Going to church is good for you: Services lower blood pressure, research finds

  • Attending services lowers blood pressure the more you go

Nadia Gilani

Last updated at 12:04 AM on 26th December 2011

Going to church at Christmas may have
been good for the soul, but scientists have discovered that it may also
be good for the body.

Researchers found that attending services lowers blood pressure – and the more often you go the lower it becomes.

Previous studies in the U.S.
suggested the link, but as 40 per cent of Americans regularly go to
church its health benefits were treated as a coincidence. So the
Norwegian researchers, who had just four per cent of churchgoers among
their 120,000 participants, were surprised to see they too had lower
blood pressure.

The study found that a person's blood pressure got lower the more they attended church services

The study found that a person’s blood pressure got lower the more they attended church services

Torgeir Sorensen, from the School of Theology and Religious Psychology Centre at Sykehuset Innlandet said: ‘We found that the more often the participants went to church the lower their blood pressure.

‘Previous research from the United States has shown that there is a possible link between people who attend church and blood pressure.

‘About 40 per cent of the U.S. population goes to church on a weekly basis, while the corresponding figure in Nord-Trondelag County, where the research was carried out, is 4 per cent.

‘For that reason, we did not expect to find any correlation between going to church and blood pressure in Nord-Trondelag.

‘Our findings, however, are almost identical to those previously reported from the United States, so we were really surprised.’

The early results mean that it will now be studied further to determine the extent that religious beliefs can affect general health, and if other religions have the same effect.

Mr Sorensen added: ‘The study of the relationship between religion and health has rarely focused on other religions, such as Judaism and Islam.

It is unknown whether followers of other faiths would experience similar health benefits from practicing their religion

It is unknown whether followers of other faiths would experience similar health benefits from practicing their religion

‘It is therefore difficult to say anything about whether or not this same association can be found in these communities.’

Professor Jostein Holmen from the Faculty of Medicine at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and one of the authors of the study, said: ‘The research into lifestyle and health issues mainly comes from the United States, while information from Europe is very limited.

‘Earlier studies have shown a positive correlation between humour and good health, and participation in different cultural activities and good health.

‘It would appear that the data we have been recording about religious beliefs is actually relevant to your health.

‘The fact that churchgoers have lower blood pressure encourages us to continue to study this issue.

‘We’re just in the start-up phase of an exciting research area.’

However, the type of study which was carried out means that some other explanations may emerge from further research.

He said: ‘Since this is a cross-sectional study, it is not possible to say whether it was a health condition that affected the participants’ religious activity, or whether it was the religious activity that affected the state of participants’ health.

‘A cross-sectional study says something about a group of people at a given time, but can say nothing about causation.

‘In order to determine what causes the effect, we need new studies that look at the same people at different times.’

The research was published in the International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine.

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Come on athiests. Let’s hear you shout this one down.

If I went to church I think that my blood pressure would go up listening to someone prattling on about a mythical God that is devoid of any factual evidence or logic. If it works for some people and makes them feel better, then that is fine.

Perfect cure for insomnia!

No doubt it does lower blood pressure, everyone falls asleep at the outdated, fictitious and abstract reasoning displayed throughout the bible and by all religious teachings.

Jesus was a healer.

yes, its true, l am very lonely, although l have 2 daughters, but they are heartless, they never bother visit, me, miss c , the daughter passed my house visited her friend 2 doors to me. never visited for a long time, miss d , the 2nd daughter, the same. , l nearly suffer deppresion, since l started to go to church everysunday, l meet a lot of kind peoples, especial;y the chinese christian church, the young people callrd me grandmother, they told me they want to look after me. its make me very happy, how can my 2 daughters treat me so cruel, they only want my money, but not me. . church is good fsor me????

I note the report says ‘going to church’ not ‘taking part in services’. I love going to local Churches nearly every day especially when there’s no-one around. Luckily most of them in my area are left open and I am able to play Hymns to myself on their pianos. Maybe the church mouse also hears and is similarly relaxed. I find an empty old English Church to be the most refreshing place I can be. There’s a feeling of deep peace within the Church walls. You don’t need to attend a service to find the Peace that Jesus promised we could have.

In my immediately post-pubescent days – four decades or so ago – it was also the best place to pick up girls.

So does a brisk walk – and it doesn’t cost anything like as much.

Only because it is so quiet and peaceful with hardly anyone in there,

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