Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says a lottery system to limit numbers at centenary commemorations at Gallipoli to 10,500 people may be a good idea.
“I’m not sure how were are going to cope with all the people who want to go without some kind of rationing device,” he told the Nine Network on Friday.
“Maybe a lottery is the fairest way.”
A waiting list or pricing system could also be considered, he said, and the Returned and Services League should be closely consulted in considering a “pool of people who are eligible to go”.
Australian, Turkish and New Zealand authorities are planning how to cope with excess demand from those wanting to attend Gallipoli’s centenary of the Allied landings in 2015, and Veterans Affairs has briefed the RSL on plans for a lottery, News Limited reports.
Some RSL members are reportedly furious that descendants of servicemen who died at Gallipoli in World War I could miss out on attending the commemorations in favour of a lucky few.
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