France election 2012: week in highlights

In danger of being outflanked on her Right by Sarkozy’s conservative values
drive, Marine stirred things up this week by banging on that almost all meat
sold in the Paris area is halal. It turns out she may have a point. She
filed for charges and her polls improved slightly.

No cantato from François Hollande, but he did unveil his desert island
playlist to a blog
. Adele’s Rolling in the Deep is one of his surprise favourites.
Judging by the baseball cap he’s clearly hoping for the “yoof “vote
(education and the young are central tenets of his campaign).

The only foreign song on Sarkozy’s presidential
is Elvis’s Love Me Tender. No surprise to see wife Carla
Bruni’s L’Amoureuse alongside Johnny Hallyday and other Gallic golden
oldies. Sarko it seems, is returning to his mainstream cultural roots –
electoral period oblige.

Sarkozy’s muffed regrets and battle of two “fronts”

One of this week’s priceless moments was watching Sarko muff
his regrets on spending
his 2007 electoral victory night in Le Fouquet’s
– a swanky club on the Champs-Elysées – with France’s richest bosses. The
bling soirée earned him his “President of the rich” tag.

Hollande joked that it was “touching” to watch him repent like a “little boy”
– but that his remorse came too late. “Democracy is not amnesia.”

This week also saw a surreal battle of two “fronts” between Jean-Luc
-Melenchon and Marine Le Pen, populist leaders of the leftist and far-Right
parties, Front de Gauche and Front National.

So far in the campaign, Melenchon has called Le Pen a “half demented”,
“yellow-bellied “bat”, a “fascist” and “half-asleep bigot”. She has called
him the “system’s useful idiot” – as he is softening up the far-Left vote
for the Socialists – and is taking legal action against the insults.

They were due to go head to head in a TV debate on Thursday night, but Marine
le Pen refused to respond, saying Melenchon didn’t box in the same category
(she has 18 per cent voting intentions in polls, he has 8 per cent).

Melenchon tries to goad
Le Pen
, who ignores him by reading the paper – five million French tuned
into the non-debate.

Both cried victory afterwards as they battle to win the working class vote – a
fight Le Pen is winning hands down.

But the Le Pen/Melenchon standoff was a sideshow in a week dominated by a
tense Hollande-Sarkozy duel.

Wooing the workers

After styling himself as a “man of the people” last Sunday, Sarkozy promised
this week to effectively
raise the minimum wage
for millions of workers.

“Mystification,” replied Hollande.

Sarkozy then took the fight to the Socialist fiefdom of Lille, whose mayor
Martine Aubry, spawned the 35-hour working week. “In 2007 I chose work, I
haven’t changed my mind,” he told a crowd of 10,000. Little applause,
however when he promised to ban complementary pension for high-earners and
golden parachutes. The French have heard it all before.

Hollande pointed out that unemployment figures had risen by a million under
Sarkozy’s watch.

Champions of industry – dirigiste, moi?

With saving French industry as their leitmotif, the candidates have been
clamouring to meet workers in plants threatened with closure.

Friday, Sarkozy rushed to ailing refinery Petroplus in Petite-Couronne to
announce a deal with historic owners Royal Dutch Shell to keep it on life
support for another six months.

The same day, Hollande, travelled to Florange in the Moselle valley where an
Arcelor-Mittal steel plant is faced with closure. To cheers, he promised to
draft a bill next week forcing companies who want to drop a plant to first
find a prospective buyer.

Sarko caused ire in Britain last month by claiming the UK has no industry any
more” but in truth, the two countries are roughly on a par in terms of
manufacturing as a percentage of GDP (around 11 per cent). France has lost
763,000 industrial jobs in the last ten years and shed 355,000 since Sarkozy
took office in 2007.

The president-candidate has pulled out the stops to save two doomed plants,
French lingerie makers Lejaby and solar-cell constructors Photowatt –
critics say he has merely prolonged their agony by calling in temporary
favours from industrialist friends.

France’s “ouvriers et employees”, its blue and white collar workers, remain
key to the presidential elections, accounting for 43 per cent of the

In 2007, Sarkozy managed to secure 50 per cent of their votes. But a few
unwise dirigiste promises later and that support is now down to just 12 per
cent back him, with Hollande and Marine Le Pen taking a third of the pie
each. Le Pen is well ahead with blue-collar labourers.

“Everyone to the factory!” wrote Libération in its editorial, which fretted
that all these impossible promises are fuelling one party: the National

With the dust still settling outside the factories, the campaign circus is
already moving on: now all eyes are on farming and Paris’ annual and hugely
popular agricultural fair, which opened on Saturday – but that can wait til

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