Ft. Hood is Full of Rapes & Mass Murders-INVESTIGATE!


After ongoing sexual harassment at Fort Hood, Texas, Vanessa Guillén was beaten to death and dismembered.

Click Here To Read About Vanessa Guillen in the Guardian!

In response to this crime, almost ninety lawmakers have signed a letter spearheaded by Texas Representative Sylvia Garcia calling for the Defense Department’s Inspector General to investigate Guillén’s disappearance at Fort Hood.  Women veterans, service women, and supporters for #JusticeForVanessaGuillen, in solidarity with the Guillén family, are calling for a Congressional investigation into her disappearance, the resignation of every person in her chain of command at Fort Hood, Texas, including the Commanding General, the shutting down of Fort Hood, and a halt to all enlistments in the military until justice is served.

I fully support this noble cause, and I have signed the national open letter that will be delivered to Congressional Leaders and Department of Defense leadership by women veterans and service women demanding justice.  I hope you do so, too, using the link below.

Click Here To Read and Sign the Petition!

This is only one of the crimes committed at Fort Hood.  Lavena Johnson was raped and murdered at Fort Hood, although the coroner ruled it a suicide.

Gregory Morales was another soldier who disappeared from Fort Hood, and his body was found during the search for Vanessa Guillén.

It turns out a lot of soldiers have died at Fort Hood over the last year alone.

In the last four years, Fort Hood lost an average of thirty-six soldiers per year or three soldiers per month.  There have been 138 deaths stateside, including one homicide on post, thirteen homicides off post, twenty-three deaths ruled suicide, thirty-two found dead on post, seventeen found dead off post, seventeen in training accidents, ten in motorcycle accidents, eight in auto accidents, five in swimming or boating accidents, one in jail, one dead after missing for two months, one found dead at the lake, and one with an “accidental” gunshot wound to the head. 

Click Here for More Statistics from Military Justice for All!

One of the “suicides” was Lavena Johnson.  She had a broken nose, black eye, loose teeth, burns from a corrosive chemical on her genitals, and a gunshot wound inconsistent with suicide.  Reporters suspect the chemical burns were to destroy genetic evidence of rape.  Bloody footprints were outside her living quarters.

This is starting to look suspicious.

It is starting to look like something’s going on.

Let’s take a step back.

Fort Hood is sixty miles of nothing from Waco.

Fire engulfs the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas, April 19, 1993. Eighty-one Davidians, including leader David Koresh, perished as federal agents tried to drive them out of the compound. A few weeks earlier four agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms were slain in a shootout at the site, and six cult members were found dead inside. Hearings into the raid and its aftermath are scheduled to open in the House of Representatives Wednesday, July 19, 1995. (AP Photo/Ron Heflin)

That’s where the federal government killed the Branch Davidians, under very suspicious circumstances, for exercising the constitutional rights to practice their religion and to bear arms.

The federal government said they were protecting children, but they killed those children in the raid.

Linda Thompson made some very interesting films about what happened.

Click Here To Learn More about Linda Thompson!

She figured out that some of the agents who participated in the raid died mysteriously.

And she figured out the government’s plan to herd us into FEMA Camps, something that may be right around the corner given the coronavirus.

Click Here To Learn about the Coronavirus & Medical Martial Law!

Two years before the Branch Davidian Siege, a mass shooting happened right next to Fort Hood.

One day after his thirty-fifth birthday, George Hennard killed twenty-three people and wounded twenty-seven others.  There was a brief shoot-out with the law before he ended his life.  The Luby’s Massacre was the deadliest shooting by a lone gunman in U.S. history.

The shooter had grown up at the White Sands Missile Range, a center for government mind control, before he served in the Navy.

That’s where the first atom bomb, CODE NAME TRINITY, was detonated, and one hundred V-2 rockets captured from the Nazis were test-fired.

One day after the man who grew up in a programming center for CIA MK-ULTRA perpetrated America’s deadliest shooting by a lone gunman, a bill was scheduled for a vote in the House of Representatives.  It would have banned weapons and magazines like the one used at Luby’s, and, since some of the victims were constituents of Representative Chet Edwards, he changed his vote, dropping his opposition to the provisions for gun control.  His contituency was Waco, where the Branch Davidians were killed by the government for exercising their right to bear arms.

Does that sound like a coincidence to you?

Here’s another one.  

In 2009, there was a second mass shooting at Fort Hood.  While the Luby’s Massacre was the deadliest shooting by a lone gunman in U.S. history, the 2009 Fort Hood Shooting was the deadliest mass shooting on an American military base.

Nidal Hasan, a major and a psychiatrist, killed thirteen people and injured more than thirty others.

A Joint Terrorism Task Force had worked with the National Security Agency to monitor the shooter, and his colleagues had known of his radicalization for years, but NSA, which watches our every move, failed to stop Hasan from murdering soldiers in a controlled environment, leading to investigations by the Defense Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation as well as Congressional hearings.

It reminds me of the time the Air Force failed to control our skies and the surveillance state failed to stop the destruction of not only the World Trade Center but also the Pentagon.

Or when British Broadcasting Company announced the fall of Building 7, hours before it fell without any plane striking it.

Or when the 911 Commission utterly failed to do its job.

The War on Terror is a war on you and me:  that’s why the NSA hired Markus Wolf, the former head of the East German Secret Police, or STASI, to employ Zersetzung techniques against American citizens.

As they appropriated billions of dollars for the so-called War on Terror, the Senate called the shooting “the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil since September 11,” but the Pentagon refused to classify it as terrorism, leading to a lawsuit from the victims’ families.

But wait there’s more!

On 2014, there was a third mass shooting at Fort Hood, where four people were killed and fourteen were injured.

This led to a renewal of debate as to whether soldiers should be allowed to carry concealed firearms on military bases.

Did I mention that Fort Hood is a center of mind control under CIA PROJECT MONARCH?

Click Here To Learn More From Brice Taylor!

As Brice Taylor writes of CIA’s mind control program,

Referred to as (re) programming centers or near-death trauma centers, the most heavily identified are:  China Lake Naval Weapons Center, The Presidio, Ft. Detrick, Ft. Campbell, Ft. Lewis, Ft. Hood, Redstone Arsenal, Offutt AFB, Patrick AFB, McClellan AFB, MacGill AFB, Kirkland AFB, Nellis AFB, Homestead AFB, Grissom AFB, Maxwell AFB and Tinker AFB. Other places recognized as major programming sites are Langley Research Center, Los Alamos National Laboratories, Tavistock Institute and areas in or by Mt. Shasta, CA, Lampe, MO and Las Vegas, NV.

Soldiers are not just being raped and murdered at Fort Hood; they are being drugged, implanted, and brainwashed.

Click Here To Learn about the Technology that Makes this Possible!

CIA has been doing this stuff for over sixty years.

Click Here To Learn More about the CIA’s Cybernetics Program!

The shootings form part of OPERATION GLADIO C.

Click Here To Learn More about False Flags and Gun Rights!

That’s why the government, with all its control over the soldiers, and with all its money and power, does nothing to stop the shootings.

They’re in on it!

Through GLADIO C, CIA programs shooters with mind control.

Through OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD, they splash the news all over the world.

They even tried to use Mia Khalifa as a poster girl.

Click Here To Learn about Mia K and Gladio C!

It’s so they can disarm us and put us under an oppressive government.

These are classic false flag tactics.

The New World Order advertises its plans at the United Nations, where it put up a statue in New York:  The Knotted Gun.

How are you going to defend yourself from rape if you don’t have a gun?

There needs to be an investigation, but it needs to go further than the murder of Vanessa Guillén, and it needs to go further than ending rape, harassment, and sexism.

There needs to be more.

Click Here To See the Federal Debt Clock!

Under the Constitution, Congress has the absolute Power of the Purse–to fund or defund any government agency, and it is required to review the budget of the army every two years with a view to disbanding it.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes…To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years.

It’s time for Congress to defund the military, to defund the Central Intelligence Agency, to defund the National Security Agency, to defund the Department of Homeland Security, and to defund the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

It can be done.


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Our enemy depends on silence.

The Rampant Black Violence On American Military Bases

In Korea, 50,000 crimes were committed by US troops between 1967 and 1998. In the low crime East Asian country, American personnel commit hundreds of violent assaults and burglaries every year, while rapes occur at a rate five times higher than among locals.

Between 1972 and 2019, 6,000 crimes — at least 10% of which have been serious assaults, rapes and murders — have been committed by US troops against Okinawans. Thousands have also been injured or killed in accidents caused by incompetent military personnel. The Japanese government and media defer to Washington and have sought to dismiss grievances over the intolerable situation by publishing bogus graphs that claim Okinawans — who are the poorest people in Japan — commit more crimes per capita than the soldiers do. This data is circulating online in English-language Japanese press, but it is a dishonest statistical trick that compares the apples of common native offenses like petty theft or illegal gambling with the oranges of serious crimes by US servicemen in the area such as aggravated assaults or penetrative sexual attacks.

Moral cowardice is a hallmark of the top brass of the American military. In 1995, three black US Navy servicemen abducted a 12-year-old Japanese school girl, tied her up and beat her, then proceeded to gang rape her in their van. The families of the accused men took to friendly Jewish media to claim they were victims of the racist Japanese, who after decades of interaction, commonly associate crimes by American soldiers with blacks. This is not the product of institutional racism, on the contrary, during the 1995 incident the Japanese government and controlled media conspired to actively suppress photos of the rapists from being released out of fear that it could provoke a racial backlash. The lack of seriousness that the attack was initially received with by authorities was exemplified by Adm. Richard C. Macke, then commander of the US Forces in the Pacific, who insolently responded to local anger by calling the culprits “stupid,” not for torturing a little Japanese girl, but because they should’ve used the money spent to rent the van used in the crime to get Japanese hookers instead. The three men were released in 2002.

Comment:  The little girl has a LIFE Sentence of memories of these men torturing her but they get off with 7 YEARS.  A normal Society would demand the death sentence for all three men but not the Satanic Uncle Satan.

Smaller bases are having these problems too. Last year, a woman of Mexican descent serving in the US Air Force ran over and killed a teenage Italian boy while driving drunk near the Aviano air base. The boy’s grieving mother wants the suspect to be tried in an Italian court, telling local news outlets “we all know that the soldiers on the Aviano base in this area do what they like, that they don’t respect the rules,” but local prosecutors have said they may not be able to charge the intoxicated driver due to SOFA regulations. There are other recent instances featuring cases of US troops stationed in Latin America organizing multi-million dollar drug smuggling and human trafficking rings.




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