Fox, who resigned as the British Defence Minister last year after it was revealed that his longtime personal friend Adam Werritty represented himself as Fox’s official emissary with his knowledge, said the British people had different priorities from those of British officials.
Fox said instead of concentrating on force through legislation to introduce gay marriage, the British government should take into account the public’s priorities including “economic and social issues.”
“I think that the vast majority of the public have a completely different set of priorities from what I would call the metropolitan elite and I think they will be looking for economic and social issues to be dealt with first,” said Fox in an interview with Sky News.
Fox’s comments come as both British Chancellor George Osborne and Prime Minister David Cameron have said they hope the euro zone would succeed and give the British economy a boost.
In April, official figures released by Britain’s Office for National Statistics showed the British economy had entered a double-dip recession after two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth.
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