Germans elect their members of parliament with two votes. One vote is for a direct candidate, who ought to receive a plurality vote in their election district. The second vote (considered as more important) is to elect a party list in each province as established by its respective party caucus.
Half of the Bundestag is then filled with candidates that won their electoral districts by the first votes and the other half by candidates from the party lists according roughly to the proportion the parties receive from the second votes according to a complex mathematical formula.
Common practice is that direct candidates are also placed on the electoral lists at higher rankings as a fall-back if they do not win their districts.
State of the Bundesstag in 2013
Christian Democratic Union (CDU) /
2013 Bundestag election result: 41.5 percent (311/630 seats) Leader Angela Merkel
Merkel: Threats, attacks against Jews in Germany ‘disgrace’ | *Its another matter that threats and attacks are more imaginary or False flag then true
Angela Merkel’s Historic Holocaust Speech (But Does the Pope Agree
Merkel: Anti-Semitism more widespread than we imagined
Merkel rallies against ‘monstrous’ anti-Semitism in Germany |
Social Democratic Party (SPD)
2013 Bundestag election result: 25.7 percent (193/630 seats) Leader Martin Shultz
The Left Party (Die Linke)
2013 Bundestag election result: 8.6 percent (64/630 seats) Leaders Katja Kipping, Bernd Riexinger
The Green Party (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) Leaders Cem Özdemir, Simone Peter
2013 Bundestag election result: 8.4 percent (63/630 seats)
Alternative for Germany (AfD) Leaders Frauke Petry, Jörg Meuthen
2013 Bundestag election result: 4.7 percent (0/630 seats)
Any political party with more then 615 MPs (Members of Parliament) will form the Government Last time around the CDU groupjng fell just four MPs short
This is the situation in 2017
Germany was occupied in 2013 it remains occupied in 2017
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