One of the best Fox News personalities, a co-host of the morning show “Outnumbered” has posted a selfie to Instagram and it is going viral!
Andrea Tantaros is known for her opposition to Barack Obama and the sickness of liberalism. She is one of my personal favorites. Liberal guests seemingly don’t like her much because she tells it like it is and hammers them when they bring up their useless points. She is awesome.
The beautiful Fox News star posted a picture of herself wearing a pink T-shirt featuring an AR-15 rifle along with the popular phrase among us 2nd Amendment supporters “Come and Take It.”
The phrase is derived from the ancient Greek phrase Molon labe (Greek: μολὼν λαβέ molṑn labé), meaning “come and take it” , is a classical expression of defiance. According to Herodotus, when the Persian armies demanded that the Greeks surrender their weapons at the Battle of Thermopylae, King Leonidas I responded with this phrase.
Our right to own and carry firearms is under assault by Obama and his demented liberals. They want to disarm us. They can all go to hell.
We have the right to defend ourselves against the enemy. That enemy is here in America with racists like Black Lives Matter than openly call for killing white people or ‘cracka’s’ as they call us in their ghetto slang. We also have Muslims that want to cut off our heads and play soccer in the streets with our noggins. And we have RAMPANT CRIME with armed criminals that aren’t satisfied with their welfare checks and need more money for their drugs that will rob you in a heartbeat.
We will NEVER hand over our guns. They can pound sand. If they want them the they can try to “COME AND TAKE THEM!” Good luck you liberal scumbags.
God Bless.
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