But John Kerry says like all habitual liars, they believed their own lies so it really was not a war crime.
Darius Rochebin, a French journalist confronted “Lurch” Kerry about the West accusing Russia of aggression regarding Ukraine. The French journalist used as an example the illegal war crime 2003 invasion of Iraq, which was a war of aggression, based on the lie that Baghdad secretly possessed weapons of mass destruction.
“No,” Kerry replied. “Because there’s never even been, you know, a process of direct accusation of President Bush himself.”
He added that there had been “abuses” in the course of that conflict, and that he “spoke out against them.” When Rochebin asked him directly whether the Iraq War had been a crime of aggression, Kerry repeatedly denied it.
“No, No, No. Well, you didn’t know it was a lie at the time. The evidence that was produced, people didn’t know that it was a lie,” the former diplomat said, before telling Rochebin that he doesn’t intend to “re-debate the Iraq War” at this point.
The 2003 war was not a crime because President George W. Bush
was never charged, John Kerry has insisted.
Well, that can be fixed.
Humans convene Nuremberg Common Law Tribunals, charge every political whore
and political in a general’s uniform involved with the war crime invasion of Iraq based on damned lies the DC whores and war criminals
made up themselves, give them fair trials followed by fair hangings.
Beliving ones own lies is not a valid defence against war crimes and Holocausting innocent people based on one’s own lies, but habitual liars actually do believe their own lies and will get pissed off at anyone else who refuses to believe their lies also.
But a good rope should solve that problem.
You know, just like the USA “fixed” the German government at Nuremberg by hanging those found guilty of war crimes.
The Ole Dog!
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