French Muslim jailed for punching nurse who tried to remove wife’s burqa during childbirth

Ian Sparks

Last updated at 12:25 PM on 22nd December 2011

Veiled: Nassim Mimoune was jailed for punching a nurse who removed his wife's burqa. (Stock image)

Veiled: Nassim Mimoune was jailed for punching a nurse who removed his wife’s burqa. (Stock image)

A Muslim man who punched a nurse for trying to remove his wife’s burqa during childbirth has been jailed in France.

Nassim Mimoune, 24, had already been expelled from the delivery room for branding the midwife a ‘rapist’ as she carried out an intimate examination of his wife.

Then through a window he spotted the nurse taking off his wife’s burqa as she prepared to give birth.

He smashed open the locked door and hit the woman in the face, demanding she replace the full Islamic face veil.

As his wife delivered a baby boy, Mimoune was ejected from the building by security men from the hospital in Marseille and arrested for assault.

A judge in the southern French port jailed Mimoune for six months on Wednesday, telling him: ‘Your religious values are not superior to the laws of the republic.’

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what is it they shout ‘vive la France’

I thought it was traditionally, ok for women who wear that thing to be unveiled in front of other women?
I say traditionally because the Qu’ran doesn’t prescribe full veiling, only modesty.

In America he would have been in jail no man should hit a woman ever in any circumstance. all he had to do was ask could she place the burqa back on his wifes head. some people have no sense at all and its sad. And i agree with the judge on this case because his wife needed the attention obviously it was not like the nurse was trying to take pictures of her anything harmful.

We need more french judges in the UK. Well done france for enforcing your laws.

No that is how Britain should view things. France is France and so it will remain that way !
Britain on the other hand is loosing its british identity. So sad. BRITAIN TAKE NOTE.

Should of got 6yrs.

Vi va la France, at last some common sense, well done.

How on earth is she expected to deliver this womans baby without being able to check her properly! The man does deserve jail, if only for being plain stupid!

What an idiot!

‘Your religious values are not superior to the laws of the republic.’
With the possible exception of the word ” republic”, to be replaced with “Great Britain”, those words should be engraved into the lintels above the doorways of every court, from the highest to the lowest in the land! While we still can!

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