Monday, 04 June 2012 11:09
This was sent to me today by a friend in South Africa with regard to the hysterical controversy over the painting of President Zuma with his willy hanging out (it tends to quite often it seems)
‘The controversial painting has been defaced. Two guys (a white a black) were arrested.
The ANC’s court case is going ahead on Thursday to force the gallery to remove the artwork.- A 17 year-old mentally challenged girl was gang raped the video went viral. No one marched.
– An 8-year-old girl was raped by a 15 year-old boy her eyes gouged out. No one marched.
– Entire provinces are without school text books – it’s almost June. No one marched.
– Our imminent police chief is a gangster has brought our police service to its knees. No one marched.
– Our democracy is going down the toilet but no one marches.
But our country goes hysterical over a painting! We threaten lawsuits, protests violent reprisals.
Where are our priorities???
What are we thinking??????!!!!’
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