George Soros predicts U.S. riots and insists Euro must be saved or global economy will collapse

  • Billionaire New York investor warns of impending economic meltdown
  • Backs euro and buys Italian bonds from Jon Corzine’s failed MF Global
  • Warns it’s ‘difficult to know right decisions to make’ after boom years
  • Supports Occupy Wall Street, Democrats and Obama re-election efforts

Mark Duell

Last updated at 10:01 AM on 25th January 2012

Billionaire investor George Soros has warned the global economic system could collapse and riots on the streets of America are on the way.

The 81-year-old said he’d rather survive than stay rich as the world faces an ‘evil’ period and Europe fights a ‘descent into chaos and conflict’.

He has backed the euro, bought $2billion in European bonds and insisted the economic climate is similar to the 1930s Great Depression.

Warnings: George Soros said he'd rather survive than stay rich as the world faces an 'evil' period and Europe fights a 'descent into chaos and conflict'

Warnings: George Soros said he’d rather survive than stay rich as the world faces an ‘evil’ period and Europe fights a ‘descent into chaos and conflict’

‘The euro must survive because the alternative – a breakup – would cause a meltdown that Europe, the world, can’t afford,’ he told Newsweek.

‘The situation is about as serious and difficult as I’ve experienced in my career. We are facing now a general retrenchment in the developed world.’

His warnings came as U.S. stocks dipped on Tuesday, with talks to resolve Greece’s debt crisis faltering and threatening a five-day winning streak.

Greece moved closer to the possibility of a chaotic default after euro zone officials rejected a final offer from the country’s private bondholders.

Mr Soros, known as the ‘the man who broke the Bank of England’ after he made $1billion when Britain’s pound crashed in 1992, had more warnings.

‘The best-case scenario is a deflationary environment,’ he told Newsweek. ‘The worst-case scenario is a collapse of the financial system.’

Support: Mr Soros has backed the Euro, bought $2billion in European bonds and insisted the economic climate is similar to the 1930s Great Depression

Support: Mr Soros has backed the Euro, bought $2billion in European bonds and insisted the economic climate is similar to the 1930s Great Depression

The veteran financer added that ‘it’s very hard to know how you can be right’ after all the problems associated with the ‘boom years’ before now.

‘The euro must survive because the alternative – a breakup – would cause a meltdown’

George Soros

Mr Soros compared the economic crisis to the collapse of the Soviet Union and said people do not fully understand what is happening.

He told Newsweek a euro collapse could ‘revive the political conflicts that have torn Europe apart over the centuries’ and increase racism.

The European bonds he bought were mostly Italian and from ex-Goldman Sachs chief Jon Corzine’s now-collapsed securities firm MF Global.

Investments: Mr Soros bought European bonds from the now-collapsed securities firm MF Global, run by ex-Goldman Sachs chief Jon Corzine (pictured)

Investments: Mr Soros bought European bonds from the now-collapsed securities firm MF Global, run by ex-Goldman Sachs chief Jon Corzine (pictured)

Meanwhile on Tuesday, U.S. central bank
the Federal Reserve opened a two-day meeting that is expected to end
with a signal that interest rates will be held near zero into 2014.

‘The situation is about as serious and difficult as I’ve experienced in my career’

George Soros

Mr Soros, based in Manhattan, New York,
is known to make his money on long-term solid share choices and avoids
investing in gold.

He supports the Occupy Wall Street movement and claims the response to potential unrest could be worse than the riots.

‘It will be an excuse for cracking down and using strong-arm tactics to maintain law and order,’ Mr Soros told Newsweek.

He is also a Democratic supporter and believes President Barack Obama will ‘surprise’ the country by winning the 2012 general election.

Backing: Mr Soros is a Democratic supporter and believes President Barack Obama (pictured) will 'surprise' the country by winning the 2012 general election

Backing: Mr Soros is a Democratic supporter and believes President Barack Obama (pictured) will ‘surprise’ the country by winning the 2012 general election

But he survived a ‘personally much more threatening situation’ than the current crisis when he escaped the Holocaust in Hungary in the 1940s.

‘The worst-case scenario is a collapse of the financial system’

George Soros

His personal life was also challenged last year when his long-time girlfriend Adriana Ferreyr sued him for allegedly causing her distress and assaulting her.

However he slammed her lawsuit as ‘riddled with false charges and obviously an attempt to extract money’, reported Newsweek.

Mr Soros added that the European Union could still ‘regain its lustre’ and the U.S. may go some way to ‘actually strengthening the institution’.


Forecast: The International Monetary Fund - headed by Christine Lagarde, pictured, predicts global growth of 3.25 per cent in 2012

Forecast: The International Monetary Fund – headed by Christine Lagarde, pictured, predicts global growth of 3.25 per cent in 2012

In a separate report, world leaders were today urged to focus on growth more than budget cuts this year as fears deepened that recession in Europe will slow the global economy.

Global-lending organisation the International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts global growth of 3.25 per cent in 2012, slower than the 4 per cent it projected in September.

In turn, the 17 nations that share the euro will shrink 0.5 per cent this year, compared to its forecast for 1.1 per cent growth four months ago.

Europe’s recession should only have a modest impact on the U.S., which the IMF believes will grow by 1.8 per cent growth over the same period, unchanged from its September estimate.

But it warned against steep budget cuts, which it says will slow growth further and undermine market confidence, running against the push for budget cuts backed by Germany’s Angela Merkel.

It comes as the single currency fell back from three-week highs and world stocks stumbled as the latest setback in efforts to restructure Greek debt triggered more fears about the region’s outlook.

By Simon Tomlinson

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Quickest solution to solve the global economic problem: 25 Guillotines straight to Davos – with plenty of spare blades and sharpening stones….

When George Soros makes money somebody else has lost it!!

There will be riots on the streets of Britain if Dictator Dave doesn’t get to grips with his EU masters, and leave the EU and the ECHR juristiction.

Get a grip people, your jealousy of anyone more successful than yourselves is the sole cause of any ‘riots’ that will come out of this. Just reading through the comments here you can see how many people are so utterly bitter and vile that they can only see red for people that have bothered to make something of themselves. Not rich? Worked 9-5 all your life? Well who do you have to blame for that then? Yourself of course. Could’ve, should have, would’ve never did anything for society. So shut up and start listening to the people that actually do something in this world and know what they are talking about to boot.

And Cameron stills wants us in Europe !

Still, you’ve got to laugh, haven’t you?

The Ralph, Bremen, Germany, 25/1/2012 7:15 you talk so much rubbish, can you explain to all why as Volkwagen as more all its international banking from Frankfurt Germany to London is because German company`s are moving their financial reserves because of the portability of collapse of Euro into more safer British pound

Mr Soros is always scheming, the good old Hungarian

The Ralph Bremen, you really are a boring, long winded pillock, who must love the sound of your own voice.

Come on then George, give away all your wealth!!!!!!!!

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