Gingrich Skulking Behind Ron Paul Attacks


Gingrich a “Distinguished Advisor” at Think-Tank Where Ron Paul Attacks Originated.

by Tony Cartalucci
December 21, 2011 – GOP presidential contender Newt Gingrich, a corporate-financier sponsored Council on Foreign Relations member also was a “distinguished advisor” at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD), a warmongering, Neo-Con think-tank and the architects of both the costly unending wars America has been fighting for the last 2 decades and the resulting war profiteering. The FDD is also the same think-tank from which attacks against Ron Paul are being launched via FDD “fellow” James Kirchick.

Image: A screenshot from FDD’s website featuring James Kirchick’s profile. Kirchick is leading an attack on GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul, falsely accusing him of being racist and “antisemitic.” The fact that Newt Gingrich, a contender in the GOP presidential race, is also involved with the FDD calls into question the integrity and legitimacy of the US State Department-funded FDD, Kirchick, and Gingrich himself. (click image to enlarge)

The FDD, perhaps in an attempt to maintain some sort of “plausible deniability” has removed Gingrich’s name from their organizational charts, however letters he signed as an FDD “distinguished advisor” can be found dated 2007-2008. The Land Destroyer Report had also cited throughout this year that Newt Gingrich was still an adviser at FDD, however the links are now dead.

Image: A screen shot from AEI’s website (accessed December 21, 2011) featuring Newt Gingrich’s profile which states he is an advisory board member of the FDD. (click image to enlarge)

Compounding this immense conflict of interest and possible fraud, is the fact that Newt Gingrich is also a “former senior fellow,” and currently a “scholar” at the American Enterprise Institute which hosted a recent GOP presidential foreign policy debate. Gingrich’s biography on the AEI website also states that he is, “an advisory board member of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies,” suggesting that indeed, he is a current adviser at the FDD from which recent attacks on Ron Paul have originated.

Is it then hypocrisy or irony that FDD has on its leash a homosexual “journalist,” Kirchick, ceaselessly attacking Gingrich’s and other establishment GOP contenders’ only real competition, Ron Paul? Especially when Gingrich has used the issue of homosexuality as a political football throughout his career, including during his current presidential campaign?

Kirchick is described by the FDD as, “a leading voice on American gay politics and international gay rights, he is a contributing writer to the Advocate, the nation’s largest gay publication. Mr Kirchick is a recipient of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association Journalist of the Year Award.” Either Kirchick is disingenuous about his concerns for promoting the homosexual cause, or Gingrich and his Neo-Conservative peers are disingenuous in opposing it. At the end of the day, it isn’t about sexual orientation, it is about the pandemic of exploitative deceit and hypocrisy that infests America’s political establishment.

It would seem Gingrich’s “moral” views hold steady for as long as he is in front of the camera, and in reality is willing to work with anyone and do anything to climb up the sycophantic ladder of globalist elitism, at the cost of the principles he disingenuously peddles, and the well-intentioned people who foolishly invest their trust in him. As one scratches just beneath the surface of this latest attack on Ron Paul, more seems to reflect back on those intent on defaming their competitors rather than besting them in the arena of ideas, issues, and principles.

Tony Cartalucci is a regular contributor to Infowars Ireland. Read more of his articles here, or visit his website Land Destroyer Report.

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