A number of news articles since October 2019 provided the World with Germany’s motive for paying Bill Gates and World Economic Forum’s Event 201 players 600 million Euros during the 2020 World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland to stage COVID-19.
The official stated purpose for staging COVID-19 plandemic was provided when German Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged 600 Million Euros for Global Vaccine Efforts January 31, 2020 – Brexit Day , the day UK officially left Germany’s EU
It’s an amazing start to what’s going to be a huge year for worldwide support of vaccinations.
However, COVID-19 plandemic was staged as a distraction while $billions is being embezzled by the Canadian, US, UK government to bankroll insolvent UN and Germany EU. Before the COVID-19 plandemic both the UN and Germany’s EU (Germany reoccupied Europe) desperately needed $billions to avoid bankruptcy. Before the COVID-19 plandemic the UN and Germany EU stated publicly that they were insolvent.
The United Nations is running a deficit of $230 million, Secretary General Antonio Guterres said on Monday, and may run out of money by the end of October. In a letter intended for the 37,000 employees at the UN secretariat and obtained by CBS News’ Pamela Falk, Guterres said unspecified “additional stop-gap measures” would have to be taken to ensure salaries and entitlements are paid.
CBS News October 2019
A summit of EU leaders seeking to fill a €75bn hole in the bloc’s budget left by Brexit dramatically collapsed after Angela Merkel led major contributors in rejecting a proposal that would have left them paying billions more.
The UK’s departure has left EU states struggling to fund plans over the next seven years to tackle the climate emergency, aid poorer regions and continue to subsidise farmers through the common agricultural policy.
The Guardian 21 February 2020
In order to obtain $trillions from non-EU states the UN and Germany EU needed to avoid bankruptcy the WHO conducted COVID-19 simulation exercises (SE) in a number of countries throughout the COVID-19 plandemic. The WHO conducted consecutive exercises before & during lockdowns. Purpose of WHO’s Simulation exercises:
WHO`s Department of Health Security and Preparedness has developed various COVID-19 tabletop exercise (SimEx) packages. This Generic Covid19 SimEx is used to examine and strengthen existing plans, procedures and capabilities to manage an imported case of 2019-nCov and targets the health authorities at the national level.”
WHO ran COVID-19 simulation exercises (SE) since January 2020 using various means to deceive the public including: “through fake press articles, face to face through actors, audio/visual material including video clips”.
Simulation Exercises are not one-time events, but should be undertaken as part of a carefully designed exercise program which ensures a common strategic objective (Immunization Agenda 2030) is addressed.
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