Gav Seim is no stranger to police interactions – as you can see from his website and YouTube Channel – and has been featured here at many of times. I have a lot of respect for Seim’s style of CopBlocking because he really does well with bringing the right tactic to the right scenario. Whether it be informational or confrontational Seim usually hits the nail on the head.
Take this video above for example. Seim was presumably going about his day when he stumbled along a traffic stop in progress and stopped to merely observe. That all changed when “Officer Canady” pointed his spotlight at Seim.
Here’s what Seim posted on his website about the officer and stop:
Officers like Patrick Canady in Ephrata exist to support this system of extortion. This officer is a man I have seen in this town for many years. When he became a police officer, he became known as the harasser and collector of this town. A Sheriff of Nottingham who gets off on exerting his power over others. Power that is lawless and from a government who violates our highest laws in everything they do.
The principled man should regard these kind as the dangerous juvenile bullies they are. This is about more than shining street spotlight into my eyes to prevent me from filming. It’s a mindset officials this who believe we serve them. That’s why I stand up firmly to men like this. I know a bully when I see one and I don’t pander to their behavior.
Carefully choose your battles, but always stand for what is right. Don’t do this without a camera and gauge the situation wisely for their are risks. In a place where people never stand up to bullies, I would still stand, but I might have tread more carefully. Be bold with wisdom and do not operate in pride. That can can get you in jail, or worse.
Everyone can stand up in some way. Our rights are the law and we have a duty to try restore liberty for our children, one small step at a time.
Confronting officers, IMO, is a great way to lessen the egregious actions they partake in each and every day. If officers were regularly confronted for their questionable, revenue generation and personal freedom violations I think less of them would behave in such a manner. Yet, people like Seim are few and far between but that will change as people see the police for what they are; a gang of thugs.
Hopefully Seim encounters Canady again so we can see if this tactic bears fruit and the officer’s cruiser light is no longer pointed in his direction.
Do you think Canady learned a lesson here? Did you know that you could talk to police in such a way? Would this work where you live?
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