Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Update 16 – Why Putin and Xi will announce their new gold standard on September 5

In less than a month comes the golden dawn, and it will rise over the September 4-5 G20 Summit…

Whilst I was rolling my son to the grocery store yesterday morning, some questions came to mind…

With their Olympic ISIS operation fully exposed, what happens if the globalists back off – is there another way to get the September war started?

And with their war and prophecy plans fully exposed, what happens if they cancel the war – is there a “peaceful path” to getting the NWO operationally launched this year?

As I pondered it all, I realized that the answer to both questions is “yes,” and that I’d already written about how they’d do it in an entry from February of last year…

>>> I just came across a Zerohedge article titled “Is Russia Planning A Gold-Based Currency?” To give a simple answer to the question posed by the title, “yes,” both Russia and China (and possibly other BRICS allies) are planning to go to a partial gold backing for their currencies. And once they do, the globalist propaganda organs will laud the move as “the masterstroke that peacefully defeated the Western banksters.”

The (globalist orchestrated) BRICS move towards a partial gold standard goes beyond their own national currencies, though. To “save the international financial system from cataclysm,” they will also offer a portion of their gold reserves to back the IMF’s SDR, and they will receive a large allotment of SDRs in return. This “gold for SDRs” strategy was hinted at in a (UK) Royal Institute of International Affairs paper titled Adding Gold into the Valuation of the SDR

According to the globalist script, in return for “saving the IMF and the international financial system” with their gold, the BRICS (particularly China) will demand sweeping governance reforms of the IMF and the rest of the UN Complex, as well as a Chinese IMF head. The Chinese would then “own” the New World Order system in the way that George Soros described back in 2009. – From Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 14 – The coming BRICS gold standard, Ron Paul, and the Rockefellers <<<

[Addendum 1 – 8 August 2016]

Clues on the upcoming G20 meeting

Once I got home, I started searching through propaganda pieces from Russian and Chinese news sites, and I realized they might be setting up to play the gold card at the upcoming G20 Summit. So let me take you on a tour of 9 articles that offer clues as to what might happen…

Article 1 – From Sputnik
…Here is an excerpt…

President Putin will be the chief guest in Hangzhou, which he will attend at the invitation of Xi Jinping. Aside from the summit, the leaders of the two countries will have a separate meeting on the sidelines of the G20. They will discuss the results of the June 24 Putin’s visit to China, as well as further promotion of Sino-Russian relations,”…

The Chinese are making a big deal about Putin being their top guest at the Summit, and Putin & Xi will hold a bilateral meeting on the sidelines. It is at the end of this meeting that I would expect their big announcement. The article also makes reference to Putin’s visit to China on June 25, which is covered in…

Article 2 – From Russia Beyond The Headlines

As you can see, they signed a large number of agreements at the meeting, but it was the agreement they didn’t publicize that interests us. I suspect that when globalist historians write of what happens in September, they will say that it was at this June meeting that Putin and Xi agreed to announce their gold standard at the G20 Summit. A hint that this may be so is offered in…

Article 3 – From TASS
…Here is an excerpt…

The visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to China to attend the G20 summit in September will be an important political event in the Russian-Chinese relations, Chinese Ambassador to Russia Li Hui told reporters on Tuesday…

‘I am confident that these two important political events will be a further step in expanding and developing the comprehensive strategic cooperation and partnership,’ the ambassador said, adding that the two sides should take advantage of these opportunities.”

So the Ambassador said that the June meeting provided a “powerful impetus,” and that the September summit will be a “further step in… comprehensive strategic cooperation” which will be a “milestone.” Now let’s look at the “world’s” expectations of the Summit offered in…

Article 4 – From Xinhuanet
…Here is an excerpt…

“With Europe largely impacted by the Brexit, and the United States in election year, China is the one country that has the largest potential to lead the world economy, said Mauricio Santolo, an international relations professor with Rio de Janeiro State University in Brazil.

Santolo said China has a broad domestic market and is politically stable, so it has the capacity to lead other countries, especially the BRICS and other developing countries to enact new policies that would facilitate economic recovery.

Stephan Perry, chairman of Britain’s 48 Group Club, also noted that as China is the current G20 president and the meetings are being held in the country, the world has to look to China for leadership at the meeting of the G20 leaders.”

As we can see, “Chinese leadership” will be on prominent display at the Summit, as will their guest of honor, Vladimir Putin. Given this, it is important to note the expectations that the Chinese have for the event, which is offered in…

Article 5 – From TASS
…Here is an excerpt…

>>> “Russia is main developing economy of the globe; its presence at the G20 summit will be important for promotion of global economic governance and ending of deadlock of the world’s economy,” the [Chinese] diplomat said. <<<

So… “ending the deadlock of the world’s economy” is the Chinese expectation for the Summit, and the big announcement I’m talking about would do that, wouldn’t it? But what of Russia? Their expectations are offered in…

Article 6 – From Xinhuanet
…Here is an excerpt…

>>> He [Russian “expert” Alexey Maslov] stressed that the G20 summit has to become a real working body, not just a platform for discussion.

By implementing a “fairly correct” model of economic structural reform, China has proved its strong political will to the world, he said.

“But the state of the economy, both Chinese and Asian in general, requires the most rapid implementation of these reforms,” Maslov added. <<<

So the Russians too want to end the economic deadlock and achieve “the most rapid implementation” of what they have planned. They also want the G20 to transition from a “platform for discussion” to a “real working body” — a sentiment that is echoed by the Chinese in…

Article 7 – From the South China Morning Post
…Here is an excerpt…

“The G20 summit in Hangzhou in September offers leaders the chance to restore order and confidence in a world full of danger and risk, a Chinese deputy foreign minister has said…

His comments underscore Beijing’s desire to gain a bigger say in international affairs by taking advantage of its presidency of the bloc. China is trying to shift the grouping away from a mostly toothless talk shop towards an effective mechanism for global governance – one where Beijing can play an active role.”

As you can see, the Chinese too want to transition the G20 from a “mostly toothless talk shop” to “an effective mechanism for global governance,” and they want to use their 2016 presidency of the G20 to achieve that. And how does one “restore order and confidence” in the financial system? Replacing “fiat” currencies with “gold-backed” currencies might do the trick — isn’t that what we’re told?

Now that we’ve seen how the Eastern press are setting up the Summit, let’s look at an example of how the Western press are treating it in…

Article 8 – From Newsweek
…Here is an excerpt…

“Vladimir Putin will be the guest of honor at the next G20 summit, hosted by China, a Beijing official told Russian state news agency Itar-Tass.

Putin was ostracized during the G20 summit in 2014 and left early, as he was heavily criticized for backing rebels in east Ukraine, fighting government forces. Russia was also banned from G8 summits and has not been invited to one since. In 2015, the Russian president attended a G20 summit during which he held tense talks with U.S. President Barack Obama, where they were at odds on the conflicts in both Ukraine and Syria.”

So Newsweek stresses the dialectic conflict aspect of the Summit, Putin vs. Obama. And looking at this meeting as an East vs. West showdown, It will no doubt be greatly satisfying to the Chinese public to see the Western leaders – the perceived descendants of the opium-dealing powers that humiliated China so often back in the 19th century – come to China and get their legs cut off by the move China and Russia will make.

That being said, let me show you one more article…

Article 9 – From Sputnik
…Here is an excerpt…

“The summit that will be the 11th G20 meeting is scheduled to take place on September 4-5.

‘I want to particularly emphasize that the G20 summit has always been a platform for enhancing international cooperation between China and Russia, joint actions on construction of a just, rational international political and economic order.’…

The ambassador added that the Chinese government paid great attention to holding the summit in the Chinese eastern city of Hangzhou.”

When the Chinese ambassador talks of the “construction of a just, rational international political and economic order,” he is talking about the New World Order the globalists have been trying to implement since World War 2. And the political aspect of the Order will be led by Putin, while the economic aspect will be led by the Chinese. As for the significance of holding the Summit in Hangzhou, I’ll get to that in the next update (in which I’ll be tying everything together and finishing this entry).

[Addendum 2 – 9 August 2016]

Where all this is going

Now let’s gather all these clues together and view them within the context of the day…

We have Russia and China talking about the “promotion of global economic governance” via a G20 that is more action and less talk, “the most rapid implementation of reforms” due to the current economic climate, “restoring order and confidence” in the global economy, and “ending the deadlock of the world’s economy” (caused by the intransigence of the US in allowing IMF reform). We also have propaganda that “the world” is looking to Chinese leadership at the G20 Summit to revive economic growth, and that the Chinese are looking to use their G20 presidency to take a more active role in global economic leadership.

And while all this is being told to us, we see news of an approaching East/West war in Ukraine…

…and we see news of an approaching “sudden, cruel, and short” East/West war in the South China Sea…
…From The Sun

…not to mention the ongoing East/West action in Syria…
…From Reuters

With these clues and this context set before us, can you imagine a more perfect moment for the globalists to play the gold card? It would kick off a giant shift of capital out of the Western “fiat” currencies and into the new “gold and commodities-backed” currencies, and it would hit the euro the hardest. Just think about it… in what currency would you rather store your wealth, a currency that is getting gold and commodity backing or a “fiat” currency that will soon collapse when the EU falls to pieces?

As capital shifts out of the euro, we can expect the EU banking system to seize up and take the US financial system with it. And if we add in a slew of “new and shocking revelations” from the globalists’ Wikileaks and Snowden operations, we could see the West economically and politically paralyzed. The globalists can then opt to take us to war as “the West desperately lashes out,” or take us on the peaceful path as “the West loses the ability to wage war due to systemic paralysis.”

So with this momentous possibility before us, one has to ask, “Why aren’t the Chinese holding the G20 Summit at a place of national prestige, like Beijing?” One possible answer is that the city they’ve “paid great attention” to designate as the host, Hangzhou…

“…was an important center of Chinese Jewry, and may have been the original home of the better-known Kaifeng Jewish community.” – From Wikipedia

In case you’re not familiar with the Kaifeng Jews, here’s a little article I ran across on Henry Makow’s site: Are the “Tiao-Kiu-Kao”(TKK) Jews Running China? And here is an excerpt…


Since the beginning of the Opium trade in 1831, Jews like David Sassoon cooperated exclusively with Jews (ie the Kaifeng jews) inside China to destroy the strength of China and its divinely inspired 5000 year old culture. One such example is the destruction of the Summer Palace, called “Yuanmingyuan – Garden of Perfect Brightness” outside Beijing in 1860. It was considered the prime cultural treasure of China, its size being five times bigger than the “forbidden city” in Beijing. The destruction of Chinese culture by the Jews is now replicated by cultural Marxism destroying the Western culture. <<<

Given that the G20 was organized by the Jewish central banksters through their finance minister proxies, where else in China would they hold such an important meeting than a place of great significance to the Chinese Jews?

Here is a related article: Meet Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Illuminati handler of China’s leaders.

[+ A note on the Putin – Erdogan meeting on the 9th – 7 August 2016]

Will Erdogan repent and be saved?…
…Only the globalist scriptwriters know. From Sputnik

In the globalists’ NWO transition script, ISIS is playing a “bad guy” role. And Putin, the “ultimate good guy” is determined to vanquish them. So there is no way in hell that anyone who supports ISIS (like Erdogan has in the past) is going to survive the Transition.

That being said, Christ is forgiving, so if Erdogan confesses his sins to Putin and repents, he will be washed clean by Putin’s grace.

So there are two ways the Turkey situation could go, and it depends on what Erdogan is seen doing after the meeting…

1) If he is seen continuing his support for ISIS, he will be swept from office and replaced by Gulen, and Turkey will be offered up as an example of “the Lord’s wrath.”

2) If he is seen cutting off all support from ISIS and commanding US forces (and their nukes) to leave Turkey, he will remain in office and the globalist propaganda organs will proclaim Gulen a “color revolution” agent. Turkey will then be offered up as an example of “the Lord’s grace.”

It’s important to note that this meeting is a departure from the previous flow of the transition script: Erdogan is an Islamist who was scripted to be taken down with the rest of them. So what changed? Well, their plans for Gulen were exposed on July 16, and ten days later on July 26, they suddenly announced this bilateral summit. Rest assured that no matter how much they squirm, they’re not getting past us.

Should the globalists opt for Erdogan’s “redemption,” it could mean that they’re backing off from the war scenario and choosing the “peaceful path” (in which “masterful” geopolitical and financial moves by Putin and his allies will defeat the “Western imperialists” without military conflict). Will the “Prince of Peace,” Vladimir Putin, save us from war?

Quite possibly, but Putin isn’t all he’s cracked up to be.

(P.S. – 7 August 2016) – Yep, here we go!…
…From Bloomberg

Turning Erdogan and cutting off ISIS’ support from Turkey would be one of the “masterful geopolitical moves” I wrote about. But as much as it looks like a move towards the “peaceful path,” the first sentence of the article suggests that it could also go the other way…

“Vladimir Putin may be on the cusp of a pivotal victory in Syria’s civil war that would make it much harder for the U.S. to achieve its stated goal of ousting Bashar al-Assad without a major military escalation.”

So will a “desperate Washington” lash out due to the pending defeat of ISIS and the launch of the BRICS gold standard, or will the combination “take the legs out from under the Neocons”? I’m as eager as anyone else to see how they play it.

With love…

Source Article from

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