‘Good you little s***’: What hotelier said to thief who broke both ankles fleeing (and the JUDGE agreed with him)

David Baker

Last updated at 10:17 AM on 11th February 2012

Thief: Darryl Philips broke both his ankles as he tried to flee a hotelier with a bottle of Jack Daniels

Thief: Darryl Philips broke both his ankles as he tried to flee a hotelier with a bottle of Jack Daniels

A thief who broke both ankles fleeing from a hotelier was greeted with little sympathy as his angry victim shouted ‘Good, you thieving s***’.

And there was little support from the judge either who told the unemployed alcoholic that the victim was merely speaking on behalf of the rest of the public.

Darryl Philips suffered the injuries when he jumped 18 feet from a multi-storey car park in a bid to escape the vigilante hotelier as he fled with a bottle of whisky.

He failed to look behind him as he vaulted over the barrier of the car park in Torquay, clutching the bottle of Jack Daniels, and as he lay on the ground he called up to hotelier Rick Johnson that he had broken his legs and the angry victim replied ‘Good, you thieving s***’.

Philips tried to crawl away to escape the police but was found hiding in bushes 20 feet from the spot where he fell.

The 29-year-old of Paignton, Devon, admitted two burglaries and was jailed for 34 weeks, suspended for a year, and ordered to undergo a year’s supervision by Judge Erik Salomonsen at Exeter Crown Court.

The judge told him ‘You are 29 and have
made a complete mess of your life. You live with your mother in a
caravan and have the most appalling drink problem.

‘When you jumped off the car park and
broke your ankles and the man pursuing you expressed no sympathy, he
was expressing the view that most of the residents of the town would

Prosecutor Howard Phillips added ‘The owner of the hotel recognised him and chased after him with his daughter’s boyfriend.

Unsympathetic: Judge Erik Salomonsen Exeter Crown Court said a hotelier was merely expressing what the rest of the public would think after he told a criminal who broke both ankles 'Good, you thieving s***'

Unsympathetic: Judge Erik Salomonsen at Exeter Crown Court said a hotelier was merely expressing what the rest of the public would think after he told a criminal who broke both ankles ‘Good, you thieving s***’

‘They chased him into a car park and cornered him and asked him to give the bottle back but without looking he jumped over the wall of the car park and dropped 18 feet onto hard concrete.

‘He was seen sprawling down there by Mr Johnston and shouted up that he had broken his legs.

‘He received little sympathy from Mr Johnston who replied ‘good, you thieving s***’ and went to phone the police.

‘They arrived and eventually found him 20 feet away hiding in bushes and suffering from two broken ankles. Strangely enough, the bottle of Jack Daniels survived the fall and was recovered.

‘He later told police he could not remember what had happened because he had drunk a bottle of vodka and taken two lines of cocaine.’

Mr Brian Fitzherbert, defending, said ‘He lost all control of himself and behaved in a way which he himself described as stupid and recognised as harmful.’

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To be honest, so do I!

I agredd with the hotelier the judge. Zero tolerence for crime.

This judge deserves to be in charge of the European Court of Human Rights.

The only comment that I can make in this case is that the hotel owner should have waited a couple of hours before phoning the police. It would give the miscreant time to realise the error of his ways.

Should have still served his time,have we a guarantee someone will keep his eye on him so he will not reoffend in the next year?, don,t hold your breath.

And now we pay for his medical treatment. That is the system here, and it is wrong, but the public has conned itself into thinking it is indispensable.

Too right. I wish this sort of Karma on all lowlife, thieving sc*mbags.

‘He later told police he could not remember what had happened because he had drunk a bottle of vodka and taken two lines of cocaine.’
For that statement alone he should have whatever sentence he was going to received tripled. Instead some dinosaur of a judge will reduce his sentence to excuse his behaviour. Until you make people responsible for their actions then it is only goging to get worse.

Good to see a Judge with common sense for a change.

He got off lightly !

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