28th June 2016
Guest writer for Wake Up World
To see the beauty and clarity of a person emerging from the confusion of addiction is to witness grace in action.
All addictions are placeholders in awareness that represent an attempt to find True Authentic Self and simultaneously avoid it. The placeholder that the addiction pattern represents serves as a habituated strategy to avoid recognizing self as an infinitely whole, perfect, and limitless being that is having an experience of limitation.
The pattern as placeholder serves as a habituated strategy to look for fulfillment and acceptance of True Authentic Self in something outside of self that is inherently and incessantly empty. In this recognition, there is freedom to recondition awareness and embrace integrity. There is freedom to move from dis-ease to flow in total acceptance, and to choose anew.
Addicts are not their addictions. They are individuals in resonance with habituated, constricted containers of consciousness that perpetuate a behavioral loop. Break the connection with the habit, establish resonance with a different, more useful placeholder that is a reflection of love, and the addictive pattern will transform, dissipate, subside, and cease naturally.
A key question to ask ourselves in relation to any pattern to which we may be addicted is, is this pattern a compulsion, or is this pattern a choice? Does our well-being depend upon this activity, or are we able to maintain a sense of peace with or without engaging in the pattern? To engage by compulsion is to cage without compassion. To engage by choice means the experience of the sum total self as a whole being is occurring without the addiction as placeholder. Addiction is not an addition to self. Addiction subtracts us from recognizing our own inherent completion as one love.
Addictions are like magical rituals. They alter our states and create a surrogate sense of well-being. Break the ritual, and the power of the habit is broken too. Create a new behavioral loop through forming a different resonance in the love hologram.
So if someone is an “alcoholic” or “shopaholic,” a “foodaholic,” “sexaholic,” “workaholic,” or “——aholic,” it makes no difference. All addictive patterns are placeholders. All addictions are habit patterns. Addictions are placeholders for reflection.
Is addiction a dis-ease? Well, yes, there is a lack of ease in chronic avoidance. However, classified as a disease in allopathic terms, the behavior of the individual will likely conform to the conventional outcomes for the established morphic field. There is little wiggle room available to heal from a disease that, in allopathic terms, has no cure. In many allopathic models, once an addict, always an addict. But addiction is not an identity. Addiction is a conditioned behavior. A person with an addiction or who is considered an addict is not his or her addiction.
Seeing addiction for what it is, and nourishing the person in a clarifying way rather than feeding the confused pattern, changes the configuration. Reflections that nurture the person and not the addiction provide care that allows the long-standing patterns of addiction to stand down and release. Field 122 supports this return to freedom.
Disease or Flow
Consider that any time we are out of flow and alignment with the truth of who we are, we create a rigid state of consciousness that may form dis-ease. Dis-ease is a reflection of toroidal or light–information signals not being received in flow. This process is akin to a city’s traffic lights all turning green and red at the same time! Confusion is inserted into the information superhighways that inform the electromagnetic roads, and our vehicles (biophotons, torsion fields) either sit at a standstill or collide into each other.
Field 122 restores coherent signaling within the transportation system to facilitate the ability to break free from the confused signals leading to patterns of addiction as dis-ease.
Drop the Label
Any dis-ease with a label has its own corresponding morphic field. Whenever we resonate with the label, we are shackled to that specific morphic field and the finite information that’s within that particular container of consciousness. That container will contain us and potentially constrict us.
Furthermore, our experiences will conform to the limitations and the parameters of that particular morphic field. In other words, our holograms will mirror that field. Our outcomes will potentially reflect the prognostic indicators of the information that has been projected into that field. Remember, everything is signals, reflections, and projections in the hologram.
So drop the label. We are not addicts. We do not have a disease called addiction. We are in the process of clarifying our signals in the hologram to send and receive more coherent love. We are love.
Mirror Reflections
Whatever addictive placeholder we may be resonating with is akin to looking in the mirror each time we engage in the behavior and asking ourselves, “Who am I?” and then immediately looking away only to notice our shadow in the placeholder.
We may seek to know ourselves and yet will avoid ourselves through our addictions. We will do anything to avoid the experience of not feeling and perceiving ourselves as connected, complete, and wholly, fully love. When a feeling of disconnection, incompletion, and emptiness emerges, we are moved to fill it up. We move to a placeholder like a pacifier. We may reach for the placeholder to feel better. This action becomes Pavlovian in nature, as the feeling of being loveless stimulates a response to suckle the placeholder to temporarily satiate that seemingly incessant void that gnaws at our being.
To feel OK, we may justify needing the placeholder. We may tell ourselves, “I am not whole as love, and therefore I need this piece of the puzzle, this pattern as placeholder, for the picture in my love hologram to be complete.”
Field 122 is a holographic placeholder that mirrors inherent wholeness as a clear, coherent reflection to break resonance with an addictive, habituated pattern.
Token for Not Broken
We are not broken, and neither are our choices. In many instances, we may make choices out of integrity with our inherent wholeness to find a return to wholeness. We may choose contrast as a form of angling awareness in our prism of consciousness. We may choose addiction as a playground for distinctions (no matter how messy they may seem) to gain awareness about what we do not want, who we are not, and how we do not really want to flow as an interconnected being. We can then leverage the playground as a springboard into clarity, a different option always available in our love holodecks.
Indeed, from certain perspectives, addiction patterns can be complicated, as all addictions create holographic imprints on our body holograms that are not only mental and emotional but physical. All addictions run through the body’s physiology, regardless of whether they are of a chemical nature.
We are holographic, electromagnetic, and physical. Any pattern in the hologram affects the template of the physical body, as all patterns and layers of our holograms are torsioned together. Information–light–resonance is one in the body hologram, and no pattern ever occurs in a fragmented fashion.
Now with that being considered, all people can be free from addictions when we realize we can reprogram our holograms. We can choose to run different programs, choose different resonances, choose different field expressions of love.
The Reason Why Is Not a Lie
All addictive behaviors happen for reason. We all do things for a reason. The reason why we engage in addictive behaviors boils down to the reason anything happens in nature and universal consciousness. Love. We are seeking love’s reflection.
What we may not realize is that we are that reflection already. We are that projection already. We are that connection already. We do not need to look outside of self toward a placeholder of addiction to find what already IS inside ourselves.
In-Security Opens the Door to Addictions
Many have had the experience of feeling better about themselves or more socially outgoing after drinking a glass of wine or beer. We may drink a few more based on the erroneous notion that we can be “more ourselves” when we drink, because our inhibitions come down.
Are we more or less ourselves behind the mask of a placeholder? A drink from a well that does not flow from our own internal well of being does not make us more whole, authentic, or real. That is a delusion based on programmed confusion. Either the drink is a choice because we enjoy the experience, or it is a placeholder to complete something that we feel is missing within ourselves.
Nonetheless, we may make the association that we can be more comfortable in our own skin when we are leveraging our chosen placeholder. We may drink to feel OK, or shop to feel OK, or work to feel OK, or run to feel OK, or smoke to feel OK, or overeat to feel OK, or diet to feel OK, or rage in anger to feel OK, or judge others to feel OK. Whatever the addiction is, it will not give us what we are seeking.
What we are really seeking is connection. Connection to self. Connection with others. Connection. Love. Acceptance. Community.
Connection is cure for addiction. Love IS, and the calm-unity in community heals.
The Edict for Addict Is Love
Science is now catching up to what the heart has always known. Bonding with others heals what the bandages of addictions never will.
A recent study was published that demonstrated drug addiction is not the problem. Rather, isolation is the issue. Isolation, void of connection to others, is a strong predictive factor for patterns of addiction and the apparent inability to overcome the habit.
Bonding in the Hologram
While lack of bonding may lead to addictive behaviors, the addictive behaviors themselves can lead to lack of bonding too. Often the addictive behavior will perpetuate the very sense of isolation we are seeking to ameliorate with our chosen placeholders. This can serve to feed the addictive cycle even more. Field 122 has overtones of freedom from addiction with undertones of community and connection. Bond with Field 122 and reach out and connect with others.
Ask for Help
It is important to realize that asking for help is not a weakness. Ask for help. Part of what makes any healing process effective is authenticity. Reach out and ask for assistance. The universe will answer. Healing is a conversation with consciousness. Join the conversation.
The strongest people I have encountered are those who are openly “perfectly imperfect,” willing to admit their foibles as placeholders and willing to honor their own need for help. Asking for help is not a weakness. Asking for help is authentic acknowledgment that something bigger than oneself (as individual) is invited to play.
Humility is not humiliating. Requesting help is not a weakness. Accepting help is a strength that says to the universe, “I am willing to step into something different and take responsibility for receivership. Thank you for the hand-up NOT the hand-out.” Responsibility is the ability to respond, in flow, to streams of grace that are available to help everywhere.
Asking for help sends a signal to the universe for connection. Help is OK. Signal intent to receive help in whatever way you need it. Field 122 will support the flow of providing the love and grace needed to help move us into a different hologram of experience.
Grace Does Not Judge
Though most addictions are a hunger for connection, many addiction patterns will feed and fester off judgment. Field 122 is a field free from judgment.
All judgment around addictions (or any placeholder for that matter) may actually serve to perpetuate more of the addiction. Judgment breeds shame and guilt, and shame and guilt lead to feelings of not being loved, not being good enough, and not being worthy enough to change. To avoid feeling shame, guilt, blame, and all corresponding emotions that stem from judgment, a person with addictive tendencies will reach for the placeholder to feel better.
Field 122 is freedom from judgment and guilt, for grace does not judge. Grace is the great equalizer. Grace blankets us with love and compass-ion, providing our ions with a compass for direction . . . pointing to our true north centered by the fulcrum of love, returning us always to the field of our eternal heart.
Addictive Relationships
We also can be addicted to people whom we perceive can provide us with the love we do not know is within us. Whenever we are looking outside of ourselves for the love that is inherently within us (that we are not giving to ourselves), we may out-loop that void as a projection in our relationship holograms.
To me, the difference between loving someone freely and being in an addictive dynamic is the level of honesty, respect, appreciation, honor, dignity, support, and integrity that relationship provides to us in our holograms. These components of love must be gifted to ourselves first, and then will we encounter them in our relationships.
Sometimes we will enter into an addictive relationship as a placeholder to emulate the absence of the very qualities our heart wants us to provide to self. For example, if we do not feel worthy of respect, we may pick a partner who does not respect us (because he or she does not respect himself or herself). We may become addicted to the partner in attempt to get him or her to respect us. We may not realize that once we command respect for self, the placeholder that the addictive relationship represented will be filled with the value that the addictive pattern offered us through contrast.
Addicted to the Drama Wave
Our addiction to struggle can lead us to devalue the gentle and humble evolution that can accompany development without drama. —Ezzie Spencer
One of the biggest addictions that we come up against from a morphic field standpoint is addiction to drama. Field 122 can clear the addiction to drama. Drama often creates a physiological response in our nervous systems that produces neurotransmitters that we will then crave. To feed the craving for the chemicals that drama produces, we will create dramatic circumstances so we can get our fix.
Addiction to drama can make us feel woozy until we realize we don’t need the Drama-mine. When we understand what the drama represents for us as a placeholder, awareness will set us free. Field 122 can support us in this emancipation.
Addiction to drama is false power created as a polarized reaction to feeling powerless. Drama drains our power no matter what role we may be playing back and forth, victim or perpetrator alike. All actors in the drama are directing life force away from the vortex of the heart into the push–pull linear dynamic of surrogate control. Drama is a tug-of-war with self, and that rope will eventually choke any sense of peace, joy, and semblance of unity with all parties involved. Nobody wins the drama game. Let go of the struggle. Choose to let go and play from the unified field of the heart . . . a drama-free zone.
Consider that addiction to drama is just another way to avoid accountability, responsibility, authentic communication, integrity, and connection to self and others. Drop the drama, for it is no longer interesting. Our hearts offer us a brand-new script based on the language of love and light every day.
If–Then–Never Now Living
Many of us are addicted to If–Then–Never Now Living, a program of contingencies. Our joy, peace, and happiness are incessantly shunted to some moving-target future date based on the parameters of If–Then. Our happiness is contingent upon what may come, not what IS happening.
“If I meet a lover, then I will be happy.” “If I get a promotion, then I will take vacation.” “If I lose 10 pounds, then I will feel good about myself.” “If I just save this much money, then I will feel financially secure.” “If I could only . . . , then . . .” If–Then is an addictive pattern that cycles us away from what is inherently available now.
If–Then living puts all programs of love and joy on pause in the Neverland of our love holograms and connects us to delayed broadcasts that never arrive. If–Then living is not living at all. If–Then living is a pause for because.
We don’t need cause for the joy of being. We do not need reason for peace. And when we find our joy and peace, our happiness will find us too. Get addicted to NOW. Field 122 will support us in the freedom of being free in the here and now, without addiction to contingencies.
Addictions to Being Healthy
Consider that there are even healthy addictions. Are we eating only rice cakes because it is what our bodies desire for nourishment or because we are addicted to controlling calories? Are we running six miles a day because it feels good to move or because it’s the only way we can stand our jobs? We may notice that our sense of well-being feels dependent on the daily run, or the rice cakes, or any placeholder that we deem healthy. However, if we miss one day of the run or eat a cheese sandwich, then there are hours of mental rumination, or perhaps an attempt to run twice as far the following day, cut our rice cakes in half, or engage in exaggerated compensations that prevent us from being peaceful now . . . and in the joyful flow of our hearts.
A key to identifying healthy addictions is the degree of flexibility or rigidity associated with the patterned placeholder. The greater the degree of flexibility and balance in relation to the placeholder, the more choice is available, the less likely it is that the pattern is an addiction. Conversely, the more rigidity, inflexibility, and instability associated with the placeholder, the more likely the pattern has aspects of addiction that may warrant more awareness, love, introspection, or appreciation to allow for transformation. For support in calibrating the difference for you, drop into the heart and connect to Field 122. You know the difference. You always know.
Appreciate the Addictive Pattern
Why offer appreciation for the addictive pattern? As a placeholder, the addiction has served a very important role in our love holograms. As a placeholder, that pattern has shown up like a loyal friend to reflect to us exactly where we are not feeling love, allowing love, or giving love to ourselves. As a placeholder, the addictive pattern has shone a laser beam of clear light into the intersecting waves of our holograms to show us our blind spots.
Appreciation for the addictive pattern is a form of ceremonial witnessing, as a rite of passage.
“Thank you, placeholder, for showing me that I was so thirsty for love that I reached for a substitute in place of the real nectar. Now that I recognize the unknown value of the placeholder, Love, your services are no longer required. The equation is solved, and you have played your part. In sum, the total of me is wholly free.”
Addictions as Distinctions
In my life, I have experimented with various distinctions that would qualify as addictive placeholders, based on the definition provided herein. Some may be curious what the addictions were specifically, and though I am happy to be open about my prior choices, the truth is that the placeholder doesn’t matter: drugs, alcohol, work, food, starvation, education, money, poverty, moving, stability, exercise, laziness, lovers, friends, drama, misery, admiration, insecurity, and the list may go on . . . all were placeholders patterning for love in the hologram.
In hindsight, I see no difference between any of the patterns as all were configured as a means of fulfillment. Certainly some brought more extrinsic rewards and others brought calamity. However, intrinsically, all of the placeholders represented the same thing: my search for self-love.
All addictive placeholders were compulsions, not options. The compulsions were there to drive me away from myself, until I crossed the intersection of grace and love. Little did I know that fulfillment was resting comfortably in the vehicle of the field of my heart.
Nestled in my heart, the seat of my soul, was unbounded potential, love, and so much grace. Within the heart rested creative intelligence and the essence of completion, such that no addiction needed to take its place. This place is reserved for all of us, void of addiction and filled with love.
From our hearts, we may carefully watch our tendencies to “habi tuate” with a nurturing eye, for when the choices become compulsory, therein is a cue to love self more.
Allow for external compulsions to transform to inner passions of choice, choices that flame from within the fires of the heart of completion. Let love be our self-fulfilling prophecy. This is available to us all. Make the call. Field 122 is standing by, waiting for your signal intent to connect. Just connect. Choose to be free.
Addicted to Story
Although I have been down the road of addictive placeholders repeatedly, I have seldom spoken or written of them publicly because when I was done, I was totally done. I felt no need to let the world know I had overcome self-destructive tendencies.
To me, I felt speaking out on the matter was somehow a ploy for attention, a form of addiction to negative attention. I felt in my heart that talking about details of past patterns was a form of re-creation and would potentially keep me wallowing in and resonating with the very patterns I had supposedly transcended. In that sense, the addiction as a virtual placeholder remained as real as the actual placeholder in the love hologram. This may not be true for others, but it is certainly worth considering.
However, addiction is a big placeholder in society worth bringing to light. Many speak of their journeys overcoming addiction authentically, with the intention to compassionately help others know they are not alone in their struggles, and as a result, many more are helped to recovery. Nonetheless, there still seems to be so much confusion about what addiction may be and even more confusion surrounding how to cure it.
Addiction is a placeholder for love. Perhaps the shame, secrecy, confusion, and misdirection for so many around this topic are symbolic of the very real need we have as a society to come together. Through bonds of love, acceptance, authenticity, awareness, and respect for the interconnected unity of everything, the harmonics of grace can move us to a new resonant awareness, an octave free from the distractions of addiction and free to orchestrate the joy of being.
Love Is the Only Placeholder
Although Field 122 is termed freedom from addictions, in essence this is a field of freedom. Freedom. Freedom to Be Whole. Complete. Free to be you and me. Together as WE, availing ourselves of the power and realization of love as the only placeholder.
Love is the only placeholder worth keeping. Love is the only placeholder that has infinite value. Accept no substitutions, no addictions, no additions, and nothing less. You deserve more. We all deserve more. We all deserve love. Love is the only placeholder!
Allow for Field 122 to embrace you and honor you. Open to yourself in completion. You are a unique reflection of infinite intelligence—that which is love as the consciousness inherent in everything. This is you. Love is our golden key that opens us to freedom from the prison of addictions. Our hearts provide the golden means to freedom in all that we create and experience. Field 122: Freedom to be Truly Authentically You.
Practical Play
Drop into the field of the heart and center in your Love Sphere. Signal intent to connect to Field 122.
Now consider an addictive placeholder you are currently engaging with in your reality. From your heart, supported by Field 122, ask yourself what the addictive placeholder represents to you. Notice any thoughts, ideas, emotions, or sensations that occur for you.
If you could begin to relate to the placeholder in a different way, from a space of choice, how might your circumstances be different? Connect to that feeling while resonating in Field 122.
How might loving yourself exactly as you are, perfectly imperfect, change how you relate to this pattern? Does the placeholder feel more or less like a choice? Trust whatever occurs to you. There is no right answer. Both answers will help you gain insight into the real value the placeholder carries in your love hologram.
Now, consider all the reasons you may want to move out of the addictive pattern into the realm of freedom—to choose or not to choose to engage in the pattern? What thoughts, reasons, sensations, or emotions surface for you? Honor the variety of resonant waves that may swell up from this question. Freedom from our addictions may feel exciting, scary, and empowering at the same time.
If you could navigate freely without your addiction, what might your life look like, or feel like? How might your relationship with yourself and others change by resonating in Field 122, Freedom?
Consider the value of asking for help. There is no shame in recognizing when we need a helping hand and loving support. Field 122 will support you in finding the right match for this desire.
Whether we are seeking freedom from our addictions or freedom to be ourselves, Field 122 will send spherical waves of love and grace to support us in being wholly so we truly are. Field 122 signals the knowingness that love is the only placeholder where true freedoms reigns.
This article excerpted and adapted from the bestselling book “Little Book of Big Potentials”…
Little Book of Big Potentials: 24 Fields of Flow, Fulfillment, Abundance, and Joy in Everyday Life
Little Book of Big Potentials is a culmination of Melissa Joy Jonsson’s unique, expansive work integrating scientific principles and spiritual concepts into practical daily experiences. It offers a complete system of relating, assimilating, and embodying empowered, joy-filled, extraordinary living.
The Little Book of Big Potentials is about much more than recasting thoughts or beliefs to change reality; it is about commanding the power of the unified heart and information fields that shape the experience of reality. Through a delightful interweaving of science, spiritual insight, enlightening humor, and practical play, Melissa Joy takes us into the heart of interactive reality creation and provides an evolutionary perspective on the nature of reality based on universal truths, scientific observations, and practical experience.
“Little Book of Big Potentials: 24 Fields of Flow, Fulfillment, Abundance, and Joy in Everyday Life” is available here on Amazon.
Previous articles by Melissa Joy Jonsson:
- Off With the Lampshades — Be Your Own Light
- Love, Creation and Morphic Resonance – The Formula for All Matters in The Love Hologram
- Love Waves In Our Hologram
- Reality and Experience – Morphic Fields and The Power Of Choice
- Embodying Our True Authentic Self in The Love Hologram
- Relationships: Co-Creation, Unification, and Ripples In The Pond
- Heart-Centered Awareness – Our Portal to Joy
- Time Travel Through the Eternal Now
About the author:
Melissa Joy Jonsson (M-Joy) is best known for her ability to engage people from all over the world to embrace their True Authentic Power through accessing universal consciousness by playing in the field of the heart. She has a unique perspective on how we are able to experience living joyfully and loving completely from a state of grace.
Melissa has been teaching popular life-transformational Matrix Energetics® seminars around the globe since 2008. She is the founder and instructor of the “M-Joy” seminar series, a unifying movement in consciousness dedicated to exploring and expanding heart-centered awareness and practical personal empowerment for everyone. Prior to creating a career she loves, she spent almost fifteen years as an executive in the pharmaceutical industry.
Melissa is the author of the books “Little Book of Big Potentials: 24 Fields of Flow, Fulfillment, Abundance, and Joy in Everyday Life” and “M-Joy Practically Speaking; Matrix Energetics and Living Your Infinite Potential” as well as “Into the Matrix: Guides, Grace, and The Field of the Heart” and “The Physics of Miracles: Tapping in to the Field of Consciousness Potential” with Dr. Richard Bartlett.
Melissa has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of California at Santa Barbara. She completed graduate studies at Pepperdine University’s Graziado School of Business and Management.
She is sought after as a respected published author and as a frequent guest speaker on global radio broadcasts. Melissa is well known for her eloquent articulation and personal accessibility on both nationally and internationally recognized social media platforms.
Melissa Joy is passionate about inspiring every other person to realize his or her True Authentic Self with practical, creative, and powerful wisdom that she embodies every day. She enjoys long runs near the ocean in San Diego, reading, hanging out with friends, and sharing with people the joyful journey of living their infinite potential.
To learn more, please visit MJoyHeartField.com and Facebook.com/MJoyHeartField.
Source Article from http://wakeup-world.com/2016/06/28/freedom-from-addictions/
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