At the destined times and places
Now obscured by mists of time
And by the World Serpent’s
Venomous design,
The immortal cosmic forces
In spirit form concealed
Constructed an arena
In which the Gods congealed.
The Aesir were the offspring
Of the Gods of Astral light,
Born to carry on a warfare
Against the demons of the night.
Ethereal composition
Of the Godforce of perfection
First formed our White forefathers
As their image and reflection.
The Arya are descended
From the Gods once called Aesir,
Who left Asgard — astral homeland
For this terrestrial sphere.
Wotan was our eldest God
On this celestial ball.
The Goddess Frigg was his wife,
The mother of us all.
Thor was Wotan’s first born.
The sagas tell his fame.
A hammer was his weapon,
Mjollnir was its name.
For untold ages our Aryan Folk
Were true to the memory
Of the Gods of our kind and the blood of our line
And our cosmic destiny.
But Loki’s kin and the traitors within
Have destroyed each Aryan Land.
So now is the time of Ragnarok
As the White man makes his stand.
Bring Gungnir — Wotan’s magic spear
And Mjollnir, the hammer of Thor.
Save the beauty of the women we love,
A future for the children they bore.
Let the Valkyrie decide who lives and dies
And carry the warrior bold
Home to Valhalla where his deeds
In the sagas will be told.
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