G5+1 Not Interested in Reaching Understanding with Iran

A senior Iranian legislator blasted the world powers for their two-sided policies against Iran, and said the Group 5+1 (the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany) is not seriously trying to find a common point with Tehran.

“The goal of Russia’s negotiations was that the two groups reach a common point, but it seems that the (the G5+1’s) negotiating team is not so interested in reaching a common point,” member of the parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Seyed Hossein Naqavi Hosseini told FNA on Wednesday.

“The negotiations between Iran and the G5+1 in Russia showed that the group uses the tactic of double-standard practice against Iran’s nuclear policies,” he said, and reiterated “This tactic is evidently on their agenda.”

Naqavi Hosseini reiterated that the world powers want to protract the time of the negotiations so that they can justify imposition of fresh sanctions against Iran.

His remarks followed two days of hectic negotiations between Iran and the G5+1 in the Russian capital on Monday and Tuesday.

During five sessions of negotiations, the two sides’ negotiators exchanged views over the packages of proposals they had presented in the last month talks in Baghdad.

Iran’s chief negotiator Saeed Jalili said after two days of talks with the six world powers in Moscow on Tuesday said uranium enrichment is the Iranian nation’s inalienable right and the Group 5+1 should now make a choice.

“Iran in particular had prepared comprehensive discussions to elaborate on its own viewpoints in five axes and the first session of the talks focused on these viewpoints,” he continued.

Jalili said his team “expressed Iran’s views explicitly and clearly”.

“We emphasized that uranium enrichment is the inalienable right of the Iranian nation. Enrichment for peaceful uses in all levels is an inalienable right,” the Iranian top negotiator reiterated.

Jalili said the Group 5+1 (the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany) should now make a choice, and asked the world powers to “stop walking along the previous(ly tested) dead-end streets and step on the path of cooperation with the Iranian nation”.

No logic approves of confrontation against the Iranian nation’s progress,” he said, and expressed the hope that the next month meeting at experts level would serve as an opportunity for the western powers to opt for the correct path and step out of their dead-end path.

“We are ready to prove the righteousness of Iran’s stances technically, legally and politically through crystal-clear logic at the experts meetings, specially with regard to peaceful nuclear activities,” stressed Jalili.

Meantime, he warned that Iran would reciprocate “any unconstructive attitude on the path of talks with an appropriate response”, while “moving on the constructive path of talks and cooperation can guarantee success of future talks”.

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