was Norway.

scotland might be happier twinned we india. they both seem to treat england with the same comptempt
– ron hunt, halifax, 5/2/2012 9:16…………………………Dear God, give me strength !

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