George W. Bush berated by Zambia’s Michael Sata on Africa trip

“I mean, as far as you are concerned, Africa doesn’t exist. And when we
have a former colonialist like you coming back to pay back what you took out
of this country, we are grateful.”

Mr Bush reportedly interjected: “Mr President, I don’t wanna be
argumentative, but America was never a colonial nation. France might have
been a colonial nation, Britain might have been a colonial nation, but not
the United States of America.”

Mr Sata fired back that the Americans’ role in the slave industry made them
equally culpable: “The Americans did not physically colonise us, but at
the same time, the Americans still have scars of slavery,” he said.

Amid nervous laughter from their assembled entourages, Mr Bush replied: “No
question about it.”

It is not the first time Mr Sata has bemoaned the waning role of the West in
Africa. In an interview with The Daily Telegraph earlier this year, he said
he was keen for his country’s former colonial master Britain to increase its
influence to counterbalance a now heavy Chinese presence against which he
campaigned so fiercely in previous elections. “Better the devil you
know than one you don’t,” he added.

The Bushes were 15 minutes late to State House, having driven 90 miles from
the northern city of Kabwe, where they had opened a health clinic
refurbished with their money which will offer cervical and breast cancer
screening to locals.

As he awaited Mr Bush’s arrival, Mr Sata complained to Priscilla Hernandez,
the United States public affairs officer, that he did not like being kept

“Bush is former president; he is not the current president of the United
States so I cannot be waiting for him,” he said.

“The young man is lucky that he is the first American leader to have
brought money to Africa through his Millennium Challenge Account; that’s why
I’m standing here. Otherwise if it was somebody else, I would have handed
him over to one of my ministers to meet him.”

Mr Sata’s outburst is being viewed in some quarters as an embarrassing
diplomatic incident.

But George Chellah, Mr Sata’s spokesman, said the two men were “old
friends” and the entire encounter had been “light-hearted”.

“This talk of a diplomatic incident is invented by people bent on
creating a storm in a teacup,” he said.

A diplomatic source said the scene had been “awkward, but not really an
incident”. “You never know what to expect from Michael Sata,”
the source said.

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