Globalist Agenda Watch 2017: Update 17 – War triggers to watch as we finish out the year [+ The fake Battle of Armageddon has been set in motion (continued 3)]

[Mini-update – 7 December 2017] – The fake Battle of Armageddon has been set in motion

There are two notable conflicts in globalist “End Times” prophecy propaganda: 1) the Gog-Magog War between the King of the North and the King of the South, and 2) the Battle of Armageddon in which all the world turns against Israel. Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel has set in motion the Battle of Armageddon, and the fireworks could start as early as this month, between now and the 22nd. So this means that the post-Crisis prophecy propagandists will claim that the Gog-Magog war was the conflict between the “Western Satanist” unilateral/unipolar NWO and the “Eastern Christian” multilateral/multipolar NWO.

~ continued 1 ~

There are two paths the globalists can take with the Battle of Armageddon: 1) the conservative path, and 2) the “blow their fu*king minds” path.

In the conservative path, the whole world EXCEPT for Russia and the US will attack Israel, and the two Jewish messiahs, Trump and Putin, will join forces to save the day.

In the “blow their fu*king minds” path, TRUMP AND PUTIN WILL BE “ASSASSINATED,” and Pence and Medvedev will join the rest of the world in attacking Israel. A short while later, at the climax of the battle, Trump and Putin will reappear (most likely in Jerusalem) along with some “extraterrestrial” helpers to save the day.

So keep an eye out for the Trump and Putin’s “assassinations.” If you see them happen, you’ll be in for a real treat. The alien arrival will be faked with ultra-black budget aerospace craft, GMO humans, and atmospheric holograms, but it will still be a thrilling show. It will be the biggest-budgeted Hollywood sci-fi epic ever produced – a trillion-dollar program.

~ continued 2 ~

Speaking of assassinations, in Trump and Putin: Agents of Chabad-Lubavitch, I point out that the globalists have scripted Trump and Putin to play the two Jewish messiahs (the “mashiachs” or “moshiachs”). Trump is playing the role of the Mashiach ben Yosef, the precursor messiah. And Putin is playing the role of the Moshiach ben David, the chief messiah. So let’s have a look at what the Chabad-Lubavitch Kabbalist Jewish cult has scripted for Trump’s character…

>>> Moshiach ben Yosef will be killed in the war against Gog and Magog. Again, it is unclear whether the death will be in physical battle, or as a result of the spiritual battles which he will wage against the forces of evil. Either way, the prophet Zechariah (12:10) describes the national mourning that will follow his death.

Apparently, though, the death of Moshiach ben Yosef is not inevitable. The master-kabbalist Rabbi Isaac Luria, known as the Arizal, said that when saying in the Amidah the words, “speedily establish the throne of Your servant David,” one should beseech G d that Moshiach ben Yosef should not die in the course of his struggles.

According to certain sources, Moshiach ben Yosef will serve as Moshiach ben David’s viceroy. Thus finally bringing to an end the schism between the northern Ten Tribes, which were ruled by Joseph’s descendants, and the Kingdom of Judea, which was ruled by the Davidic dynasty. – from <<<

As you can see, the script calls for Trump’s assassination (most likely through a “Deep State”-orchestrated “North Korean” attack), but it also leaves the door open for Trump to stay alive (they purposely wrote vagueness into their prophetic script so they could change their geopolitical script on the fly if they needed to). Noting this, we could see four variations of the assassination contingency…

  1. Trump and Putin avoid assassination.
  2. Trump is killed, but Putin remains alive to avenge and resurrect him.
  3. Trump is killed first, then Putin is killed after the “Deep State” recaptures the White House with Pence.
  4. Trump and Putin are killed on the same day.

If Putin is to be “killed” this month, look for it to happen on the 22nd, and look for his “resurrection” to happen 3 days later on Christmas Day, the 25th. This mimicking of “Christ’s resurrection 3 days after his death” on “Christ’s birthday” is the best way for the globalists to raise Putin’s status from that of a mere man to that of the returned Christ.

~ continued 3 ~

While we’re on the subject of characters in the “End Times” script, I’ve told you before that Erdogan has been scripted to play the “Dajjal,” the Muslim equivalent of the anti-Christ. So guess who has taken the lead in organizing the Islamic world to fight over Jerusalem…

…from Infowars. Note how Erdogan is made to look in the graphic. Very devilish looking, isn’t it?

Erdogan will hold his summit on the 13th, just nine days before the 22nd. So watch for a one or more false-flag(s) in the region between now and the 22nd to get the rage flowing and the military forces on the move. And speaking of the 22nd, the House of Representatives have just passed a continuing resolution to keep the government funded through the 22nd. Assuming the Senate passes it too, the US government will be set to shut down on the 23rd. A strike that kills Trump and Congress between now and then would leave Pence with total control of the government and a blank check with which to mobilize all sorts of mischief both here and abroad.

I will continue to expand and enhance this update over the course of the next 24 hours.

[Mini-update – 5-6 December 2017] – How the globalists will fake an EMP attack on the US

Wanna know how the globalists will use microprocessor kill codes to simulate a catastrophic “North Korean” EMP attack on the US? Start by reading this Wikipedia entry on the Intel Management Engine (ME). ME is one recent version of the chip-within-a-chip “globalist backdoors” that will be used to brick cars, computers, cellphones and other electrical devices after they set off the fireworks in Earth orbit. Here is an excerpt from the entry…

The Intel Management Engine (ME), also known as the Manageability Engine, is an autonomous subsystem that has been incorporated in virtually all of Intel’s processor chipsets since 2008. The subsystem primarily consists of proprietary firmware running on a separate microprocessor that performs tasks during boot-up, while the computer is running, and while it is asleep. It continues to run when the system is turned off. Intel claims the ME is required to provide full performance. Its exact workings are largely undocumented and its code is obfuscated using confidential huffman tables stored directly in hardware, so the firmware does not contain the information necessary to decode its contents. Intel’s main competitor AMD has incorporated the equivalent technology Platform Security Processor (PSP) in virtually all of its post-2013 CPUs

Critics like the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and security expert Damien Zammit accuse the ME of being a backdoor and a privacy concern.”

~ continued 1 ~

Additional information on the ME can be found at this link provided to me by a reader…

>>> Matthew Garrett, the well-known Linux and security developer who works for Google, explained recently that, “Intel chipsets for some years have included a Management Engine [ME], a small microprocessor that runs independently of the main CPU and operating system. Various pieces of software run on the ME, ranging from code to handle media DRM to an implementation of a TPM. AMT [Active Management Technology] is another piece of software running on the ME.” […] At a presentation at Embedded Linux Conference Europe, Ronald Minnich, a Google software engineer reported that systems using Intel chips that have AMT, are running MINIX. So, what’s it doing in Intel chips? A lot. These processors are running a closed-source variation of the open-source MINIX 3. We don’t know exactly what version or how it’s been modified since we don’t have the source code. In addition, thanks to Minnich and his fellow researchers’ work, MINIX is running on three separate x86 cores on modern chips. There, it’s running: TCP/IP networking stacks (4 and 6), file systems, drivers (disk, net, USB, mouse), web servers. MINIX also has access to your passwords. It can also reimage your computer’s firmware even if it’s powered off. Let me repeat that. If your computer is “off” but still plugged in, MINIX can still potentially change your computer’s fundamental settings. And, for even more fun, it “can implement self-modifying code that can persist across power cycles.” So, if an exploit happens here, even if you unplug your server in one last desperate attempt to save it, the attack will still be there waiting for you when you plug it back in. How? MINIX can do all this because it runs at a fundamentally lower level. […] According to Minnich, “there are big giant holes that people can drive exploits through.” He continued, “Are you scared yet? If you’re not scared yet, maybe I didn’t explain it very well, because I sure am scared.” <<<

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As the Wikipedia article says, Intel has been putting the ME into its chipsets since 2008. But it seems highly unlikely that 2008 was the first year they installed hardware/firmware backdoors into their chips. We can be fairly certain that the ME is simply the latest and greatest version of such technology, and chips made in 2007 or before also have embedded control/kill functions.

So with the mechanism for faking enhanced EMP effects set before us, how would they transmit the kill codes?

The approach that makes the most sense is to transmit the codes from an electronic warfare aircraft flying over the target region. The transmission would be timed to closely coincide with the detonation of the orbital EMP device, and the altitude of the aircraft and broadcast power of the signal would be modulated to limit the simulated EMP effect to a specific radius around the aircraft. I’m anticipating a regional attack rather than a national attack (because a nationwide attack would unleash an unmanageable level of chaos), and the region to be targeted is almost certainly the Washington, DC to New York City corridor.

~ continued 3 ~

The EMP attack will likely be done as a follow-on to the Washington, DC and New York nuclear decapitation strikes. The globalists would wait until news and images of the nuke strikes spread around the world, then they’d deliver the enhanced EMP attack as the coup de grace. Such a “double tap” attack would hobble recovery efforts and lead to widespread social disorder in the EMP zone. Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York City are tough places even when everything is working properly. Just imagine what it would be like in those cities after two nukes go off, airliners fall from the sky, the roads are blocked by dead vehicles, all the grocery stores are looted, and the power goes out indefinitely. People would be fleeing the EMP zone looking like the walking dead, devouring everything in their path.

In the aftermath of the strike, the US government and military would keep functioning under continuity of government provisions, and they would pursue the war until we reach the precipice of an uncontrolled global nuclear exchange. It is at that point in the script when the “Progressive Deep State” would take down the “Neocon-Neolib-Zionist Deep State” in a military coup. Rand Paul, the senior surviving elected official after Mike Pence is arrested, would then rise to the presidency, and he would allow the states to secede from the decimated and discredited federal government. This would leave the globalists with everything they’ve been wanting…

  • Because the existing New York headquarters of the United Nations would be destroyed, they can erect their “new, strengthened, reformed” United Nations at a place of their choosing.
  • Because the existing financial system would completely collapse without both Washington and New York, they can erect their new “commodities-backed” financial system in its place.
  • Because the federal government’s death grip on the states would be released with Washington’s destruction, the United States would fall into smaller, weaker pieces that would be dependent on the globalist institutions for their economic well being and security.

Washington and New York represent the dying phoenix of the existing Interim World Order. Once those cities burn to ashes, the New World Order phoenix will rise. Or at least that’s the plan.

[Mini-update – 3 December 2017] – The first visible retreat

Well it looks like they’ve backed off on the Flynn scenario. The retreat started the evening of the 1st. If they don’t announce the North Korean oil cutoff by Friday, we can put an invisible retreat on the scoreboard too. Two days down, twenty to go…

[Mini-update – 2 December 2017] – Flynn and the Neocons “Pressure Trump into War”

If you’ve read Alex Jones, the Kabbalist banksters, and the “Deep State” con, you’ll know that Michael Flynn, the man who has turned on Trump and offered to testify against him and his family, was connected as recently as earlier this year to a globalist think tank called the London Center for Policy Research…

…from the Internet Archive

And the London Center was founded by Herbert London, a Jewish Neoconservative [1,2].

That being said, can you guess how the London Center portrays Russia, Iran, and North Korea?…


Have a look at what the article says about North Korea…

“What the president’s foes willfully underestimate is that there are national leaders who want to kill us. North Korea is not simply a police state and a moral outrage, it is an enemy intent on destroying the West. The attempt to develop an ICBM with range sufficient to reach California is an obsessive goal. Recently military forces redirected a North Korean satellite to take a north-south orbit rather than an east-west orbit so that it remains over North America for a longer period. The object is a possible EMP attack on the U.S. thereby paralyzing the nation. Kim Jong Un may be erratic, but he is not completely irrational.”

So Flynn is tied in with a group of neoconservatives who promote the idea that North Korea is a mortal threat to the United States, and this makes him the perfect character in the script to play the mole/turncoat whose threatened testimony blackmails Trump into making a move against Kim Jong-Un. If the globalists go for it this week, New World Order historians will point to the Flynn development as part of how Trump was pressured and tricked into war by the Neocons.

Also note that the article passage refers to the supposed North Korean EMP threat against America. I’ve covered this in previous entries, so let me just give a quick statement for new readers…

A review of serious scientific studies on EMP weapon effects shows that they are not nearly as effective as they are portrayed to be by propagandists in the national security establishment and the media. An “EMP attack” would have some scattered effects on a targeted area, but far greater effectiveness could be simulated if the globalists were to send kill codes to the control chip (the “chip within a chip”) located within the microprocessor chips embedded in all modern electrical devices. So should an effective EMP attack occur, it is the globalists doing it through their secure back door, not the North Koreans doing it with their nukes.

The same goes with Russia’s rumored new “electronic jamming” weapons. It is unlikely that they utilize “new properties of physics” to shut down Western weapons systems; they more likely employ globalist kill codes transmitted to the control chips within Western systems. So if you see David (Putin) beating Goliath (NATO) by means of “revolutionary electronic warfare systems,” it is because the globalists gave him the keys to the West’s back doors.

~ continued ~

The globalists are preparing a December 22 fallback position

I’ve come across fresh news of additional UN Security Council meetings on North Korea this month on the 11th and the 15th, as well as news that the Republicans might pass a continuing resolution to move the budget deadline from this coming Friday the 8th to Friday the 22nd. This means that they might be attempting to delay the war’s start to just before Christmas. So if they decide to play the EMP card as part of the festivities, the East Coast might be spending this Christmas in the cold and dark.

Given these developments, I’ll extend my overwatch through December 22 or the end of the immediate threat, whichever is latter. This entry will likely be the size of a book by the time it’s over, so it looks like they want to make me earn my first Dom Perignon. 

[Mini-update – 1 December 2017] – The Neocons Call for Preemptive Strikes

Right on cue, the Jewish neocons are calling for war. Before you read an excerpt from this article…

…from Yahoo, read what Yahoo wrote about the authors…

“Stephen Bryen and Shoshana Bryen co-authored this article. Shoshana Bryen is Senior Director of the Jewish Policy Center and has more than 30 years experience as a defense policy analyst.”

They made sure to attribute it to neocon Jews, which is part of the globalist strategy of scapegoating their Neocon-Neolib-Zionist minions for all the bad stuff that’s being done to set up the New World Order.

As for the excerpt…

“Because of the shortcoming of missile defense and the fact that North Korea seems unresponsive to persuasion in the form of three aircraft carrier task forces and sorties by B-1 bombers off the North Korean coast, President Trump’s options are bleak: wait for a real North Korean attack with the risk of something far worse than Pearl Harbor, or preempt if preparations look threatening. No matter how you look at it, the threat is circa 1941, while our preparations are stuck in the mid-1930s.”

With this, they’re selling the planned “preemptive” attack on North Korean soil that will set in motion the long-delayed Big Crisis.

If you look under the title of the article, you’ll see that the writers are associated with The National Interest magazine, which was founded by the Jewish “godfather of Neoconservatism” Irving Kristol. The magazine also recently published this notable article

Have a look at how it begins…

The author’s “algebra of war” is quite interesting, isn’t it? He’s basically saying, “Let’s definitely kill 1.4 million people now so 7.5 million – a number I’ve essentially pulled out of my ass – won’t potentially be killed at some point in the future.” Once the war is over, the controlled-opposition alt-media will have a field day pointing out articles such as these to blame the “evil neocons” for this purely artificial war. But both the alt-media and the neocons work for the same people. They’re simply assigned different roles in the grand drama.

Among the globalist minion class, there are two teams: Team Left Hand Path and Team Right Hand Path

The Left Hand Path people are associated with concepts such as “darkness,” “evil,” “falsehood,” “corruption,” “destruction,” and “chaos.” And they are associated with such ideological labels as Neoconservatism, Neoliberalism, Zionism, Nazism, Communism, Satanism, etc. The job of the Left Hand Path is to tear things down – they are the globalist demolition crew, and they wear the “dark hats.”

The Right Hand Path people are associated with concepts such as “light,” “good,” “truth,” “edification,” “construction,” and “order.” And they are associated with such ideological labels as Populism, Patriotism, Constitutionalism, Libertarianism, Democracy, Free Enterprise, Yahwehism, etc. The job of the Right Hand Path is to build things – they are the globalist construction crew, and they wear the “white hats.”

In the current grand global drama, the Left Hand Path (played in general by the West / G7) are bringing the world chaos and destruction that will culminate in the Big Crisis. And after the Big Crisis has climaxed and the Interim World Order has imploded, the Right Hand Path people (played in general by the East / BRICS) will rebuild the world according to the New World Order template. So when you hear the Right Hand Path faux-truthers laying all the blame for the Big Crisis at the feet of the Left Hand Path, don’t be deceived. It’s merely a case of one globalist team scapegoating the other so they can play the hero role in the drama.

That being said, the Big Crisis can take two forms: it can be a short, sharp series of events highlighted by “world war” and “global economic collapse,” or it can be a long, gradual series of events which play out without a full-on war or collapse. My intention is to deny the globalists the short, sharp path and force them to take the long, gradual path. You and I will thus have more time to spread this understanding until it becomes common knowledge.

To stop a small, well-organized pack of wolves from dominating humanity’s future, the less organized pack of sheepdogs must employ superior numbers and unshakable determination. Every person with whom you share this information is a potential new sheepdog, so let’s keep growing our pack, shall we?

~ continued ~

I’m sure you’ve seen this by now…

…from the Drudge Report

I find the timing of this quite curious. The last time Trump was portrayed as being under heavy press assault earlier this year, he ordered the Syria cruise missile strike and they started to call him “presidential.” Now that he will be under renewed assault over this Flynn development, will he again resort to military action to ease the pressure? Is this the scripted way the “Deep State” will “force Trump into a preemptive strike against North Korea” next week? I’ll show you some interesting things about this tomorrow morning.

In the meantime, read Alex Jones, the Kabbalist banksters, and the “Deep State” con. It contains some background information on Flynn that you should see.

[Mini-update – 30 November 2017] – A cutoff of North Korea’s oil may be imminent (if it hasn’t already occurred)

As I’ve mentioned in previous entries, the globalists are very closely and very deliberately re-creating with North Korea the 1941 chain of events that led to the Pearl Harbor attack. All that remains to complete the re-creation is to cut off North Korea’s oil imports as was done to Japan, and that step appears to be imminent…

…from CNBC. Here are two key propaganda points from the article…

“[America’s UN Ambassador Nikki] Haley revealed during a speech at the United Nations headquarters in New York City that President Donald Trump called Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday morning to tell him the time has come for China to cut off crude oil supplies to North Korea

It was not immediately clear what actions the United States would take, but the Treasury Department has developed sophisticated sanctions over the last decade. Those sanctions, leveraging the economic heft of the United States, can be used to lock companies out of the global financial market.”

So they are hinting that threats of US sanctions against Chinese companies are being used to compel China to cut off North Korea’s oil. And given what Trump tweeted yesterday after his call to Xi Jinping, the oil cutoff may have already secretly commenced…

…from Twitter

If the globalists are going for it next week, expect to see a public announcement of the oil cutoff some time between now and Monday. Also look for unilateral US Navy seizures of North Korean ships to begin at any time.

~ continued 1 ~

The peculiar thing about this oil embargo news is that it wasn’t trumpeted to the public like it should have been. Instead, they posted it in out of the way places like the Energy section of CNBC while the front-page headlines were blaring about Matt Lauer’s sexual indiscretions. It was shocking how quickly they pushed the missile news down the page. This has left me wondering if they’ll announce the oil cutoff over the weekend when few people are watching the news. That way, the pretext for war will be established, but the public will be shocked when the war actions overtake us (just like the public was shocked when Pearl Harbor and 9/11 happened). They may be trying to re-create the whole “At Dawn We Slept” mindset.

~ continued 2 ~

In case you are a new reader, have a look at a little slice of Pearl Harbor history offered by Patrick J. Buchanan in an article titled Why Did Japan Attack Us?

“After Hitler invaded Russia in June 1941, Japan moved into southern Indochina. FDR ordered all Japanese assets frozen.

But FDR did not want to cut off oil. As he told his Cabinet on July 18, an embargo meant war, for that would force oil-starved Japan to seize the oil fields of the Dutch East Indies. But a State Department lawyer named Dean Acheson drew up the sanctions in such a way as to block any Japanese purchases of U.S. oil. By the time FDR found out, in September, he could not back down.” – from

There are two things to note in light of this little blast from the past…

1) Freezing Kim Jong-Un’s assets and embargoing his oil are the two things America is now pursuing. And just like freezing Japan’s assets and embargoing its oil led to a world war-starting Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, doing it to Kim Jong-Un will lead to a world war-starting North Korean sneak attack on New York and Washington, DC – a New Pearl Harbor / Nuclear 9-11.

2) The douchebag who engineered the Japanese oil embargo, Dean Acheson, was a member of Yale University’s Scroll and Key secret society. And the douchebag who is threatening China’s banks and China’s access to the SWIFT system to compel them to cut off North Korea’s oil, Steven Mnuchin, was a member of Yale University’s Skull and Bones secret society.

The reason the globalists are following the 1941 script so closely is to allow the New World Order historians to point to it as proof of how the “Western elite” started all these wars. This half-truth will help the globalist Eastern elite establish themselves as the “truth-telling good guys,” when they’re actually nothing more than a changing of the guard.

~ continued 3 ~

Again for new readers, I’ll also point out that the reason “North Korea” might nuke New York City and Washington, DC is to decapitate the leadership of their two greatest enemies: the United Nations and the United States. This attack, which would most likely be carried out by nuke-carrying minisubs, would allow the globalists to quickly move forward in establishing their new “commodities-backed” financial system and their new “reformed and strengthened” United Nations (a.k.a. the NWO). I go into detail on the hows and whys of the attack in this previous alert. I’ve also added THE RED PILL: A Short Overview of the True Globalist Agenda to the bottom of this entry as Appendix II. It will help you understand what the globalists are really up to.

[Mini-update – 29 November 2017] – Yet another indicator for a Dec. 7 New Pearl Harbor

Yesterday, I was thinking about writing an update about how North Korea might launch a ballistic missile to put themselves back in the headlines for next week’s news cycle. But the gaesaekis (sons of bi*ches) beat me to the punch…

…from the Drudge Report

With this successful ICBM launch, the North Koreans have claimed a completed nuclear capability. They now have an ICBM that can supposedly reach all of the US and an H-bomb warhead that can do great damage when it gets there. To fully demonstrate their completed capability, all that’s required is one final test in which an ICBM is fired and its attached nuclear warhead successfully reenters the atmosphere and explodes on target: the Juche Bird test. But will Trump allow them to fire off such a missile when it could potentially be aimed at US territory? Herein lies the setup for what is planned.

No further provocative action from the North Koreans is necessary to get the war started. Once the Vigilant Ace air combat exercise begins on the 4th, the world will expect Kim Jong-Un to do something rash like firing off the Juche Bird, and the North Koreans will make their standard threats to underscore that possibility. So according to the script, all the “Deep State” has to do is go to Trump next week with falsified intelligence that the Juche Bird is about to launch, and the fireworks can begin.

It should also be noted that the US and Japan have called an emergency UN Security Council meeting for today. They will ask for additional sanctions against North Korea, including the right to seize “sanctions-evading” North Korean ships at sea. The outcome most in line with the globalist script would be for China and Russia to block such measures and call for freeze-for-freeze talks, leaving the United States to move unilaterally to seize the ships and cut off North Korea’s energy imports through Treasury sanctions on Chinese interests. Since these “unilateral blunders” will lead to war and disaster, it will help the globalists promote “peaceful multilateralism through a reformed, strengthened United Nations” (the NWO) in the aftermath.

I will monitor this developing situation from this entry.

[Mini-update – 26 November 2017] – Another indicator for a December 7 New Pearl Harbor

On December 4-8, the US and South Korea will be holding the Vigilant Ace air combat exercise. It will involve putting 230 aircraft, including 10 stealth aircraft capable of penetration strikes, into full operational tempo. This will create a prime opportunity for North Korea to respond with the “Juche Bird” – a nuclear-tipped ballistic missile to be test fired and exploded over the Pacific. And seeing the Juche Bird being prepped for launch (or pretending they did) will provide a prime opportunity for the “Deep State” to launch a preemptive strike on North Korean soil. As I’ve mentioned before, such a strike would enable the globalists to launch all sorts of false-flags to be blamed on “Kim Jong-Un’s furious response.”

With this triggering mechanism in place, the New York / Washington, DC dual strike scenario will be in play for December 7 (give or take a few days). At that time, Trump and both chambers of Congress will be in Washington battling over the budget before the December 8 deadline. Vaporizing them would mean Vice President Pence would take over the presidency with no Congress and no budget, thus enabling him to take on dictatorial powers.

If a US preemptive strike is carried out, once again keep an eye on Rand Paul and Elizabeth Warren. On the day of “Kim Jong-Un’s retaliatory strike,” you will see both of them slipping out of downtown DC. Paul’s excuse will likely be a doctor visit over pain from his rib injury.

[Mini-update – 21 November 2017] – Today and tomorrow set the stage for December 7-8 mischief

There are just two weeks to go until December 7 (the anniversary of Pearl Harbor), so get a load of this…

>>> The Trump administration readied new sanctions Tuesday on North Korea, a day after declaring it a state sponsor of terrorism in a move to put additional pressure on Pyongyang’s nuclear program…

“It will be the highest level of sanctions by the time it’s finished over a two-week period,” Trump said. – from US News / AP <<<

New Pearl Harbor, here we come. Also watch what Erdogan does when he meets Putin in Sochi tomorrow. It could set the stage for the breakout of the Mideast war. The globalists like to stage foreshadowing events and news on the 22nd.


We’ve made it through Trump’s Asia trip without the globalists managing to trigger the “End Times” War. To successfully make it through the remaining seven weeks of the year, keep an eye out for the following things (especially around the time of the Pearl Harbor anniversary on December 7)…

Syria and Iran – The key to escalating US military operations in the Middle East is showing a pile of dead American servicemen on TV. So watch for a Saudi false-flag attack on Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar or Eskan Village in Saudi Arabia. The Saudis and the mainstream media will blame it on Iran, and the “Deep State” will attempt to use it to “trick Trump into a larger Mideast war” (according to the Alt-Media script).

The South China Sea and Korea – The key to getting that show going is a US preemptive airstrike on North Korean soil. And in order to preserve Trump’s positive reputation as Putin’s “precursor,” the strike would be launched one of two ways…

  1. By Trump giving the order after being presented with falsified intelligence that North Korea was about to launch a nuclear-tipped missile.
  2. By the military carrying out the strike without his expressed permission “due to the short time window available to neutralize the threat.”

The strike would likely be launched from an aircraft carrier, and the carrier involved would likely be sunk by the North Koreans (with globalist/Israeli help).

Once the strike happens, the globalists will use “Kim Jong Un’s furious retaliation” as cover to unleash all sorts of mischief regardless of what the North Koreans do. Oppenheimer’s children will likely come home to New York and Washington, DC.

Another approach to watch for are media reports of civil unrest in North Korea arising from the bite of international sanctions. If you see such preparatory propaganda, the globalists are laying the groundwork for a (militarily) unprovoked “North Korean” attack upon America. This is another path to a “New Pearl Harbor” scenario.

Ukraine – The key to starting the Ukraine-Russia war will be starting the US-Russia war in the Middle East. Once the two sides have directly engaged, Ukraine will use the opportunity to attempt to retake Crimea. The controlled Alt-Media will say that NATO launched the invasion in order to open a second front on Russia and divert attention and resources away from the main battle in the Middle East. But the real reason for the attack is to allow Russia to take all of Ukraine east of the Dnieper River. This will help put all of ancient Khazaria under Putin’s control. He is the King of (Restored) Khazaria. I’ve written about this before, and I’ll post that information to the bottom of this entry as an appendix.

I’ll expand and enhance this entry over the course of the coming hours/days.

Much love…

[Appendix I – 16 November 2017] – Vladimir Putin, Jewish King of Restored Khazaria

So what is the globalist purpose in staging a war on Russia’s western border? I suspect that their motive is to reunite all the land of ancient Khazaria under Russian control. Basically, they want to “restore their ancient empire / homeland.” Putin is not only a Jew; I suspect he is also a Khazarian.

Just look at a map of ancient Khazaria…

The area boxed in red is the part of ancient Khazaria bordered by the Dnieper River that the Russians will control after the coming war. The Russians will get all of Ukraine east of the Dnieper.

The area boxed in green is Crimea, a part of ancient Khazaria which the Russians took control of in 2014.

The area boxed in orange is the little notch of Khazaria / Alania near Tbilisi that is now Ossetia. The Russians took control of South Ossetia in 2008

Putin’s Palace in Khazaria

A few weeks ago, I was poking around Netflix and came across a French documentary called Putin’s Hidden Treasure. At about the 45 minute mark, it started talking about how Putin ordered his business cronies to drop all their projects and focus on building him a palatial complex in the South of Russia. The place is now referred to as Putin’s Palace.

After getting into all this Khazarian stuff this weekend, I decided to check if Putin’s Palace is in Khazarian territory. It is. Not only that, it’s built within the most ancient boundaries of Khazaria (circa 650).

Here is a map that points to Putin’s Palace (a.k.a. Mys Idokopas) at the bottom right…

…from Google Maps. As you can see, Crimea is on the left and the Palace is on the opposite shore across the Black Sea.

Now here is a map of ancient Khazaria at different times of its development…

…from Wikipedia

The area I’ve boxed in blue is the same area from the map of Putin’s Palace (with the Palace marked with a red circle). As you can see, the Palace sits inside the most ancient boundaries of Khazaria. So after the war, Putin will be the Jewish King of the Restored Khazarian Empire (among the many crowns he will wear) with a beautiful palace by the sea…

…Just look at that long walking garden!

Watch the Netflix documentary if you’re able. They actually go as close to the Palace as the massive security presence will allow, and they show that it’s not just a house, but a command center.

[APPENDIX II – 30 November 2017] – THE RED PILL: A Short Overview of the True Globalist Agenda

If this is your first time visiting, there’s a very good chance that everything you think you know about the “globalists” and the “New World Order (NWO)” is wrong. This is because the globalists are using their massive alt-media disinformation network to sell you a “good versus evil” fairy tale. According to their fable’s script, the “evil Western unilateral / unipolar NWO” is trying to take over the world and plunge us into an Orwellian dark age…

…from Infowars

And the “good guys,” Vladimir Putin and the BRICS nations, are standing against the evil and working to build a “benevolent multilateral / multipolar NWO” that “will usher in a new Golden Age / Renaissance for all mankind”…

…from LaRouchePAC

Faced with these two manufactured choices, the globalists expect you to resist the “evil West” and embrace the “benevolent East,” thus embracing the New World Order they’ve been planning all along. So in this entry, I will inoculate you against their fairy tale programming by showing you what they’re doing in the economic, political and religious realms to build their REAL New World Order. I’ll also show you their ultimate goal, which goes far beyond the NWO.


The globalists’ post-World War 2 plan for implementing a global government began to crystallize in 1956 under the Rockefeller-funded Special Studies Project. The Project was organized by Nelson Rockefeller, who recruited Henry Kissinger as its director and numerous globalist luminaries of the day, including John D. Rockefeller III and Laurance Rockefeller, as its participants. Five years later, the Project published the public version of its results in a book titled Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Reports – a book which extols the importance of America “helping to shape a new world order”…

…from page 35

On page 173, the book lays out an “essential component” of the economic approach to the NWO: opening America’s markets to aid the economic development of foreign nations…

And on page 75, it hints at the intended recipients of this policy: Communist China…

Since it would be impossible to build a global New World Order without the world’s most populous nation, the globalists decided to use America’s markets, jobs and wealth as bait for luring the insular Chinese into the fold. And in return for joining the New World Order, China’s communist officials were offered the prestige and power of being the world’s new economic leaders. This strategy was publicly admitted by globalist super-minion George Soros in a 2009 video interview with FT…

…from YouTube

Starting at the 9:26 mark of the video and continuing on into the second part, Soros says the following…

“I think this would be the time, because you really need to bring China into the creation of a new world order – financial world order. They are kind of reluctant members of the IMF. They play along, but they don’t make much of a contribution because it’s not their institution. Their share is not commeasurate – their voting rights are not commeasurate – to their weight. So I think you need a New World Order that China has to be part of the process of creating it, and they have to buy in. They have to own it the same way as I said the United States owns… the Washington consensus… the current order, and I think this would be a more stable one where you would have a coordinated policies.”

So as you look at America today – a nation sapped of its well-paying jobs and economic vitality – you now know how it started: with the Rockefellers and Henry Kissinger deciding to hand America’s economic position to China. That’s why Kissinger made his secret trip to “open up” China in 1971…

…and why David Rockefeller Sr. followed him in in 1973…

This appendix is under construction; there’s more to come. Until that time, though, here are some entries you will find very illuminating (the ones in bold are must-reads)…

  1. To understand more about the Special Studies Project and its plan for the currently developing New World Order, read The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS New World Order, in their own words…
  2. To understand what the globalists are doing now to get the New World Order in place (and how one or more “North Korean” nuke attacks play into it), read NWO Schedule of Implementation 2017.
  3. To see the East versus West conflict as the sham it is, read Understanding the NWO Strategy and Mainstream globalist propaganda reveals East/West conflict is a farce.
  4. To understand the religious aspect of the globalist plan (and Vladimir Putin’s upcoming role as “savior” and head of the NWO), read “End Times” Programming.
  5. To see the “Deep State” as the propaganda ploy it is, read Alex Jones, the Kabbalist banksters, and the “Deep State” con.

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