Former Democrat & Whistle Blower: 2008 DNC Voter Fraud, Financial Fraud & Gov’t Sponsored Murder. Forward To 2012!

Former Democrat  Whistle Blower: 2008 DNC Voter Fraud, Financial Fraud  Govt Sponsored Murder. Forward To2012!

This is Part 1 Thomas explains how the Obama campaign, with the aid of the corrupt DNC leadership, stole the 2008 election and handed it to Obama. Michele explains that Jon Corzine played a key role in awarding Obama Delegates which he did not earn, and shutting out Hillary Clinton who was winning – which is why Corzine is untouchable now.

In Part 2, Thomas talks about other whistle blowers from within the Democratic Party who she believes were murdered for attempting to bring the corruption to light. Now that Thomas is awake to the false Right-Left criminal paradigm, she is a Ron Paul supporter.

Michele’s WND interview:


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Posted by on July 19, 2012 in barack obama, clinton, government, obama, political, politics, soetoro, subversion, treason, video, yes we can

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