(Jewish Press) Thanks to the internet — over which international Jewry has yet to achieve a stranglehold — nagging doubts about the official version of the “Holocaust” have become so commonplace that — according to two high level Jewish ambassadors — “denial” has become a “social and international phenomenon“:
Susanne Wasum-Rainer, the German Ambassador to Israel, and Jeremy Issacharoff, the Israeli Ambassador to Germany, have published a joint appeal against Holocaust denial, Der Tagesspiegel reported Thursday (Appell der israelischen und deutschen Botschafter gegen Holocaustleugnung).
In a guest article for the Tagesspiegel and the Israeli daily Maariv, published on the 80th anniversary of the Wannsee Conference where high-level Nazi officials met at a villa on the shores of Berlin’s Wannsee lake to discuss the systematic murder of as many as 11 million European Jews in a “final solution,” the two ambassadors denounced the fact that the reality of the Shoah is still being disputed and that its exceptional historical impact is being doubted. The denial and trivialization of crimes against humanity are not only widespread among political radicals, but have become a social and international phenomenon.
For this reason, Israel and Germany want to jointly initiate a resolution at the United Nations on Thursday and call on political leaders worldwide for their support. “This resolution is meant to be a sign of hope and inspiration for all states and societies that stand up for diversity and tolerance, strive for reconciliation, and understand that remembering the Holocaust is essential to preventing such crimes from happening again,” the two ambassadors write.
The denial of the historical facts of the Holocaust is not only an attack on the victims of the extermination and their descendants, on Jews all over the world, and the State of Israel. It is also an attack “on the basic condition of peaceful societies and peaceful coexistence worldwide,” they argued.
The ambassadors also make proposals for concrete measures to combat Holocaust denial. These include a uniform definition of antisemitism, investment in education, awareness-raising, and measures to prevent the questioning and relativization of the Holocaust on social media. The UN General Assembly has designated January 27, the day the Auschwitz concentration camp was liberated, as the annual international day of commemoration honoring victims of the Holocaust, also known as International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said that even 80 years after the Wannsee Conference, it was crucial to remember that German diplomats were complicit in Nazi crimes. “Officials from the Foreign Office who put themselves at the service of crimes and genocide by the Nazi regime are also to blame for their suffering,” she said. She vowed that “We will never forget what Germany did” to the victims of the Holocaust.
These Jewish ambassadors are engaging in Orwellian double-think — people don’t question historical “facts” if they are true — but people will question lies posing as “facts.”
For example, many serious historians now question the “fact” that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was actually a “surprise” at all — and that FDR knew it was coming and allowed it to happen to provide him with a casus belli to get America into World War II.
If international Jewry truly wanted to put “Holocaust denial” to rest, they would stop censoring, firing and jailing anyone who doubts their self-serving version of the events.
The more Jewry tries to censor and jail those who question their version of events, the more doubt — and the more anti-Semitism they create — because Jewry is double-minded, and just like their spiritual role models — the Pharisees — their sustenance and fruit is hypocrisy.
The only way Jewry could ever stop the exponentially growing number of doubters would be to allow an international body of independent historians, scholars, and writers to put forth their best evidence and let the facts speak for themselves — but there’s nothing that Jewry hates more than scholars they do not — and cannot control.
And no, this was not done at Nuremberg where no Jewish witnesses were allowed to be cross-examined by the defense attorneys.
In fact, since the end of World War II, Jews have been given carte blanche to say whatever they want about what allegedly happened to them at the hands of the Evil Nazis™ — no matter how absurd or preposterous — and no one is allowed to challenge any of them — which, according to one prominent Jewish scholar, merely encourages Jews to lie about it.
If Holocaust “eye witnesses” were telling the truth, they wouldn’t need armed guards to protect them — like Liliana Segre in Italy.
For example, in 2006 Iran hosted an international conference to establish the truth about the Holocaust — and the Jewish-controlled press predictably excoriated the very idea of it without even acknowledging why it needed to take place.
No one can deny that international Jewry uses the Holocaust as a bludgeon to effectively cower and silence any and all its critics — prominent Jews themselves have very candidly admitted this to be the case.
And it isn’t just “anti-Semites” or “Jew haters” who question the Holocaust — many credible Jews have publicly questioned it — literally putting their lives on the the line by doing so.
Jewry is a cult that is run by a kosher Mafia that does not tolerate truly independent thinking — Jews who do not go along with the official Group-Think especially about the Holocaust are smeared as “mosers” — betrayers and “self-hating” Jews — who are cut off from the crime family and all the financial benefits that come from being part of this powerful international mob — known as the First Beast of Revelation to Christians.
The Holocaust is a psy-op to keep the goyim — with their pitchforks and torches — at bay, but it’s also a weapon that the elite Jews use against their own people to keep them in line as part of the hive mentality.
That’s why Jewry can never allow an open and honest investigation into the facts of the Holocaust — the Beast enriches itself on lies and murder as it seeks to destroy the remnant of true Israel.
But fear not — we know the fate of this Beast.
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