Google blocks anti Islam film in India

“The Ministry of External Affairs is in touch with US officials who share our concerns on the matter. Google India has, in compliance with Indian law, blocked access to the offensive material” said India’s spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs, Syed Akbaruddin on Sunday.

“In connection with recent events we would like to reiterate that India has always strongly condemned all acts that disparage religious beliefs and hurt religious sentiments” the Indian official added.

Several other countries including Malaysia and Indonesia have also asked Google to block access to the controversial film.

Earlier on Friday, Indian security forces arrested 86 people during a protest against the insulting film after enraged protesters attempted to attack the US consulate in the port city of Chennai.

The protesters also burnt an effigy of US President Barack Obama and the US flag, while others threw stones and others lifted iron barricades placed in front of the main gate to break windows.

Meanwhile, the anti-Islam film has drawn condemnation from many countries including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Belgium, Britain, Egypt, France, Indonesia, Iran, Nigeria , Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Sweden, Tunisia and Yemen as well as the Vatican in Rome.

On Tuesday, US Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other consulate staff members were killed in Benghazi after clashes involving a group of angry demonstrators near the consulate building.

At least four Yemeni protesters were killed on Thursday after US embassy guards in Sana’a opened fire on protesters trying to break into the building.

Sam Bacile, a real estate developer, has assumed responsibility for the film released on the 11th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, which he said was made thanks to Zionists donations totaling $ 5 million.


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One Response to “Google blocks anti Islam film in India”

  1. the same Jews that run india, also created the anti islamic Hollywood film….

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