Does the globalist End Times script call for a Russian Judas to betray the Mashiach/Christ?…
…Will Dmitry Medvedev cut a secret deal with the West and “assassinate” Vladimir Putin after full-on war breaks out this September? Will Putin then “rise from the dead” 3 days later at the Mount of Olives? Current prophetic propaganda suggests this is the plan.
In the previous update, we explored two Jewish prophetic propaganda videos that talked about the arrival of the Mashiach, the Jewish Messiah. One video recorded the “testimony” of a Jewish boy who supposedly died and was shown how the End Times would unfold, and the other video was from a Messianic Jew propagandist who trumpeted the boy’s “revelations” and spun them to suggest that the Mashiach would be the second coming of Jesus…
So let’s explore the key talking points from the videos to see what our Cabalist Jew amigos have scripted for the upcoming Putin vs. Obama battle royale…
POINT 1 – “The redemption of Israel and the revelation of the Mashiach is IMMINENT – it’s going to happen ‘in the coming months.’”
Since September of this year falls within the “in the coming months” timeframe, this prediction matches what I’ve been expecting. The man who is playing the “Antichrist” character in the Mashiach unveiling, Barack Obama, began his seven year reign when he sat as the President of the UN Security Council in September of 2009, so his time will come to an end in September of this year. This means the Mashiach (who almost certainly will be Vladimir Putin) will be revealed this year, before the end of September.
POINT 2 – “If the people commit transgressions, the redemption will come in a more difficult manner, but if they repent, it will come to pass in an easy way.”
This concept is key to the whole drama. When the final battle of 2016 turns out to be much less bloody than everyone was expecting, this will be the reason given…
“When the Satanic Western leaders started the final battle, so many people cried out in repentance of war that God heard their cries and sent down a Divine Intervention.”
POINT 3 – “It is Gog, Barack Obama, who will start the Gog/Magog War. The War will kill ‘more than a few million people,’ but it will last for only two weeks before the two sides strike a deal to carve up Israel. At that point, they’ll all turn against Israel, and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) will hold out for only 2 days before Israel falls and the Mashiach appears.”
In this part of his testimony, the Israeli boy is presenting the “nightmare scenario” that will supposedly unfold if people commit transgressions rather than repenting. Frightening scenarios of this sort are widely circulated by the globalists’ alt media propaganda outlets, and the purpose of this effort is to scare people as much as possible so they’ll be shocked and thrilled when the actual endgame (which will appear very positive) is unveiled.
++++++++++New Material++++++++++
That being said, the boy’s scenario contains much more information than a casual reading would reveal, so let’s look a little deeper by exploring a few key points:
POINT 1 — It is important to understand what the boy means when he talks about “Gog.”
The Gog/Magog War will be a war between the “King(s) of the North” and the “King(s) of the South,” and since this thoroughly contrived conflict is being staged by the globalists, you must identify the two sides using globalist terms.
I figured out the proper interpretation by remembering something I covered in a previous entry: Debunking the phony “BRICS Bank versus World Bank/IMF” conflict. Here is the relevant excerpt…
Beyond this made-for-public-consumption pabulum surrounding the establishment of the New Development Bank, though, is the reality being discussed in the globalists’ own policy papers. And that reality is that the NDB is just another plug-and-play addition to the constellation of multilateral international institutions that constitute the Rockefeller-planned NWO. To show you this is so, allow me to take you on a guided tour of this March 2014 document from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development…
As the title indicates, this paper enthusiastically supports the establishment of the NDB despite the fact that it comes from the United Nations (of which the World Bank and the IMF are components). In fact, if we look to the paper’s table of contents…
…we see how it talks about the NDB filling gaps in the globalists’ “SOUTHERN financial architecture” and providing investment for “infrastructure and more sustainable development needs in the emerging and developing countries.” It also talks about how the NDB will link-in with other multilateral, regional, and national development banks (the financial side of the NWO).
If there were an actual conflict between the BRICS and the “Western-led” (as RT puts it) financial institutions, you’d expect a UN paper to whine about the NDB, not promote it. Isn’t that so? They would be complaining about the “divisive agenda” of the NDB instead of talking about how well it will fit in. Obviously, there is no real conflict; there is only the illusion of conflict being propagated in the media.
So the globalists are talking about the BRICS and other “emerging (market) and developing countries” when they talk about the “south,” and it all fits in to the concept of the Global North-South Divide, in which…
> the Global North consists of the G7 and other developed nations
> the Global South consists of the G5 (the BRICS) and other developing nations.
In fact, the globalists created the BRICS Alliance for the very purpose of providing a dialectic counterweight to the G7, and it also serves as a vehicle to entrap the developing nations in the UN-centered, region-based, multilateral NWO. This is why they chose a nation from each Global South region to serve as an integration hub for their neighboring countries…
…(Original Image Source:
Russia, which was considered a Global North country, joined them and got “kicked out” of the G8. This was done strictly for show, of course, because both the G7 and G5 are actually united in the G20, which is the global economic steering committee of the NWO.
All this being said, if you take a moment to think about the NWO dialectic the globalists are running – in which the “imperialist” G7 nations are pitted against the “oppressed” G5 nations in a phony struggle over which form of New World Order, unipolar or multipolar, we will have – you’ll realize that it is a conflict between the Global North and Global South. And this artificial conflict will reach its climax when full-fledged war (Gog/Magog) breaks out this September.
So Gog, the “King(s) of the North,” are the leaders of the G7 nations and their allies, with the singular King of the North being the leader of its more powerful nation, Barack Obama
Magog, the “King(s) of the South,” are the leaders of the BRICS nations and their allies, with the singular King of the South being the southern leader who takes all the bold stands and makes all the headlines, Vladimir Putin.
After the Gog/Magog climax point passes, we’ll enter the denouement, when the limited hangout “truth tsunami” will hit us and the New World Order will take effect.
I will write about more points in upcoming additions, including…
> How the Israeli boy’s timeline conflates the Gog/Magog War with the Battle of Armageddon as part of the “Satanic Deception,” but the “real” Battle of Armageddon will occur after Putin rules for 7 years (possibly as the Secretary General of the “reformed, strengthened” United Nations).
> Why it will likely be Medvedev, not Putin, who makes the deal to join the West in attacking Israel, and how Medvedev’s apparent status as a sodomite will play into that.
> Why Putin will “rise from the dead” in Israel as living proof of his Mashiach/Christ status.
[Addendum 1 – 11 January 2016]
Why the Pope will be “assassinated,” then “resurrected” with Putin
After watching Ben-Nun’s video again yesterday and posting the first part of this entry, I started thinking about the “two witnesses” he talked about. According to Biblical prophecy, they are supposed to come onto the scene and preach “God’s true doctrine” before Christ’s arrival, and according to Ben-Nun’s spin of the Israeli boy’s testimony, they will be martyred and then resurrected when Christ shows up at the Mount of Olives.
Whilst thinking about them, I recalled something he said at the 10:55 mark of the video…
“…many people are believing in a seven year tribulation: the Antichrist gets three and a half, the two witnesses get three and a half…”
And pondering this, I immediately got the idea to check on when Pope Francis began his ministry. As it turned out, Francis took office exactly three and a half years before this September…
…From Wikipedia. Now if you count forward six months from March 2013, you get 1) April 2013, 2) May 2013, 3) June 2013, 4) July 2013, 5) August 2013, and 6) September 2013. And if you add 3 years to September 2013, you get September 2016.
So Pope Francis took office on the same month that the fake Antichrist, Barack Obama, visited Israel and stood in the holy place…
…thus beginning the second three and a half years of his 7-year tenure as the decoy Antichrist (see Obama the “Antichrist” and “Divine Intervention” in September 2016).
Once I realized that the Pope’s ministry perfectly matched the timeframe of the witnesses, I recalled that Ben-Nun said the witnesses would be hated for their ministry, and Pope Francis IS hated among conservative Catholics for his liberal teachings…
…From the National Catholic Reporter. Here is a blurb from the article…
“Some have given up on Pope Francis. Others say he is ‘the false prophet’ who will accompany the anti Christ in the end times. Others don’t like his dress sense, grumble about his media gaffes and some think they are all intentional and that he is a very shrewd Jesuit who wants to undermine the Catholic faith.”
Like the highlighted sentence suggests, he certainly IS the false prophet, but he is also one of the two witnesses.
As for the suggestion that the witnesses will be martyred, I remembered what Tom Horn said about Pope Francis in an interview with Jim Bakker. He starts talking about the Pope at the 13:15 mark and goes on to say this at the 15:13 mark…
“Well now you’ve got the Pope saying that it could be that now Fatima, the Third Secret of Fatima, is gonna be fulfilled. What’s the third secret of Fatima? It describes the Pope, the bishop in white, walking in a great city — most people believe this to be the Vatican, right? And something has happened. Dead people are everywhere, and the Pope is walking along – there’s dead Christians, dead bishops, dead people all over the city — and as he’s making his way towards a cross, these ISIS-like people run into the city and shoot him and kill him.”
So the expectation that the Pope will be martyred is already being promoted to the public, and this fits right in with the Pope being one of the two witnesses.
Judging by the prophetic propaganda I’ve heard over the last few years, this is how the martyring will go down: the Pope will gather together with other religious leaders (“the Kings of the Earth”) in either Jerusalem or Rome (New Jerusalem). Presumably, they’ll be meeting to call for peace during the ongoing Gog/Magog War, and they will be killed. I suspect that the other witness will be there and die with him, but who is the other witness?
Given that the globalists wish to unite the Christians and Jews behind one Messiah, it stands to reason that one witness will be a Christian bishop (Pope Francis) and the other will be a Jewish rabbi. Like Pope Francis is to Christians, this rabbi…
> is controversial among the conservatives of his faith, but popular among common Jews,
> is involved in the effort to overcome the divisions among the People of the Book,
> is friendly toward Messianic Jews, and
> he started his ministry in March of 2013.
Since I don’t know which rabbis are popular in Jewish circles, it might take me a while to identify him, but I’m sure he’ll turn up. If you know of a good candidate, contact me with his name.
So when Putin emerges from the holographically-projected dimensional gate at the Mount of Olives, he will have the resurrected Christian Pope at his right hand and the resurrected Jewish rabbi at his left hand. The Pope will proclaim him the Christ, and the rabbi will proclaim him the Mashiach. Mischief managed….
[Addendum 1.2 – 12 January 2016]
Is Rabbi Shlomo Amar the Second Witness?
I woke up this morning with some ideas on how to search for the second witness, and I was led to the first promising candidate, Rabbi Shlomo Amar…
Amar served as the Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel from 2003 till March 24, 2013, which began his move to Jerusalem, where he became (and currently is) the Sephardic Chief Rabbi of the city.
As would be expected from the second witness, he is conciliatory towards other faiths…
“In a letter to the Muslim scholar Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, Sephardic Chief Rabbi Amar criticized Benedict XVI’s remarks on Islam, writing: “our way is to honour every religion and every nation according to their paths, as it is written in the book of prophets: ‘because every nation will go in the name of its Lord.’” – From Wikipedia
And he is heavily involved in promoting the imminent coming of the Mashiach…
…From Breaking Israel News.
I find it quite interesting that he gave this ruling amongst rabbis from the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. It just so happens that Russia’s chief rabbi — and Putin’s close companion – Rabbi Berel Lazar…
…is a member of Chabad-Lubavitch. And wouldn’t you know it, Rabbis Amar and Lazar have personal ties…
While I’m not yet as certain about Rabbi Amar as I am about Pope Francis, he’s a strong-enough candidate to be my placeholder. If I come across someone better, I’ll do an update.
There is much more to write about all this, of course, so stay tuned.
Until later, much love….
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