Geo-Engineering: FAO President Higgins – Concerned World Citizen


Letter sent to president Higgins Office from concerned citizen


Dear President Higgins,

My name is Neil K. I am a 33 year old Irish citizen. I am fully employed and have the privilege of working for some very good people in the food industry. I voted for you and I want to congratulate you on your achievement. You are also the first political figure I have ever corresponded with and to be honest the first that I felt I could correspond with. I am writing to you mainly as a response to your Christmas message to us. What you said stirred a part of me that remains out of sight a lot of the time as a result of fear and anxiety.

I am deeply concerned for the well-being of the citizens of Ireland and of the world whom I believe are being subjected to involuntary poisoning as a result of Geo-Engineering Projects, specifically the phenomenon called ‘Chemtrails’. I will not go into the details of this but as far as my understanding goes there are particles of aluminium and other heavy metals being put into the upper atmosphere by jets in order to reflect sunlight and reduce global warming. I am not a conspiracy theorist at least I don’t mean to be, I am just a concerned citizens whose eyes are open.

I continually see jet planes emitting huge persistent contrails (condensation trail), this trail then expands and leads to a general dimming of the sunlight and sometimes rain. Sometimes you will see 3-5 planes criss-crossing the sky. I believe air and water are part of ‘natural law’ and should never be tampered with especially without the consent of the population. I have seen jets all my life and have travelled enough to know that they do not emit persistent trails except in certain conditions and the more researching I do on this subject the more stories I hear and read about them. It is something that no one seems to have any facts on and I feel completely powerless when I see the jets streaking a perfect blue sky. Usually about 20 minutes later I will get migraine type headache, dry coughing and tiredness. I have had many discussions with friends and family and most people just deny it and say its what jets do. This does not sit with me.

You said that once we have found our courage Ireland could again become the diamond of the world. I am terrified writing this mail to you but I am doing it because its the only course of action I can take. There are so many wrongs happening in the world today, so many people being hurt and abused unnecessarily. It needs to stop for us to try and become human again. I feel that this GeoEngineering is a major part of that abuse. I am concerned for my health, my family’s health and the health of every living entity in this world. We are too special to be subjected to this treatment. If there was nothing sinister going on then why doesn’t an official step forward and say Chemtrails are to reduce sunlight, to cool the planet, reduce skin cancer etc…but there is no information released.

Please let me know if there are any other steps I can take in order to push this forward. Do I need a petition, do I need air/water/soil samples in order to prove this? I understand if this kind of query is out of your power and I appreciate your time if you are reading this. All I would like is for Irish aerospace to be respected and to be ‘off-limits’ to the unmarked jet planes that are doing this, so that we can get our sky and clean air back.

I have put a link to a documentary recently made by some American scientists which goes into more detail.

Thanks again for your time and I look forward to perhaps meeting you sometime in the future.

Yours hopefully,

Neil K
*Documentary details:*





On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 10:24 AM, [email protected] wrote:

Dear Mr. K,

Thank you for your letter of 3 January, 2012 to President Higgins.

The President has asked me to explain that, while he has received many requests from people for assistance or intervention, he regrets that the nature of his role as President is such that he cannot intervene in or make representations about matters which come within the remit of the Government, the Courts, the Local Authorities or, indeed, any of the institutions of the State which might have responsibility for the area to which your letter relates.

The President hopes you will understand and sends his good wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Caroline Kalo


Hi Ms Kalo,

I am grateful for the response from the Presidents Office on Friday 20th January 2012 and I do understand that certain requests are out of the remit of the President’s role however, I am also disappointed. I suppose I felt that perhaps the President is in a better position than a citizen to ask questions about this global affair which may have a detrimental affect on the country’s population.

I will pursue my investigation using all of the tools and processes available to me. It is just quite difficult since aerospace is an area than no-one seems to accept responsibility for except perhaps for the Air Corps.

I appreciate your time and that of the President in regards to the matter of Chemtrailing or Geoengineering and I will certainly keep you posted if any major developments happen in relation to this.

Kindest regards,

Neil K


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